I'll Do Everything for You

Ariving on the second floor, Viona asked Fernando to put her down and let go of his arms many times, but Fernando ignored Viona's words. He continued to walk towards the room which was only a few steps away.

"Let me go, Fernando... I can…"

"Shut up!" Fernando said, cutting off Viona's words quickly.

After entering the code to open the door to his room, Fernando then got in the room he had not slept in for two nights because he fought with Viona. Slowly, he lowered Viona onto the bed.

"Why do you have to go this far, isn't my acting already satisfying you?" said Viona with no emotion, trying to mock Fernando.

  "What do you mean Vio?"

"Never mind Fernando, I'm tired of everything. I think it's better if you just get out of my room and accompany your bitch who…"
