Chapter 201 - That's a fucking lie

The air in the surrounding felt heavy and silent when the two beautiful woman shocked from the revelation of their master had daughter. Caelum remained calmed as it was not the first time he was confronted. He did have over hundred thousand wives and keep increase even though he tried to control himself.

He used his [Dao of Void] to stopped the two woman from destroying everything as their own Dao was spreading across their sect.

"Well Did I not make it clear that I am man who lusted by many woman? I wasn't exaggerating, though."

"We know but is this child really yours master?"(Qingtan)

"Not by blood….that sounded wrong."

"What was that master?"(Ling Qingzhou)

"Nothing. Anyway, this child is Xiao Yi Xian."

"Hello Big sis! I'm Xiao Yi Xian!"

The two woman struck by the adorable smile of the child. She jumped down from Caelum lap getting closer to the two of them while caelum only quietly watched.

"How about you two come with me as I am going to show her around the sect."

They agreed taking the time touring the sect where each disciple gave their utmost respect. Xiao Yi Xian was well liked by disciples considering she was their Sect master foster child while the little girl enjoyed the attention, her father was explaining his stay on Xuan Continent.

The two were quite surprised as they had only been exploring Xuan Continent and never beyond it. Upon getting more stories made them jealous since the mention of Xiao Yi Xian mother was mention. This cause the latter to shiver from Dou Di continent.

"Hahaha no need to be jealous. I came back since I thought brining you two."

"It's normal to be jealous when the man you like get close to other woman."(Qing Tan)

"I agree with Sister Qing tan. The only reason why I'm not jealous with her is because we already gotten to know each other."

Caelum wondered how they would react upon seeing his number of wives. He did felt guilty how his wives are in love with a man who could not keep it in his pants like zeus. Though, comparing himself to serial rapist who fuck everything that lives and breaths is too much.

Regardless, he does give his best to show his love to them via the Time Dimensional space where they had spend numerous years together. This is a tedious works since it does take a lot in his Old mental state but now he had grown stronger and have more opportunities to spend with them.

It may seem their nothing more than trophy from outsider(Readers) perspective but if they knew how much time and effort he had put to maintaining his relationship then they would be shock. They are narrow minded and doesn't have the power to comprehend it.

[A/N: I might do separate non-canon story where they spend time together like a one shot with each woman(excluding the thousand dragon and Nekomata bullshit)]

"But hey it's choice to fall for me."

Caelum gave teasing smile before receiving a kiss from each woman thoroughly enjoy their tongue war and once it departed heard a shout.

"Gaah! Father why are you kissing big sisters!?"

"Well we love your father that why we are showing our love this way."(Qing Tan)

"Really!? Then I want to kiss father to show my love!"

"When your old enough."

"But I want to show my love like big sis! I don't want Father to hate Xian-er."

"Why would I hate you, my little fairy? Don't worry I won't leave you anytime soon."

Caelum gave her a kiss on the forehead while giving her head pat. The Dao of head pat is supreme!

'Is it their fate to my bride!? The hell though I am already outside the norms since incest is only for mortals but still I hate seeing their cute faces turn to lustful woman under me….that's a fucking lie.'

"Do you love mother? Xian-er hadn't seen father kiss her."

"Hahaha father and mother is just waiting for the right moment."

He didn't say that his affectionate with her mother as it only been few months they met. Though, the two of them shared a great bond with the woman grateful of giving her daughter a father and willing to give her heart to him while caelum remain silent until the woman confess.

"You didn't answer her question?"(Ling Qingzhou)

"I am waiting for the right moment to bloom as rushing would cause the leaf to wither quicker. Like you two who I accepted after confessing to me."

They used telepathy to convey their words with Caelum explaining his reason from avoid the child's questions. He recalled how his two disciples always competed for his attention until caelum decide ignore the two after they stop competing with each other.

"Which reminds me, here are some pills that I made to help you cultivate the Dao. If I'm lucky then I might help find some Divine disk or heavenly Defying Treasure."

Caelum took few bottle of Dao pills that he made after spending months in the Dou Di continent. This pills had helped him establish connection among the other Dao to his own main Dao then to his Original Dao. The Alchemy scripture was perfect in creating ways to helped him merge his Dao once reach that point.

'I already have my [Primordial Yuan Dan] which meant that I don't need a Jindan to shatter.'

In the Desolate Era verse, upon reaching Ki refining level of Celestial Immortal they would gain a jindan or golden core that it's own class with first being the most powerful and upon reaching the Chaos immortal would they shatter it to form their own verse. However, Caelum is unique having a different kind of core and had already form his own world that turn into vast verse comparable to multiverses.

[A/N: Note multiverse does not include time stream which are only Metaverses and beyond.]

Furthermore, the Sacred scripture had allowed him to go beyond the norms of a inner world and if adding the Asura Sutra would result beyond his guess. The fact that his [Primordial Yuan dan] would shatter and cause a change similar to Chaos immortal would like brought forth a stronger inner world.

"I do hope you hadn't neglected your normal cultivation?"

"We did not master! I was able form My Yuan Dan again"(Ling Qingzhou)

"Oh let me see…I see you created a Ancient yuan Dan."

Ling Qingzhou had surpassed the level of Yuan dan causing her to redo everything and starting from the very beginning. However, the result show allowing her to gain Ancient Yuan Dan, a lower grade than Primordial Yuan dan. Qingtan also had the same grade as her.

"Well great we will explore other continent soon make sure to cultivate thoroughly after I finish meeting the Dao sect."

Even if he had made the sect on whim due to his own mission did he ever neglect his duty as sect master.

"Father! Father! Have this!"

Caelum halted his conversation receiving a crowns made from the rare flowers use for pills and cultivations.

"Do you like it, Father?"

"Hahaha I love it!"

He raise her high then rubbed his cheek with hers, receiving a beautiful giggle while the two young woman witness the affection made them wonder the future having a child with him. Caelum spent the day playing with Xiao Yi Xian until taking her back Dou di continent.

Fortunately, Caelum was able to dilute the time between Dou di and Xuan continent. He arrived with the sleeping Xiao Xi Yian back to her home where the worried mother saw them with relieve expression.

"Thank goodness, my guess was right and she was with you."

"Forgive me for taking her without telling you."

"Its fines since at least my daughter is able to have father figure. The way you handle her seem to indicate your parent as well am I correct?"

"Yes and it was always my fate to find a young girl to be my daughter for some reason…"

Caelum recalled Merlin and Diana who he had played with until both feel for him. The woman obviously of the implication and thought he had adopted children before.

"But I must thank you for making her happy."

"It's my pleasure and a gratitude from beautiful woman like you is all I need."

"I-I…If you keep saying like then maybe…."

"What was that? I didn't hear you??"

"I-It was nothing. How about I give some tea?"

Caelum smiled enjoying teasing her as he had clearly heard her and if he didn't then his training would have been futile till now.