Chapter 75 - Is that you?

Upon opening his eyes, Caelum was greeted by the sudden nostalgia. For his family it was an instant but for him it has been fifteen years since he left this world.

He looked around his small room and saw the empty shelves that only had few mangas and anime DVDs. Caelum smiled as tears fell from his eyes.

"Oh right! I should summon them in the living room."

Caelum then turned to see his old glasses that he rarely used, he decided to wear them for fun. He went downstairs where his gaze met the array of photos.

"I'm back."

He muttered as he created a portal connecting to his inner world then multiple women stepped outside revealing their peerless beauty. Rebecca, Vanessa and Mereoleona looked around exploring their lover's home. Charlotte didn't come with them as she was too tired from Caelum's stamina.

"Husband, is this your home?"

"Yeah, sorry if it seems small."

He scratched his head smiling while his lovers explored and checked the place. They already had the basic knowledge of his world because they lack modern common sense.

He had already told them that their world was a work of fiction in his world which shook them to the core but calmed down as it wasn't a perfect copy as Caelum explained.

"In my world, humans have no special powers neither magic nor super strength, but they wield the power of imagination.

Humans try to satisfy their fantasies by writing about things they can't normally do in real life.

With that, humans in my word gained a special power that even they themselves are unaware of, and it's the power to create.

Every legend, every story told, and every book written is a world created with infinite number of possibilities.

However, even though they can create these worlds they can't travel to them and they don't even know that they exist in the first place, with the exception of me since I have the power to travel to these worlds.

And as you have seen, these worlds' futures are not fixed since you saw how my existence as an anomaly altered the fates and future of many people."

This made them appreciate Caelum interference, especially Charlotte who if not for him would have fallen in love with a dense man.

"It's not too shabby brat. The mana in the surround is much more dense than in our world."

Caelum checked his abilities and summoned his Gate of Babylon, as golden portals appeared. The ability didn't use any mana therefore he could used it anytime. He tried using his shadow demise magic and it was much stronger than before.

The mana in earth is to be expected because no one was able to use it. He thought that if mana exists then mystical creatures may exist as well.

"Darling can I cook something? It's already lunchtime, why don't we eat first?"

Caelum thought for a moment and decided to rest for now, since from the doctor's perspective he had just visited. He thought would be troublesome if those fools start pestering him about what happened.

Though he could always kill them and make them a nice gift for Sally to experiment on. Caelum nodded as he sat down while his harem followed suite. Rebecca sat on his lap while Vanessa and Mereoleona were beside him. Sapphire helped Cereza prepare the food.


Upon calling his name, a shadow figure came out while kneeling in front of his king. Caelum observed his most trusted shadow besides Igris and Beru.

"My king, you called?"

"I want you to go to my mother and protect her from the shadows until I arrive."

He nodded as he become shadow mist travelling to his destination. Bellion has already received memories of Caelum to know where his mother was.

They watched few shows on the television while Caelum was thinking about what he is going to do while he is on earth. He could start a business for helping people in need. It would be entertaining to plunder from the corrupt politicians and help the innocents.

He doesn't care what chaos would happened on Earth if he were to do this, since he has his inner world to protect his loved ones.

While he was lost in thought, he heard a knock on the door. He thought about who would that be since the next-door neighbor that sometimes helps them was currently in her work.

'Now that I think about it, she always visits us when she has a day off.'

Caelum's sweat dropped when he saw the harem parameter showing her name. He thought about letting it go for now and went to open the door, much to his lovers' discontent.

He smiled wryly seeing Rebecca and Vanessa's pouts. Caelum was greeted by man in a well-dressed manner with a woman beside him and multiple buff men behind him. He was looking like your typical mafia looking boss.

'Oh right, I need to pay this insect some money with interest since I hadn't paid for a few months huh.'

The man looked at the young man with long red crimson red hair wearing turtleneck skintight sweater and cargo pants.

"Who are you brat? Do you know the person living here? That brat hadn't paid his payment."

Caelum look at the man intently seeing his foul soul reeks of innocents. He doesn't have The Wheel of Samsara of Earth but he could still see Life and Death energy.

"That would be me."

"What!? The brat was skinny and had short hair?"

"Can't a person change in a few months? Anyways what do you want?"

The man was annoyed since he ignored his words earlier, but calmed down and wanted to torture him after getting all the money or his beautiful sister if he can't pay him.

"Danna-sama, what's going here?"

Rebecca went to check what's going on, and saw the people at the door. She could see their intent and only gave warm smile that charmed the men. Caelum sensed their lecherous gazes and raised an eyebrow but this gave an immense pressure ,terrifying the men.

"I will say this again, what do you want!?"

"Tch, brat I need to you pay me what you owe me with interest or else."

He pointed at the buff men behind him who were shaking, as Caelum gaze was like death itself. The moment they made the mistake of giving a lecherous gaze to his woman, death was a mercy.

Caelum wanted to play with the old man(E/N: gay), because he knew what he had done in the past and Caelum couldn't do anything as he lacked many things. He couldn't endanger his family just because of this guy.

"Here, I think this would be enough?"

He reached to his pocket revealing a diamond, making the old man's jaw drop because he knew it was impossible for him to get something like this, and as a corrupt leader he needed to know where he got it.

"…N-No this too little! Tell me where you got this or else!"

"Hmm or else what, mongrel?"

Then dozens of golden portals appeared then golden chains wrapped around them making all of them gasp. Caelum gazed at the woman and saw that she was innocent, this made him use Sha Naqba Imuru and saw that she did this job in order to help her sister who has cancer.

"Woman, you'll not remember this but here, make sure you make a good business and use this to heal your sister but make sure that she doesn't waste even a single drop."

He gave a diamond necklace and the extra cure-all potion that will disintegrate after being used while erasing her memory of him but still knowing what to do.

"What are you doing!? Stop this!! I will kill you if you don't remove these things!"

After making the woman sleep, he turned towards the insect, revealing his eye of wisdom shocking them. His eyes crack open revealing his alpha and omega pupils.

"A coward who doesn't realize the situation he is currently in. In other words you're an idiot."

He grabbed the old man's neck and saw his despair thinking he would die which made Caelum chuckled a bit.

"Hehe…you think I'll kill you? No no no, of course not. How can I be-"

The old man was relieved to hear he was not going to be killed, but that hope was obliterated when he heard the next words.

"…So nice? It would be too light of a punishment for scum like you, who only used the innocents as stepping stones. Don't worry you will be a nice gift for two of my women."

They were first tortured inside an infinite tsukuyomi making them feel the suffering of the people they hurt in the past. He has already locked the space, making sure his women won't see his cruel side.

"Sally would be happy for getting new bodies, while Quinn is going to have more food for her hive."

Finishing everything, he made sure to get all the information in the brain old man. Removing the lock, he turned to see not Rebecca but Kaguya, in his living room wearing her kimono.

"Kaguya? What are doing here? I thought you were with Aino?"

"Anata, I came here since I finished my training so I thought to come as well!"

"Oh I see well...I think you should change your clothes and also make yourself look more human."

Nodding, Kaguya changed her outfit into a more casual with the Otsutsuki symbol behind her.

'Now that I think about it, we all look like cosplayers.'

"Danna-sama, what did you do to them?"

"Nothing, I sent them for sally."

"Ah..well let's eat, Sapphire said the food is ready."


After finishing their lunch, most of his harem remained since having a harem on Earth wasn't normal. He went with Sapphire, since she was the main and first wife in the harem.

The other girls went to watch some movies. While Mereoleona watched sports on her cellphone that Caelum bought from the system cheaply. His other girls were a bit jealous, but he said that he would take them on dates and buy each one a phone. It would be killing two birds with one stone.

Stepping out his new Tesla car that was black with red streamlines. He doesn't like sports cars, and only like comfortable ones. He made sure to upgrade its features with enchantments.

The onlookers watched in awe as a white-haired woman stepped out from the car along with a man with long crimson messy hair. They wore casual clothing yet they exude the aura of gods and goddesses.

'Hmmm, I feel some people worshipping me?"

Caelum focus his attention and felt people faith in his Jade Emperor soul. This made him intrigued and thought about visiting China to see if his mythology was real.

'It's not as strong a magic but I feel that my sea of consciousness is getting denser…'

Dismissing his thoughts for now, he held Sapphire's hand who proceeded to lay her head on his shoulder, much to the people's dismay.

"Are you ready?"

"Of course I am! I'm excited to meet my mother-in-law!" (E/N: And future sister..…) (A/N: Shut up! Don't ruin the moment!)

He chuckled and walked towards the hospital. Caelum used his genjutsu to make them allow him to visit his mother.

Now, he stood at the door of his mother's room, his breathing was heavy. He was afraid beyond belief, because finally he would be able to talk with his mother again. One of the few people that wholeheartedly loved him.

Opening the door, he saw his mother's pale face with many machineries attached to her. Caelum gripped his heart, it been so long since he had seen her face. If not for her thin pale body then her beauty would be out of this world.

Sensing her lover's distress, Sapphire held his hand tightly making him look at her with his right eye crying.

He moved beside his mother while removing the machineries that were connected to her, he then used his Angel's Embrace skill with its maximum output alongside using his Vital Energy manipulation, restoring everything from her pale skin to malnourished body.

He waited for his mother's eyes to open but after a minute has passed, she did not open her eyes making him distressed. Fear loomed over him, thinking all of his hard work was for naught but he then felt a warm hand caressing his face as tears overflowed.

"…You have grown, my Caelum."


[E/N: AAAAAAAAAND A CLIFF!!!! How was it, you angry? Yeah, me too cause the asshole is lazy and didn't write another chapter and had to cut both this chapter and the epilogue on cliffhangers…]