Chapter 178 - Early rewards

Exploring the city with the most beautiful angel was an experience worth to be remembered. Caelum wont need to be worried when he had Ocean of memories that able to instantly store the vast amount of memory he gain. He could remember everything in the tiniest details due to the advancement without the fear of it fading away. However, Caelum still to first use thought to remember it to have instant recall to ensure it won't be distracting.

He smiled at the angel who was being instantly welcomed by his citizen while Gabriel was giddy at the new people she's meeting and all of them were good nature and none had tried to look at her with lust. Though if they did then Caelum would likely kill them or throw them out.

The two went to an arcade that caught her interest and played few games while laughing and enjoying themselves. Gabriel never felt that bliss for long time due having been busy with war and placing peace treaty. It was amazing moment for her and added by Caelum present who had been stuck within her heart ever since he saw him.

At first it was curious and her nature to be friendly to everyone but Caelum was different in her eyes that made her feel a heart feel foreign emotion. As time grew and saw humans find love and grow as family she couldn't helped but think of herself having a smile of a mother.

She always felt envy seeing them and also when looking from a far seeing Caelum having many woman around him but shook the her envious heart and saw how loving Caelum was. Lust wasn't the only thing that make an angel fall but all manners of sins with lust is the highest reason. It was unfortunate that the heaven system mistake lust as nothing more than senseless lust.

Caelum fully understood the reason why lust exist as without it one never have the will to pursue at the first place. It is in the people's nature to have this lust that can turn into love if nature correctly. He always wonders why he hadn't gain a Dao in lust but that beside the point.

"Is something wrong? You seem troubled Gabriel?

Caelum noticed her gaze been staring at him that obviously contains doubts and worry. He had many woman and she was by far the most hard to obtain the heart due to the complexity of her nature. Gabriel had been looking around and saw some couple were in the arcade being intimate made her uncomfortable.

"How about I show somewhere more coming?"

He smirked letting his hand wrapped around her waste causing the innocent angel to blushed. Caelum intentionally made their skin get closer and more intimate even use some of his aura to help her. She deserved a man who willing to give her what she wants.

Caelum brought her to most beautiful places that exist inside his Nine realms which was the Garden of his mother that was sub dimension that he personally created for her. It was mystical places where many colorful flowers and mesmerizing fragrant while also bird chirpings and animal looking at them curiously.

The plants and vegetation itself didn't give any special effects to the people but it was just unbelievably beautiful that it appeared to be more wonderful than the garden of Eden. Gabriel mouth went wide seeing the mythical place that cause caelum to smiled that she was now at ease.

"Wow! This place is the most beautiful garden I ever seen!!"

"Glad you like it this is my mother's garden that grew herself. It doesn't have anything special beside its mystify beauty."

Gabriel saw the animals quickly approached them and with her good nature heart none had ran away letting her touch them. She smile feeling the soft fur of a deer and perch chirping as though they were seeing. Caelum felt mesmerize seeing her as if she was portrait quickly buried the memory deep within his Ocean of memory to never forgotten.

While she was playing with the animals, Caelum took the opportunity to cultivate within his mind since he wanted to see what he would gain since he had become God and could claimed the reward. His interested in having Half of all Immortal cultivation arts, Body cultivation and Soul cultivation which made him wonder about mind and spirit cultivations.

[Main mission accomplished!

Details: The world of Draconic Deus where countless mythological faction lived and engaged in a holy war. Humans who are caught in the conflict needed safe haven and savior.

Objective: The host is task to create a [Divine spark] from the accumulated faith and establish a true world.

Rewards: Half of all Immortal Arts, body cultivation, Soul cultivation. ]

[Extra rewards: Mind cultivation, Spirit cultivation, Sacred scripture and Dream of life scripture.]

Caelum instantly felt his mind gathering a massive amount of knowledge that cause his Ocean of memory to become the size of large Sun. It was a cluster of countless cultivation on how to increased different way of cultivation. They were cultivation and not technique only focusing in growing the types that rewarded. However, Caelum would still be able to create methods to become techniques.

He could feel those that has the same theories It different principals within his mind and the sensation of countless way to reach 'True immortality' was ludicrous. Caelum was able to have more ways in comprehending his Dao and reach higher type of Dao. Desolate era and martial world was the most striking one that gave him to reaching higher realms. Though, even with the knowledge it still difficult for him to achieve transcending eternity.

'Still it gave me more ways increasing my strength by a large gap.'

A large gap is understatement due to the fact that caelum would be able to create Cultivation methods that could adapt to any essences in any of cultivation worlds. Caelum took out an item within his inventory observing the thick ancient book that had a black cover. And on its cover there were two incomparably old words – Holy Scripture.

[Sacred/Holy scripture.

Description: The Sacred Scripture or Holy Scripture is a supreme cultivation method that cultivates the inner universe, which was to cultivate one's existence, cultivating one's life, and would lead to true reincarnation of the body and mind. ]

Caelum read the content and baffled by the profound concepts contains within it that cause his [Primordial Yuan dan] to react violent as it was the highest way to cultivate the concept/law of life and death. It was the utmost truth of the life and death which gave the user true immortality. Only the greatest talent would be able to comprehend the content.

However, Caelum heavenly defying plot convenient gave him samsara wheel inside his Dantian would be able to helped him comprehend it a lot easier even more so due to the eternal wheel. He planned to integrated the wheel into his soul to become an Eternal soul but would do so once its strong. He decided to started cultivating it later to increased his Dao of Yin and Yang as it was part of it.

[Dream Of Life Scripture

Description: This scripture allows to cultivate inside a dream while sleeping and to sleep for months, also because is an illusion, the cultivator can experience past events to simulate a continuous and endless cycle to completely grow from it. It also make cultivation easier than the real world because of how relaxing is to practice while sleeping. ]

Caelum was pleased to have the other scripture as it would allow him to grow further when cultivating the Dao as it doesn't require absorbing an energy. Training Dao is only connecting to the true universe. He could finally improve his [Heavenly paragon] exercise and his [Apotheosis Saint body] but the latter need to break all level then he'll change his body cultivation. It would be a waste to not finish it when he already started.

After receiving the rewards caelum quickly went back to where Gabriel was with the animals. Time hadn't passed much when his at his Sea of consciousness therefore didn't let the angel wait for too long. He intently gaze at Gabriel who felt someone staring turn to see Caelum looking at him with strange gaze that made her heart skip a beat. Caelum slowly walked up to her up to the innocent angel as both had their gaze locked.

Caelum move to fix her hair was enough to see her shocked face looking intently at his devilish face and perfect body frame. She could feel her chest racing and everything seem to slow down with only one thought within her mind. Their face was close enough for their lips to touch only few inches apart.


His soft voice that entice her body shiver and Gabriel thoughts ran wilds that cause her lips to move on its own tasting his unbelievably sweet lips. Gabriel felt jolt of electricity ran through her body feeling a sudden hit and understood she may fallen but his gaze gave her enough courage to let it go.