Chapter 132 - Reunited

The other country of lioness namely being Camelot where a voluptuous woman that no one would believed that her true form was but little girl and her age is over three thousand years old. She hover in the air as she experimented in magic while she remain stoic even seductive, her heart remain restless for the duration as if something was about to happened.

It wasn't because she was in hiding after her group had been framed at the death of the grand holy knight but rather something else. An eternal desire that she wanted most and would greedily consume such thing.

"That's another experiment done. I wonder where that bird go."

She tried to look around her lab provided by the king of Camelot, King Arthur but that's not important as Merlin felt something behind quickly tried to cast magic only met with a voice that she recognize and never forget even how many year had pass. The person who had took care and train her being the person who had been there when the time she needed her in the form of the gift she receive.

"I'm sorry if it took a while but I'm back, My little merlin."

Despite his appearance being more handsome than before and wearing a different set of clothing being a black overcoat with red. Merlin took few seconds to react then jumped to hugged her Onii-chan

"Caelum-nii!! W-Where…*sob* have you been!?"

Caelum who finally given the freedom to do what he wanted. He patted merlin like three doesn't years ago smiling tenderly as for him even though his avatar was with her didn't mean it remove the emotion of reuniting with her. Suddenly chains was form around caelum made him dryly laugh looking at merlin.

"hahaha No need to worry, I won't go anywhere again."

"H-How can I believe you? I don't want you believing me again like before!"

"I vowed to never leave you, so please remove this chains."

"You can break them easily but why don't you do it?"

"Its my punishment for leaving you therefore I refused to escape."

After a while merlin removed the chain remain hugging his brother showing off her adult body enticing him. Merlin had grown in fun woman even more than the canon and knew that her attachment to him was not familial but romantic. Caelum could see her wet gaze looking at him and glossy lips ready to be kiss.

"You've grown the last time I'd seen you."

"Do you like it, Caelum-Nii?"

Caelum didn't say anything lifted her chin then gave a kiss surprising her but accepted it knowing the affection shown by him. Their kiss was interrupted by the sudden arrival of King Arthur.

"Merlin I felt magic-What's going on here?Who are you!?"

Caelum was annoyed but put it aside turning to the small fuzzball that was a creature who wanted chaos. The creature suddenly felt horrified seeing caelum and quickly tried to flee but no avail surprising king Arthur.

"Hey fuzzball where do you think your going? I know about your plan and this where it ends."

"Merlin what's going on!? Who is this person and why is he capturing cath!?"

"This person is the one I had long to reunite with and as for Cath even I do not know."

Cath showed its true form surprising everyone but it quickly returned back having bewildered expression written on his face.

"How can this be!? My perfect plan ruin by foreign creature!! Chaos is almost within reach but you dared interfere!! I'll devour you and give you the most excruciating pain!!"

"How did cath!? Is this what his truly is!?"

"I see a creature born from chaos, I read it in old ancient text but it seem to be true."

"It's that so? Well why don't I be the one to devour you instead?"

Caelum absorbed the creature erased it from existence feeling a wisp of his chaotic energy. After few minutes, he was question by Arthur what had happened and understood before leaving.

"So merlin do you want to gather your friends?"

"No, I do not care since you're here now and that's all I needed."

"Are you a yandere or something?"

"Yan…Yandere? A foreign word what foes it mean exactly?"

"Well I need to introduce you to new things then huh?"


Within the outskirt of small town one could see a tavern named the boar hat where a young blonde boy serving horrible tasting food. He was laid back and outgoing but deep inside his despair and grieve overflow his being. The young boy was Meliodas whom had lived for three thousand years in the constantly living the hell where his beloved die within his arms. He was curse to live to see it all causing him to create a façade avoiding his dark past.

"Can you give me the best Ale?"

"Coming right up!"

The one who ordered smiled seeing an old friend and a person fun to hangout. He gave gaze of pity towards him and many would disagree being friendly over someone who's real. The man was Caelum who had change after the three thousand years appearing androgynous and more manageable red hair tied in ponytail.

He looked down sensing Chaos inside hawk's mama below. Caelum would soon needed to revived chaos and not defeat which an odd quest but accepted it. A few minutes later a loud thud was heard when cup filled with Ale was place in front of him.

[A/N: I dislike people hating mc befriend the series mc. I know what I did in black clover but in this one I only aim him to be good friend. If you dislike it then dropped this story cause I wont try to change your opinion.]

"Here enjoy yourself!"

"Care to join me?"

Caelum invited him who was slightly surprised and wanted to decline but an impulse told him to stay nodding to him as Meliodas sat beside him. The former grabbed the cup then filled his throat with the bitter sweet of the Ale. A simple things could be something extraordinary and for someone who tasted more had made thought of exploring a gourmet world called Toriko but that will be far in the future. His gaze looked towards Meliodas whom drank his own Ale as the two enjoyed the silent.

"It's been a while I have simple things but I must ask how have you been, Meliodas."

Caelum said casting an illusion in the surrounding as Meliodas eye went wide from the words that he heard. He deeply observed the man before him who reminded of him someone he couldn't forget. A kind friend who help him once when he was wounded in battle.

"Don't be so stiff my old friend, I had already place an illusion for the people not notice us. Anyway, Its me Caelum the one who saved you and had little spar three thousand years ago."

Caelum laughed loudly while patting his friends back chugging the Ale. Meliodas felt embarrassed unable to react seeing an old friend that was three thousand years ag and looked around to see the people not reacting at their conversation.

"Hahaha Yeah sorry about that I'm just surprised to see you here. It's been three thousand years since we last seen each other."

"Well for that is, I've been to purgatory and lived for how long."

"What? That's why I hadn't heard anything about you huh?"

"Hahaha no, I could come and go there whenever I want but putting that aside did you remember your fight with the vampire clan?"

"Yeah its on Edinburgh? What of it?"

Caelum look at him changing form into his vampire bloodline surprising Meliodas then he spoke in to remind him about his fate.

"Your long lasting suffering shall be over soon once time when all of you been betrayed."

It was then the sound of metal clanking then the door opened revealing a rusty iron armored knight causing a mayhem as the people ran away screaming while meliodas looked at Caelum who was smiling then back to the iron armored person.

He approached the person before revealing the one who had died countless times before his arms. It was the one hundred seventh reincarnation of the goddess Elizabeth who is now the princess of Lioes. Caelum finished his drink while both him and hawk approached Meliodas.

"What the person was a girl all along? But why did she need to scare all of the customer away?"

"It's for the best but I'm surprised that you had appeared here, creature of purgatory."

Caelum knew he had killed the demon king but why did hawk appeared here? The answer is when he was cultivating it resulted a small portal to form and transported Hawk to the human world.

"Anyway you own me a niece, Meliodas."