chapter 88 - Control is but an illusion

The three women stared intently at the man in front of them. Their hearts were beating really fast looking at him. He was giving them a smirk that made them smile.

It was the person they desired the most to save them. The only person that came to their minds when they faced this crisis.

They couldn't even think as they reacted by jumping and hugging him tightly to never let go. Fear was no more and only comfort remained. The women cried on his chest while he gave them headpats.

[E/N: - OP skill.]

"Hahaha, you miss me that much? I'm sorry for making you wait; I hope I didn't miss anything."

"H-How are you here? What's going on? The last thing I saw was the old man, then you suddenly appeared!"

Lena, the mother of the women, recollected herself as she was the most mature and experienced in controlling her emotions. She shifted her gaze and her eyes widened, seeing that none of the people inside the room except them were moving.

"What!? Why aren't they moving!?"

He was still hugging the two, who were looking at him after noticing the same thing.

"Alright, chill! Jeez okay, all of you sit down and I'll explain everything."

"No! I want to stay with big brother!"

He looked at the younger sibling and chuckled as he put her on his lap, the older sister then sat down in front them.

"This may be strange but…look into my eyes."

They gazed upon his crimson wine eyes with their seductive look that made them shiver. Then the next moment they saw everything from Caelum going to another world to him healing his mother. They saw that the things that pushed him forward were his family and loved ones.

After a few minutes, they woke up and looked at Caelum who became a multi-billionaire and is basically a God. The piece of information that got the most if not all of their attention, is that he had multiple women and that made them smile bitterly.

'This is surprising, but… I still have a chance even if I'm older!'

'Tch, I was beaten by some bitches!'

'But big brother Caelum promised that I will be his bride though!? Big brother Caelum is mine!'

Each woman had her own thoughts especially the one that tightened her hug as if she wanted to fuse with him. They had already forgotten about the man that made their lives miserable as he was as good as a dead man. Caelum who sensed their emotions couldn't help but curse himself for wishing for this parameter before.

'Why the hell did I need to end up including my family!? *Sigh* Well, I won't be a hypocrite and deny that I'm happy. I don't care anymore as long as they are happy.'

"So, can we come with you!?"

"Ah yes, I was planning to manipulate him and slowly make him lose everything."

"Wait a second, when time starts moving can he feel the pain if I slap him?"

"Yeah Alizah, be my guest, but sit where you were earlier after you finish."

Alizah gave a terrifying grin towards her bastard father. She pulled her arm back, clenched her fist then punched the man straight to the face.

Caelum removed the inertia to not knock him out of the chair, but let the pain remain. Alizah was a monster as she punched her father multiple times.

"Damn that was refreshing as hell, how about you do it too, Alya?"

"Uhmm n-no, I don't like doing this."

"Ah how cute! That's what I miss the most about you, Alya and you, big sis Alizah sure as wild as ever."

Alya blushed and buried her head in his chest, while Alizah just tried to hide her blush, her mother who was watching this smiled. They took their time to talk to each other before telling them his plan about baiting their father.

"Alright, I will start the time again so try to act like you were being sold."

"Why do need to do all this when you could just do it the quicker way?"

Alizab asked as Caelum could have just used genjutsu to manipulate him without him knowing to make him dance at the palm of his hand.

"Revenge is better served cold. Where will be the fun if I took everything from him like that? Making him feel like he is in control and when he is at the highest point of his life, I'll make him drop the lowest level of hell…"

He suddenly released his killing intent that affected the whole world and made it shake for a moment before saying.

"Because he hurt you! People that I care about being hurt is my reverse scale! Thankfully, I knew you were alright or else I'd have made him wish he was thrown in hell."

The women felt happy seeing his care for them, even though he was a bit late. Caelum blamed himself for taking his sweet time, but he knew they were fine thanks to his omniscience.

He once tried refining Sha Naqba Imuru inside his seas of consciousness, but in the end, it was too much for his current mind to handle. Even though Caelum could use it passively but he refuses to do so, his sea of consciousness would get a huge upgrade if he were to refine it.

"...I'm sorry, I got sidetracked."

"Ah, don't worry hearing you warmed my heart "

"Ah thanks, aunt Lena. Now then, I'll start my plan."

He then changed back to his old man form surprising them, but calmed down since they knew about what happened to him. Truly illusions were great when you don't want to expose your identity, the time he spent grinding to level it up to intermediate is not wasted.

They took their seats as time started moving again, his uncle then felt a sudden headache as his nose started bleeding. Alizah tried her best not to laugh, looking at her father trying to figure out what happened.

"Are you alright, young one?"

When he took this form, he used the temperament of The Original Jade Emperor soul making it easier to act, even his cousins and aunt were surprised by his sudden change.

"Yeah, I'm alright just felt a headache. Anyways back to business, I want to give my daughter in marriage in exchange of a partnership."

"Oh, that's quite the payment…but let's change the terms a bit. If you can give me those three beautiful ladies then I shall give you these."

He used his spatial ring that people began to use when he sold it. Many scientist tried to analyze how it functioned but they will never find the answer as they need magic to do so.

The spatial ring could hold a truck worth of supplies inside. It only costs one hundred thousand dollars, it was quite cheap if you think about it.

After using the ring, six injections like the ones he sold in the auction earlier appeared, making the man look greedily at them. He didn't care about his wife, he only married her to get the position of her father who 'died' of old age, but in truth he was poisoned by him.

"As you can see, these are the same as the one that was sold in the auction, I'm willing to give you these in exchange for your beautiful wife and daughters."

"That's is bold move but…sure, these bitches aren't worth my time anyway, if you took fancy to them then it's their good luck. "

Caelum who was calm on the outside was getting pissed and wanted to kill him so much but calmed himself down.

"Do you have any paper so we could sign a contract?"

"Actually here, you give him the contract."

He told his guard who gave a file where Carlin didn't hesitate to sign, while using creation law to change what's written when the time comes. After signing the contracts, the bastard then offered him a drink.

"Haha young one, I cannot drink."

"Haha forgive me, but cheers!"

He laughed thinking that he scammed the old man. Caelum laugh as well not because of their business exchange, but his foolishness. Now he is dancing at his palm with no return.

He sent a shadow soldier to be used to gather evidence of his corruption and also saving people they trick and capture. The bastard decided to head back while looking at his family with no remorse as if he was gazing at an object.

"You bitches, better satisfy him or else!"

[E/N: - They will gladly do it…]

He whispered and that made them shudder, not from fear but excitement because they knew that this was Caelum. They want do it, but they know that the time is not right. Caelum who was looking at them shook his head and turned towards Alice who was silent the whole time.

"I know but don't worry, they are my grandson's aunt and cousins."

Alice was shocked, thinking that it was a mere coincidence and luck being saved by a person related to them. She remembered the harassment she was receiving from her old company that shook her to the core, but calmed down when she thought of Caelum.

"Are you alright?"

"Y-Yes, I'm just glad that you saved them. These products seem to be important to the company."

"Hahaha don't worry about it, anyway let's go."

After that, Caelum received his money from the auction while the one who paid looked bitterly at him. He knew his plan to attack and welcomed it. Who would refuse an influential slave presenting himself?

They arrived to his private yacht that made the woman jaws drop, because compared to it, what they had was like a fart.

"If you don't close your mouths, then flies will enter."

Waking up from their daze they went happily to check the deck, which made Caelum smile. Caelum created his own yacht and added the same enchantments as his home, even if he doesn't need it, it was still better to have it.

It was midnight and Caelum's aunt and cousins were asleep, he then looked at the other ships surrounding him. He was in his real form while cracking his bones.

He had put a special seal that lowers his strength but will make him receive an explosive growth. Caelum lacked the thrill of fighting ever since he came back from Black Clover.

Caelum took his position and with a single step appeared on another ship surprising them.

"Surprise, bitches!"

In that moment, the screams of death and smell of blood could be sensed and on top of countless dead bodies was Caelum who has eating a piece of crab.

"Whelp, that was good exercise. I was expecting more bu- "


"Oh a monster? No of course not. I'm…"

He then transformed into a menacing figure with weirdly shaped horns and skull face mask. His clothe changed into black glossy armor and his hair into long white hair that swayed under the moonlight.

{"I'm the devil."}