Wedding Agreement

After having a long talk with her husband's two friends, Viona went to the 20th floor to Fernando's treatment room. But when she was about to enter the elevator that would take her to the 20th floor, her hand was pulled by someone who turned out to be Frank, who had been waiting for her.

"Frank, my hand hurts," Viona said quietly, trying to revive Frank, who was gripping her hand firmly.

"Sorry Vio, I'm sorry. I accidentally did it," said Frank quickly as he let go of Viona's hand.

Viona smiled at the behavior of her boss and brother-in-law. When Viona was about to ask the news, suddenly Frank hugged Viona tightly.

"Frank ..."

"Let me hug you for a moment, Vio, after all, no one saw us, so you take it easy," said Frank, interrupting Viona's words.