Mrs Viona Angel Willan

Anastasia, who came with Alisha to invite breakfast together with professor Dexter, was disappointed when she found out that the professor was not in her room, at first Anastasia wanted to go home but when she found out that her future husband was on the 20th floor to check on Fernando, she was immediately excited. Alisha asks Anastasia to go to the 20th floor especially when she finds out that Fernando is being treated.

All the way to the 20th floor Alisha was seen busy tidying her hair and appearance, she was sure she could get Fernando's attention this time. Especially now that Fernando is sick, she wants to show that she is a woman who can be relied on. Anastasia, who doesn't know that Alisha is being used by her, seems happy because she wants to meet her future husband.

"Oh, why are there so many guards," Alisha said quietly when the elevator door opened on the 20th floor.