First Sign

Viona woke up. When she realized that she was sleeping in Mrs. Deborah's bed, slowly, she released her embrace on Mrs. Deborah and got out of her foster mother's bed to move to her own room. In fact, Viona hadn't woken up in the middle of the night for a while, but because she was menstruating, she could wake up in the middle of the night to change her sanitary pads, when she came out of Mrs. Deborah's room on the first floor. Viona heard a printer sound from the direction of Adam's room. Curious, Viona approached Adam's room and tiptoed, because she didn't want to make a sound. Her smile broke when she saw Adam was busy working. He input all the medicines he got from Global Bross Hospital today into his laptop. Before Viona came, Adam didn't do this at first. However, after Viona gave Adam some input, he finally did what Viona said. As a result, now before the stock of medicine ran out he would know faster.