Evil woman

"What took you so long? What were you doing in the toilet?" Fernando asked curtly at Viona, who had just sit down. 

"I peed, do I need to tell you again what I did in the toilet?!" Viona replied, no less curtly. She was already fighting too much with Fernando. 

"You ungrateful woman! You better stay here and sit tight. I want to join the others, remember there is my son you have to take care of!!" Fernando said coldly as he got up from his chair.

"Yes, I know," Viona replied quickly. 

After saying that, Fernando then went with Justin and Harry to join some of his business partners who were present and the bride and groom whom they took a photo with. Viona sat in her chair looking at her husband who was laughing happily with his business partners that he invited. When Viona looked away, she smiled as she saw Andrew was talking together with his wife, Cecilia. 

"I'm happy to see you happy, Andrew," Viona said to herself.