New Viona

Viona walked out of Fernando's room with a bright smile as she put her hands in her blazer pocket, she stopped when she arrived in front of Justin and Harry who were standing waiting for her to finish talking with Fernando.

"Accompany me to go somewhere Justin," said Viona quietly giving orders to Justin.

"Yes, madame," Justin replied obediently, nodding his head slowly without asking the mistress too much.

A smile appeared on Viona's face, she then walked away leaving Fernando's room to the elevator with Justin escorting her. When Viona got out of the elevator in the lobby of the young doctors who were interning, they immediately looked at her without blinking, they didn't know who Viona was because Viona had not officially introduced herself in front of all the hospital staff. Usually, every new doctor who joins will introduce himself in the breefing room in front of all the staff, Viona then gets into the car where Justin is waiting for her.