Chapter 16 - bored and chatting.(rewrite)

Bullshit no Jutsu! Hello everyone I'm really glad you guys enjoyed my story so far but I'm not sure if I would be able to post every day as my online is starting on October 5. But I will still try to post as much I can.

Well anyway, enjoy the chapter! Please tell me any error or plot holes I may miss.


Sapphire POV.

It's been a few hours since I left samshiel with Rebecca, I already understood when he looks at me and senses his emotion through our link.

When I met Rebecca, my first impression was great as I saw her dedication to giving joy to her family. At first, I noticed that she was jealous of me for being a samshiel lover but she doesn't show it to me and was genuinely happy being my friend.

Knowing my husband he would likely take action right about now as cereza was currently with him. I left him with her to enjoy their time as I accompany both asta and yuno for the exam.

The line was relatively long but it didn't take too much as we were finally able to register our name. First was yuno and showed his grimoire that made everyone jealous.

Despite being a goddess I never understood how people could view themselves as better when they don't even know how vast the world really is. I'm only arrogant to those who act arrogant against me.

I remember my father always said power could corrupt oneself if you are not careful. It was fine to be confident but never arrogant.

When I finally showed mine they started gossiping about all sorts of things like I stole this grimoire from someone else.

The thing I hated most was overconfident and accusing someone without proof. Both yuno and asta saw my expression and tried to stop me but I glared at them that made both stops.

"hey, can you repeat that about me stealing a grimoire?"

He looked at me as if I'm sort of first in the road. My face started to have a tick mark and broke when he said.

"Hmph You heard me, commoners would never able to acqu-"

Before he could continue I elbowed his abdomen that proceeds to become an uppercut then grab his shoulder using my knee to attack.

He fell to his knees as I prepared another attack toward the side of his head.

"Renewal taekwondo hoechook!"

Upon impact, he was sent flying into the wall. People were in awe about what just happened, they were surprised I didn't even use my grimoire to defeat.

Since I didn't want cause trouble for samshiel, I used my illusion dimension to turn back time then made into a reality. It was really tiring but I don't care as I already relieve my stress.

The only wasn't affected was asta, yuno, and people that weren't in my mana zone or domain.

"Woah sapphire what did you do?

"It was just my magic let's go inside, people are starting to stare at us."

We went inside an open area where they were at least a hundred people. I look around and saw that there were birds flying around the place. None was flying towards me which made me sad as I love birds! I miss my ancient thunderbird Phoenix!

I turn behind me and yuno and asta were nowhere to be found. I scan my surroundings and saw yuno standing in an open area with no bird perching around him.

After seeing that he was fine, I continue to search for asta as knowing he would likely found trouble.

(A/N: aren't you the one who cause the trouble earlier?)

Wait what do I feel like punching someone?... It's probably nothing.


After a few seconds, I finally found asta covered by birds. Damn his so lucky. I went towards him but he bumps into someone that could only be described as muscle-bound.

I could hear everyone murmur about this person. Ah, the person was the captain of black bulls. Even though I'm a goddess, it doesn't mean I know everything.

Suddenly I someone help asta and it samshiel, he finally join us. I'll ask him later about Rebecca.


Samshiel POV

Seeing asta who was currently being held by yami I couldn't help but chuckled when asta grip his arm which made him let go.

Asta was already amazing at breathing techniques that's why he manages to push his limit a tiny bit. I went towards asta and yami notice arrival, both he and I smiled each other knowing what will happen later.

"Its been a while yami."

As I said these words both finral and Gordon got near yami while I saw sapphire approach me. Finral was about to court when I glared at him that made him stop.

"Damn pretty boy are you here to pay me back but let's do this later show me you surpass your limits!"

He went with finral and Gordon while asta looks at me asking for an answer.

"Asta that person was yami sukihero one of the magic knights' captains and your lucky he didn't butcher you!"

He suddenly turns pale from my statement as fireworks start flying into the sky. It was intriguing how they still use that despite there being magic.

All of the participants became silent as one by one the magic knight's captain took there sits. Asta and yuno was awe from the status of every captain.

I was on the other bored as they took a sit high above. This made me frown as the jade emperor soul was getting pissed being looked down upon.

My eyes roam around the face of the captain. First, yami sukehiro who was pretty bored like me while nozel Silva was just observing everyone and Dorothy unworths was sleeping.

"Sapphire, what do you think of her dream magic?"

"It's not bad for someone in this plain. My dream manipulation is different from her dream magic as my power allows me to fully control a person's dream because it's one of my domain…..not to mention [dream energy]"

Not hearing the last, Her explanation was pretty straight forward as she rules the dreams and wishes. She defy law when she used some of her power.

I continued to roam my gaze to the captain that also began to feel my gaze. I only smile at them as some of them were my prey.

When my gaze met with Charlotte roselei she end up blushing. You can guess it right, I was the one who removes her curse, not yami.

I wasn't really aiming for her but when I saw her powerless self I couldn't help but see myself.

I stop my gaze as william vengeance finally made his appearance. Every captain mana was pretty insane but the density differs from everyone.

William began by using his world tree magic to create a flying broom for us to show our mana control.

I took the broom and lazily sat down while putting my arms on my knee. People started doing the test but their control was rather sloppy.

Yuno being the prodigy just stood up while flying the broom. I turn my gaze to sapphire who just did the same as yuno.

Luckily she doesn't wear a skirt. Sapphire wore a bluish sleeveless turtle neck similar to cycling. Around her waist was pieces of cloth that wrap around by a belt that had her grimoire while her pant was dark blue jean.

Since I wasn't doing anything but float until the next test. I went and say hi to our little captains of the clover kingdom.

"Wassup can I ask you to play some cards?"

Everyone was taking aback from my little joke while their member were extremely offended by me but I just remain my poker face.

"How dare you talk to magic knight captain like that!"

I didn't bat an eye which in turn made them decide to attack me. It was water magic and I already know who it was. I flick my arm dispersing the water attack.

All of the magic knights and participants were looking at me in shock. Some of them was getting angry from my current action while some admire my power. I don't really care I was really bored.

"Interesting I could see that you have an abnormal amount of mana. What is your name boy?"

"Me? Hahaha I'm a nobody….beside surviving fighting a certain battle maniac lioness."

Upon hearing my statement fugeoleon looked at me. I looked at him and smiled.

"boy, are you talking about my big sister?"

"Oh you meroleona, captain fugeoleon? Then yes I met her when I was training my magic and got to tell you she talks a lot about you."

I could remember our first colliding and body being refine every strike. Both of us fight until one is knocked out which was always me.

Fugeleon was intrigued by seeing a boy claiming of fighting his wild sister. He wanted to ask more but he needed to be professional in front of the other captain.

And she was certainly wild, she even tried to 'dominate' me but thank God I was lucky enough to stop her. Note to self never go when a lioness is on heat.

"Well I won't take more of your time but charlotte-chan I will talk to you later~."

All the captains were both shocked and confused about how I address her name. All men were getting jealous but I gave them a death stared that made them shut the fuck up.

"Yami after all of the test why don't we have a rematch?"

"Sure pretty boy just make you survive."

I nodded and went down leaving the magic knights in confuse state. I knew William or Patri is already planning something.

next chapter - rematch?