chapter 97 - don't need to call me that...

Caelum Flew towards his destination using his shadow along with his two companion, Alya and Liliena who were sitting on his lap.

They etched the scenery within their minds as they passed by vast grassland that stretched itself in the whole continent with countless high peaks.

Both Liliena and Alya thought that such a place was breathtaking, it was the first time they had the opportunity to see the creation of nature.

"Amazing! The mountains and forest are so beautiful!"

"Right, Onii-chan next time let's go around the world!"

"Hahaha sure, that would be great to have quality time with you guys!"

He chuckled and complied to their request to have a small vacation in some tourist spots back on earth.

After a few minutes, they were greeted by tall trees as far as eyes can see. It was surrounded with multiple circular lands encompassing bodies of water.

"Well, this is surprising."

The sky began to change as clouds and water reformed welcoming their arrival to the place. Liliena and Alya were surprised by the sudden change in terrain but calmed down.

'Impressive, the place changed by a lot.'

Due to the death of the Dark Triad member, Vanica. Lolopehcka, the Queen of Hearts Kingdom was able to improve her magic to a ridiculous level. Caelum changed his shadow into a ghost ship. After so long, his own capabilities in controlling and manipulating the shadows could only be called superb.

Before long they were greeted by the guardian of Heart Kingdom, Gadjah, holding fruits welcoming them. Caelum gestured for his lovers to hold one while pouring mana inside to sweeten it.

"Yo! Gadjah, long time no see!"

"It is indeed, Lacrima-dono."

"….Samshiel would be enough, I don't even know why I did something so ridiculous like that."

While he was regretting his past actions his two companions thought about what kind of adventures he did in this world. Though he had shown them with his genjutsu they were still curious if it was true.

"Have you seen Vanessa and other Black Bulls? I heard she was here helping in training them?"

"If you wish to meet them, my queen would like talk to you first."

He nodded following Gadjah to the throne room where Lolopechka was standing with a blushing face. The two women beside him gave murderous glares, making the poor queen quiver in fear but persisted.

"H-H-H-Hello there Lacrima-dono! How have you been!?"

"Gah! Please call me Samshiel or Caelum instead, it's frustrating making remember my otaku tendencies."

"O-Otaku what?"

"Never mind, anyway why did you call me for?"

"Onii-chan, won't you introduce us to your friend?"

"Yeah Onii-chan, we feel left out when you are talking to another girl."

"Ah, this is my sister Liliena and my cousin Alya."

""And lovers!""

After introducing themselves, both clinged to their Onii-chan while Lolopechka became depressed seeing the person she was interested in already had lovers. Too bad, Caelum did not have any interest in pursuing her.

"I-I see…well I called you here to thank for taking care of the Dark Triad a year ago and recommending us to train the Black Bulls magic knights."

"I'm curious what happened in the past year while I'm gone?"

Caelum didn't change the time flow between this world and Earth but thankfully it's only been a year. This is the natural time dilution of the two worlds.

Lolopechka began to explain that due to Caelum help they are able to better train and protect the land while also due the presence of Asta and co, the other invading country was repelled.

According to her, the other continent overseas had tried to invade the continent of four kingdom and right now most of them had retreated but war was being discussed.

'Well, I won't interfere because I did enough for them but if the church children were to be harm then….'

Caelum killing intent spread throughout the world as the people in the other container trembled in fear. Though Caelum had control over the world this does not apply to human will.

He still hadn't reached the level where he can manifest his own will and intent. Despite having the strongest body and power, he is still prone to manipulation if this person has the power of intent and laws.

'I would have to spend few more thousand years to at least gain a glimpse of intent.'

Even after training more than few millennia inside the grimoire couldn't hold a solid grasp over it. When he was so close it always slips from his grasp.

The people around shuddered seeing his third eye pop out while his eyes was bloodshed ready to shred limb from limb. Noticing their gaze quickly closed his eyes and laugh it off.

"Oops sorry about that! I was just worried about my friends but do know I won't participating in the war because I did my best to change the future."

"Change the future?"

Caelum wasn't worried telling them as the canon was already nonexistent and it was fun to must mess around with them like a certain ruin, medical and blacksmithing dragon god would say.

"Yes, if I didn't interfere then you and many people would have end up dead with the hands of Dark Triad. Wait have you read about Qliphoth?"

From this word, Lolopechka quivered in fear from the possibility of people dying, especially her citizens. She was curious what was this Qliphoth and checked the boundless knowledge of the past Heart Kingdom.

"WHAT!! T-this…"

"What's wrong!?"

Lolopechka couldn't believe what the Dark Triad was planning to do and how close they were achieving them. If not Caelum, then most of them would have died, though he doubts it because of Asta's plot armor.

Gadjah shuddered after learning that the Dark Triad planned to do something so vile to make the world in verge of destruction for selfish entertainment.

"Thank you, Samshiel. If not for you then what you said would have been grim."

"You're welcome anyway can you lead us to Vanessa and the rest of the Black Bulls? Also, can we use your lake because I know it was great spot for relaxing."

"S-sure thing, Samshiel. Gadjah, lead them to Vanessa."

Gadjah nodded being led to an open area where Carlin and co greeted by a shadow creature and a demonic creature holding a giant sword. Asta and Naught who were having a spar with each other.

Caelum silent created shadow chairs for him and his over while Gadjah excuse himself as he was stationed to guard the kingdom.

"Want some?"

He bought some popcorn from his system and shared it with his lovers as they watch the two devil user battle.


Asta dashed towards Naught with incredible speed while summoning his other two swords surprising Caelum. He sliced through the hordes of shadow demons by Naught.

His movements were more refined than ever, and his breath of hell change into a breath of devil.

"Breath of the Devil – Dark Meteor Sash!"

'Oh, that sounds good, but why the hell did I share my personal technique to him? Dafuq is wrong with me?'

Still questioning his past, he watched as Naught teleported behind Asta, but before he can land a blow, the demon dweller intercepted it. Spinning around, Asta slashed at the side of Naught but from that moment Naught split his body into two.

'Huh he split his body before the blade connect huh. Well, that's surprising.'

"You're improving but you need more practice!"

"I know! I need to grow stronger or else those people will come again!"

'Hmm Butterfly effect??'

Since Caelum had killed the biggest threat the world itself acted that lead for the other continent to attack. Caelum still doesn't have full control over those that he had absorbed in his inner world. Fate and conflict still exist as what should be.

'I have the law of destruction therefore it is expected.'

The two continued their battle while not noticing Caelum and his lovers. He was getting bored and took out master Jiraiya's research.

'Holy shit, this is good! I wonder if I could get an autograph?'

"Alright we're done…!!!"

Naught finally sensed Caelum and immediately summoned his shadow creatures at Caelum who calmly closed the book as he stood up looking at Naught's stunned state.

"You! You're the one that defeated the Dark Triad."

"Samshiel!? Is that you!!?"

Asta returned to his humans form without the dark armor around him had showcased his beefy stature. Caelum smiled seeing his little adopted brother again.

"Yo Asta, it's been a year since we last saw each other…or was it a week?"

"Yeah, about a year. Hey who are these girls?"

Caelum then introduced the two while Naught intently looked at him, he was still unsure whether to trust Caelum or not.

"Hey, have you heard that my mom and Yuno's mom are alive!? And Yuno is a freaking prince!!"

"Yeah, I know. It's not like I didn't get news about the kingdom after a year."

'Not to mention I've been fucking them hahaha….'

[E/N: - ….I don't think I would want Asta or Yuno calling me daddy….]

[A/N: me neither…]

He internally laughed as they chatted about the past year while Caelum was gone. Alya and Liliena followed suit looking around the beautiful and tall trees that were radiating dense mana.

Moving towards to the other members of the Black Bulls and Leopold who was with his sister for some reason. Caelum chuckled seeing her again after a long time. He wasn't against it when his lovers went to pursue their hobbies or jobs. If they ever needed him, then he'll arrive in heartbeat.

"Yo Leona, Vanessa, how have you been?"


The two moved toward Caelum giving him a kiss, while the two imouto glared at the two women. The people who were spectating felt out of place, Naught went on his way to rest leaving the rest of the Black Bulls.

"Oh, it's your Samshiel-san."

"humph, it's not like I want a kiss or something."

[E/N: - Noelle here wants a kiss from Asta not Caelum to avoid confusion.]

[A/N: forgive my shitty writing]


Asta hearing his lovers went and gave each of them a kiss as well. Caelum laughed that someone who is obsessed with being the wizard king can get Noelle and Mimosa. He then sensed the flying bird on top of Asta.

"Yo, Secre!"

"You! You're the one that killed the devil!?"

"Devil what?? What do you need?? And how did you know about her Samshiel?"

Caelum then explained what conspired about a year ago with some misleading by telling them that he had some clues that he manage to find the devil and kill him.

"Wanna get the chance to say your goodbye to the prince?"