Fernando’s Oath

Fernando then continued his work after Mrs. Deborah advised him to give Viona a little time alone. Usually Viona would be fine after she calmed down at the lake. Justin and Harry, who tidied things up in the front room, silently saw that the master got rejected by the mistress. They knew very well that the mistress must have not forgiven the master after all that happened.

"If she can be like this to the Master, imagine what she would do to me," said Justin, quietly.

"What do you mean?" asked Harry in a half whisper.

"That night I was the one who gave the divorce papers to Madam, I'm afraid she must be angry with me too," Justin replied in a barely audible voice.

Harry swallowed his saliva at Justin's words. He then tapped Justin on the shoulder slowly with a flat smile to give support to his friend. Justin could only nod his head slowly without speaking and went back to do his job like what Fernando did with Adam.