chapter 108 - unimportant characters

Caelum found himself in the home of a married couple that he had saved from the ugly bastard demon. They offered him dinner which he accepted, but when he arrived at the table he felt the gaze of the young girl with purple hair that was tied in a ponytail.

He could feel something hidden within her eyes that Caelum was tempted to use his system or his omniscience just to know, but decided not to.

"Come! Have a seat, Mr. Caelum."

"Thank you, but Caelum is enough, I dislike formalities."

Upon sitting down, he was greeted by a wide array of food on the table. The man gestured for him to dig in but, he realized something.

"It seems that we got caught in the moment, I forgot to tell you my name! You can call me John, and this my wife, Serena, while this precious little girl here is Nesta."

Caelum nodded in response and began to eat while the young girl kept taking glances at him that made him sweat.

"Big brother….how did you fight the big bad demon??"

The young girl mustered her courage to ask Caelum, who just gave a warm smile and patted her head. It reminded him of little Erza.

"Well, big brother is a magician and a traveler."

"M-magic? Can…big brother show me magic?"

"Sure sure!"

While the two interacted, her parents couldn't help but be surprised and smiled because it was rare for their child to be so active with strangers.

She is usually alone because of her timid nature, but they were glad that she was getting better.

Caelum used some fire spells to create beautiful fireworks that made the little girl smile.

"Pretty!! Big brother again!!"

"Nesta, eat first."

"O-Okay, mama…"

"Hahaha don't worry big brother will show you more later."



Caelum grinned while patting her small head then resumed their meal. After finishing their meal Caelum went outside to show more magic to Nesta.

Her parents let her be because it was rare to see their daughter this excited playing.

Nesta was laughing and smiling throughout the afternoon when Caelum showed her different types of magic spell. They played for many hours until sunset and Nesta became tired falling asleep on his arms.

He smiled and brought Nesta back to her parents who took her to her room while Caelum was taken to his room.

Now alone within his room, Caelum took something from his inventory. It was a small box wrapped in a red ribbon.

'I wonder what this is…'

The small box was the random reward that he gained after impregnating Kaguya. He didn't have the time to open it, but seeing it was the best time he decided to take it out and see the reward.

He quickly went to his grimoire dimension and opened the mystery box. Caelum was taken back by the rewards he gained.

[Master gained Ice law, Earth law, Fire law, Wood law, Death law, Life law, Yang law, Yin law, Destruction law. ]

[All elemental laws with the addition of Death and Life laws have been fuse]

[Master has acquired Creation law]

Caelum could feel a sudden jolt in his body as it received the enormous boost from the laws within his body. He quickly sent the excess energy towards his World Tree Veins making them thicker than ever before with golden lights shimmer in the dark void of his inner world.

The Daosource fruit had gained a pellet-like appearance that radiates more power than ever before.

Inside his dantian, the golden bead began to grow, akin to the size of a marble. He knew that this was a golden core that would give birth to a nascent soul.

'Why do I need a nascent soul?'

All of a sudden he felt another set of surging energy that went inside his body as he tried his best to maintain it but failed.

It was too overwhelming to have a multitude of laws at once, especially fusing them. Caelum thought about how he could spread it then remembered Meliodas' sacred treasure and instantly summoned it.

Unlike his avatar clone that has a high percentage of his original power. After splitting his body, it becomes easier to maintain the laws that he receives.

It didn't take long for the Sanskrit to appear to try condensing it into a much thicker amount of energy. Normally, it would be gaseous, but his Sanskrit was akin to a liquid.

Opening his eyes, the once crimson red became pure darkness with shimmering stars within them like the milky way galaxy but it only took a split second.

"That's enough for today."

Caelum went outside after waking up in the morning to play with Nesta. He suddenly felt that his little captive was about to wake up.

"Sorry Nesta, but we will play later."

"No! I want to play big brother!!"

"hehehe don't worry big brother will play and teach you magic."

"Woah, really!?"


"Yehey Nesta will do magic!! Mama, Papa, Nesta will learn magic!!"

Caelum chuckled seeing the little girl going towards her mother and father while he went to kamui. Inside wasn't like Obito which had a cube-like structure within it.

It was a beautiful mountain that oversaw the clouds, far as the eyes can see. Caelum liked the overwhelming feeling, this mountain represents his limits and that he wanted to reach higher, but also wants peace and tranquility.

He rarely used the sub-dimension due to having the ability to create one in the real world, but it was certainly useful when he couldn't move fast enough to protect someone.

Caelum stopped his thought and went inside the small cabin he created where he saw the short orange haired woman sleeping on the bed had begun to wake up and scan her surroundings.

"You finally decided to wake up?"

The woman raised her guard and enveloped herself with darkness and tried to attack Caelum who just caught her wrist while grabbing her waist.

"Quite energetic woman!"

"Who are you and where am I!?"

"Sheesh, here I just wanted you to say thank you…."

Using his demon subduing force to hold her within his grasp. He didn't use much of his physical strength and only kept using the ability.

The woman was surprised that she couldn't exert any power to escape his grasp. She tried everything and found it was impossible.

"Let me go, human!!"

"Alright but calm down! I (Belion) was the one who saved you, and if I wanted I could have killed you while you're asleep."

The woman stopped struggling noticing her mistake, though her pride as a demon did not allow her to instantly trust him.

"Tch. Alright!"

"Sheesh if you keep being like that then no man would like you."

"What did you say, human!?"

A moment of silence descended for a split second, then Caelum's eyes cracked open looking down at the woman that made her feel naked before that gaze. He gave her a smile while changing into his Ancient Incubus Demonic God form that made the woman breathe heavily.

The overwhelming bloodline and his form made her flustered. She felt that the bloodline itself was comparable to the demon king or even more stronger.

"W-Who or what are you and why do you have demon blood within you!?"

"Hmph! I seem to have unconsciously changed form without thinking. Well, I'm Caelum Mercer and what you see here is my Ancient Incubus Demonic God form!"

Caelum didn't plan to change forms, but his pride as a demon was challenged when a demonic woman dared to question him. This mistake made the woman in front of him fall for him.

"And it's unfair if I'm the only one introducing himself, right?"


"Rajine huh? Well I want to ask why were the fried chicken following you?"

"F-Fried chicken?"

"The winged creature? They were pretty insignificant that I forgot to ask."

Though he already knows everything, it doesn't hurt to have friendly conversation especially with a beautiful woman.

'Do I have a thing for unimportant characters?'

[E/N: - Yes.]

He remembered reviving almost all the dead milfs and adding Rebecca who was just a one time character from Black Clover.

'Well, whatever.'

"You mean the fucking goddess clan?"

"Yeah that! They were really delicious, eating them."

[E/N: - Kinda gay, bro…]

Rajine doesn't know what to think after hearing that her pursuers ended up being eaten by her savior. Though she doesn't pity them, she still couldn't help but shudder at the thought of being eaten.

"Eating them?? Why did you eat them???"

"It's a secret. Anyways, I healed you because you would be beneficial to me in the future."

"What do you intend to do with me!? Enslave me, rape me, or torture me!?"

"What would you do if I wanted to do so?"

He mischievously grinned whileRajine quivered in fear and shielded herself, surprising Caelum.

"Wait! Don't hurt me!! I'll do anything, please….."

She was surprisingly crying, causing Caelum's brain to shut off for a whole minute. He dislikes seeing a woman cry, so he quickly apologized.

"Wait wait!! I was just joking!!"


"Really! Therefore don't cry because I don't like seeing a beautiful woman cry."

Upon his words made the woman blush. Caelum saw his harm parameter and was surprised to see another woman having affection for him.

'Shit! I'm still in my ancient Incubus Demonic God form!'

He quickly changed back to his base form and turned his attention back to Rajine who composed herself.

"Anyway I intend to use you when the ten commandment are sealed and once again wake up."

"Wait! Are you saying my sister will be sealed!? No! Let me go I want to see the commandments"

"Calm down and don't worry, your sister will be fine as long as you don't go. To tell you the truth, you were supposed to die."

"What do you mean!?"

"Well it's hard to explain but long story short I can see the future though not a certain one."

Caelum saw the sun had begun to set inside his kamui. Unlike his grimoire or inner world he made sure to copy the time dilution outside to kamui.

"It seems to be getting late, why don't we eat!?"