Chapter 199 - Xiao Yi Xian

Caelum gaze slowly move reading the content of the Asura Sutra and felt the sheer difficulty of understanding the words written in them. They appeared words of a lunatic yet those who were sacred text produce by someone who surpass the boundary of their world. The Asura Road master was an expert that made his own path and produced the Asura Heavenly Dao.

The manifestation of countless demon gods, starry sky and boundless power washed over his body but remained indifferent being absorbed by lines and stroke produce by the Asura Road master. The lingering essence of this expert remained in the pages of the sutra.

He read the first volume of the Asura Sutra which was the 'Essence' part, the path of cultivating the mortal body. At the same time as one cultivated their body, they also had to cultivate an essence energy avatar. And, this essence energy avatar had to be formed using one's own blood energy or created using some miraculous treasures of the heavens and earth.

The disadvantage of the first option was that it would cause one's blood vitality to drop. After refining an avatar, there would be a long time during which one's cultivation and strength wouldn't rise, but fall instead.

As for the disadvantage of the second option, it was far too difficult to find some miraculous treasures of the heavens and earth. Those sorts of treasures could only be found through a stroke of fate. Moreover, even if someone managed to obtain one, wanting to refine it into an avatar was beyond difficult.

However, Caelum would be able to remove the disadvantage of the first option via cultivating the Sacred Spring Immortal physique that gave him boundless blood energy. He chuckled imagining how the Asura Road master would feel about his cheat.

"I should stopped cultivating for now and get some air outside. It not like I'll get weaker if I don't get some fresh air."

He placed scripture into his treasury then opened a portal into where he was and took the fresh in his air. Caelum looked into the boundless azure sky seeing the thundering cloud had disappeared. The villager had long went outside and actively moving unaware that their fate had been rewritten by Caelum.

The effect of [Demiurge] had grew significantly allowing to rewrite and become Omni in all aspect for three hundred meters. Caelum rarely used it founding the convenience to make him far too weak.

"Oh Senior Tianzun greetings! Have you enjoyed the your stay our village?"

Caelum heard a middle age man who was the chief of the village. He gave quick nod since everything was fabricated reality.

"Yes, Thank you for letting me stay in your village."

"No need to thank me as the present of an expert is enough to have stories for the future generations."

The old man gave beaming smile while caelum gave deadpanned since he dislike how the strong is respected and the weak is trampled. In his opinion, they are fools who hide their insecurities and won't be able to grow higher.

Caelum took stroll around the village found that the strongest cultivation is only Dou master and won't even held a candle if monster beast were to come. He already place some barrier around the village and set it as his home for the time being.

He enjoyed the fresh air before deciding to visit Xiao Yi Xian. Caelum walked up to their door before a small child pounce into him surprising him. The light silky pink hair of the child pat from him while her mother was near the door.

"Xian I already told you not to do that! I'm sorry senior for my daughter."

Caelum only gave smiled seeing the woman who appeared the same as the gully grown Xian but more mature and voluptuous. She wasn't part of the canon as her fate was to die along with the village but caelum already change the Cause and Effect. If in the past be interfered then he would likely to constantly protect the village as fate will found its way to be fulfilled.

"I don't mind and having a cute daughter as well a beautiful wife is bonus."

He unconsciously flirted receiving a slight blush from her before caelum carried the small child in his arms who gave wide smile. Caelum had seen the sad fate would have befall the child but now it had change.

"Well since you here why don't I serve you some tea?"

"That would be delightful."

Caelum followed them inside then place Xiao Yi Xian on the chair but she pouted causing him to sit while she on his lap. Her mother felt embarrassed seeing the powerful expert tamed by the little girl. She focus on brewing the tea moving delicate and full of tranquility.

"You quite amazing in Tea brewing? Is there any reason for it?"


She squealed then turn to see two Caelum with one having her daughter. Her mind was confused at what his seeing as she wasn't cultivator to be aware of their technique and even if she did, it was different seeing it first hand.

"Oh sorry for scaring you. I forgot that some people don't normally do this."

It had became second nature to him using Avatar forgetting that it was not normal ability that people use unless supreme experts. The only flawed that Caelum had yet find a solution as of yet.

"Two fathers!? Yehey! More people to play with Xian!"

"Hahaha here let me show you some father's power, Xian-er."

Caelum opened his palmed that gradually formed the mythical beast then grew into significant size surrounding him. It was his Five Heavenly Beast formed after his previous tribulations. They flew around receiving pure Awe from the mother and daughter pair with the latter giggled when the white tiger rubbed its head into her.

Seeing her daughter made the woman smiled thankful of him for making Xiao Yi Xian happy. It was then she realize how much the child needed a father figure as most people in their village are already married and she was busy selling that she neglected her child needs.

"Well can you show how you brew tea?"

The other Caelum said seeing the woman gave thankful gaze before showing how to brew a tea. He watched her move like an expert showing repetition of her work.

'Maybe I should try making Pills using Tea methods? Having unorthodox way would surely be beneficial once perfected…..excluding Pineapple Pizza.'

It few minutes of brewing with the woman blush how close he was. She could not help cause her to pound on how alluring his aura was. Caelum had since removed his near hypnotic aura which why he had thousands upon thousands of wives from the verse.

While they were exploring Tea Brewing, the other Caelum was busy playing with Xiao Yi Xian but was actually construction and deconstruction her physique trying to figure out who gave her physique.

'Someone interfered with the world fate or rather the fate is fluctuating. The likelihood of entity entered Dou Di continent beside me is high.'

In normal sense, Caelum every time going into a verse are mainly followed the canon and the only reason Draconic Deus is different is because of his present being too early.

Caelum finished analyzing her physique only to find that it was body comparable to immortal physique. Though, it's far imperfect compare to but this immortal physique can be classified as Pseudo-Taint and encompassed Impurities which are poisons.

'The best way I can help her is studying the Immortal physique then create original one for her….but still it won't be easy.'

He used his Dao to encapsulate her physique until his method is done to ensure the world won't end. The poison itself was a [World Impurity] which it's name made Caelum. It wasn't even part of a Yin and only governed the utmost impurity.

"Finished tell me what you think?"

The tea was finished and the woman poured the content into cup smelling the peaceful aroma then took sip tasting the right amount of bitterness and sweetness.

"It tasted…amazing!"

"Ah glad you like it!"

"Well a the taste surely increase when it was made by the hands of beautiful woman like you."

The woman covered her flustered faces hiding from him while only chuckled a bit before giving the tea to his other body then disappeared. Seeing her curious expression place the cup down.

"If you wondering then I share my sense with my avatar."

"I see it rather convenient having multiple of yourself. If you don't mind but can i ask more about your adventure?

"Sure why not since you've welcome me into your home."