Chapter 162 - Time passes and life ended

Caelum had stayed for a year within the domain of Titania and was able to gain a evolution within his bloodline. It became an [Ancestral fairy god] where it had resulted in his energy to become pure from the innate ability of spirit that also let him connect with the surround plants. He could feel the will of his Zenith world connect to his own mind where if he were to die at moment where even his soul was destroyed then he'll bound to live in the help of his Zenith world.

He had also learn ancient magic from Titania which helped him give more deep understanding in Spirits and Fae. Caelum felt the woman had grown fond of him and even the creature in the realm due his innate ability to interact with the plant life. It was too be expected when he had the divinity of Spring as well as Agriculture giving an edge at them. It didn't take long for Titania to even confess to him which he accepted whole heartedly knowing it wouldn't hurt him anyway.

Caelum took her to meet his wives which they quickly gotten along specially his mother. At that time, he took all the spirit that was interested and brought them in planet where they would have land all for themselves without it gaining pollution. After the year, Caelum returned to the Yokai Faction where Inari and Yasaka welcome him telling them to go with him in mount tempest which they didn't hesitate to join before selecting someone to take Inari's position as leader. They also brought the Ten thousand Kitsune with them while he was at it since they already Caelum's woman.

"If I'm not wrong they are some in this area?"

Caelum was hovering in the air trying to spot the creature he desires which was a werewolf to increase his own Ancestral Lycan's bloodline. He then smelled the scent of blood in air and quickly followed it only to find a dozen of Werewolf feasting in corpses of human fleshed. Caelum wasn't affected by it and only felt starving looking down at his meals. He went jumped down looking at the wolfs who saw quickly growled towards him but didn't care only used his intent to instantly kill every single one. Afterwards took their corpse to be refine and take their essence within his body causing his [Ancestral Lycans] turn into [Ancestral Lycan god].

His overall appearances was a white world with red patches and blood soaked horns as well as spike on his shoulder appearing monstrous and viscous. Caelum was pleased at the result of his bloodline it was then the sky darken and the heaven rumbled indicating the time of another tribulation to occur. He went looked into the sky seeing a hundred thousand times more powerful tribulation than his previous one.

Caelum took a stances then used his [Heavenly exercise] to gain as much of the blessing above him. The first tribulation came and struck his whole body feeling every fiber of his immortal body disintegrated but pushed forward absorbing the heavenly tribulation into his Heavenly Yuan core that grew more powerful due the [Heavenly] stored within those lighting. He felt every cells and being moving like stream of water as Caelum performing his [Heavenly paragon] exercise.

He then felt something growing inside his Sea of consciousness and found the Koi fish growing in size then shifted its body gradually becoming slender like a snake afterwards its fin turns into a limb. Caelum surprised to see the Koi fished had turn into a dragon as it hover inside his Sea of Consciousness remaining still.


Caelum was baffled when he felt his body overflowed with energy and only able to survive due to the [Essences of Compatible and Blank] if not then he would have died. He saw the golden dragon open it's fiercely looking at him then flew around his Sea of consciousness before wrapping it's body around the Nuwa Painting as if protecting it. The golden scales on the Golden dragon had lit up around thousand scales and fee more millions to go.

"Damn this thing is still in slumber…"

The golden dragon appeared to be in dormant states until he gain more [Heavenly] energy which is harder due to scarcity of the said energy. Caelum finished his tribulations felt like he would soon need to go on another world. Afterwards, he went to the last bloodline he need to find which was the Ancient Abyssal Vampire emperor bloodline. Caelum didn't take long to find the vampire faction and obviously choose the best one, Carmilla factions. He could feel his own bloodline was disappointed looking at the vampire to have split into two even more in the Tepes faction.

"Who are you and why have you come here?"

The guards looked at him intently and felt their body craving his body at the same time wanting to submit themselves with utmost servitude.

"My name is Caelum and I think you already know who I am."

Upon hearing his name they quickly excused themselves calling for permission which they agreed upon quickly getting inside while being laid by a vampire maid then met with a beautiful pale white young girl that has a doll-like appearance with long wavy light blonde hair, deep red eyes, and a beautiful face similar to that of a doll wearing a red dress from the current middle age, with an ornamented head-dress. Caelum feel her intense gaze knowing that she was drawn by his think blood that had been purified in Sacred spring and having the divine vitality that could make anyone grow young by a million.

"Greetings my name is Caelum mercer and you are?"

"Ah apologies I seem to have dosed of, I am Elmenhilde Karnstein, a pure-blooded vampire woman from the carmilla faction."

She introduced herself in utmost elegances showcasing her noble blood and status. Elmenhilde kept staring at Caelum couldn't Focus even how much she tried as if he was an abyss that once you look theirs no going back. The young girl felt her teeth itch wanting to take a bite and taste of her blood but didn't want to since it meant that she willing to wed the man. For vampires whom bite someone straight in their neck meant they are willing to be their lovers which why vampire capture victim and drain of their blood.

[Ancient Abyssal Vampire emperor had turn into Ancestral Abyssal Vampire God.]

Caelum spend the couple of days within the faction and only remain even after gaining his evolution was because he wanted the carmilla faction to submit itself to him. Which he succeeded after going back and forth for last four years taking the whole carmilla with him and place them inside his inner world. Afterwards, he spend the next 800 years in spending time his family letting the world go on with the Great war with Caelum gaining not only Artemis mother, Leto, goddess of motherhood but also the three Furies, the one keep the sacred oaths.

The causalities had lessen from the Great war due to Hades death who had controlled everything behind the scenes but now his gone the angels and fallen angels found less and less reason to continue the war. The only one that kept it was the four great devil kings who refused to back done after the death of their father that boost their ego even more.

The angel and fallen faction decided to retreat with Michael went to Caelum asking for helped since they had enough of the bloodshed and the lost of his father had affected their power. If more angels dies then they would be driven into extinction which why Michael console caelum. He was a bit surprised he could feel a holy aura around him that was stronger than his father but didn't question it.

"How troubling but I'll see what I can do."

"Thank you, I hope once this war is that we may have a party."

"That would be delightful."

Caelum knew that he would be able to meet Gabriel when they have this party. He knew that after stopping the Great war the Devil Civil war will begin and this where he'll meet Serafall and Grayfia with enough luck get Venelana from Zeoticus but he doesn't need to worry because fate was already in his side.