Chapter 233 - New Discovery

The Soul Cultivation method was perfect for Caelum's own Dao that resonated with the Void. Though, it is more akin to an Attribute less that gives the edge when cultivating, however the nature of the Void is the same as Attributeless which is just another term for Nothingness/Void.

This method was extremely slow compared to his other two Cultivation methods yet it would be easier to grow his own Heavenly Will in the future. 

Caelum knowledge about the Heaven's will is the core of a verse and needed that world to be strong to form their own Heaven's will. A world Will is a weaker version of Heaven's will that ruler over any lifeform. 

In this mind, a soul is everywhere and everything has a soul from the simple grass to galaxies and stars. They have a soul and if the whole verse has a soul it can be considered as Heaven's will. 

It is akin to the main server that connects to lower computers to supervise other computers. Heaven's will is the highest soul and few could surpass. In the end, a soul is a will. 

Caelum recited his Cultivation method and began to absorb the surrounding Soul Force like sponge into his Nascent soul that was his current external body. It consumed the energy in the surrounding, refining them. 

The way he absorbed the Soul force was like a black hole where it was nearly bottomless and had not reached any breakthrough. Caelum Nascent Soul felt more alive as though his physical body returned circulating the energy through his body.

He could the Soul Warming Lotus assist him in the nourishment of his physical soul. It was a phenomenal sensation almost when his Mind cultivation reached the Mahaya Vijnana state unlocking the eight petals.

The Spirit Source Qi was slightly affected by the soul force nourishing the split divine soul. He witnessed the vine transfer the nourishment to his Heavenly Beast then decided to direct the energy into the vine.


Instantly the sound of explosion was heard as the vine thickened, producing an inscription pattern. The souls force easily circulate through the five Heavenly Beasts who strengthen their power. 

Caelum's physical soul bulges up from the soul energy before toning down, tempering his soul until it returns to normal. However, the soul energy he radiated was thicker and pure than the amount it had. 

The reason was the Soul force was condensed into a small form yet retained the energy before compressing them. This is the special characteristic of his cultivation methods.

He could feel his connection between his omniscient and Divine sense grew allowing him to see more into the future and parallel that include his soul. Caelum Omniscient yet perfect as it had yet connected to his own soul.

Though, there are some connections from before but were minimal compared to now. He was able to easily see the lines of cause and effect then feeling the blanks of his future. Caelum uses Omniscient as guide and never his path as this vision may seem his choice but it was his future self not the present.

He wanted to sever his connection to past and future that become a variable in the lower dimensional world. Caelum would be able to avoid being killed in the past or manipulating his future. Regardless, He would be one step closer to his goal.

Moments later, Caelum resumed his cultivation seeing the Soul Warming Lotus was truly an amazing treasure despite in its initial state of having five petals. He wondered how powerful it would be if it reached seven or even higher.  

He praised the one who produced the treasure as it was almost comparable to Magic Cube but the latter remains better as it is able to truly destroy souls even how powerful they may be. Furthermore, Caelum hadn't found any soul that would be suitable in refinement. 

'I was used too much in time dilution but this vine seems to change the flow of time.'

Caelum notices how he had spent over a thousand of years in a time-diluted mental state where the amount of soul force was much vast than he anticipated. Outside only a few hours had passed yet even how many years he had spent in that time dilution state his soul cultivation had not changed.

There are multitude of reasons for this slow cultivation beside the Antique Burning Incense and this reason being his Nascent Soul was stronger than other souls along with his cultivation method. He smirked, acquiring what he intended to gain. 

Caelum took more time to circulate the soul force until reaching the bottleneck and stopped cultivating. He stood up to test his physical soul finding it was the same as his physical body in terms of sensation. Though, the power was still far from the latter. 

Taking his time to train his physical soul in martial art performing the countless styles he accumulated and trained to their peak. Caelum movement was flawed and unrefined as it was his soul not his body who had the muscle memory.

However, it did not hold him back and easily executed his move set that only an expert noticed the flaws. 

'I hope that there are still many flaws in my martial art. My mind and body is one but not soul.'

It was always the trend that mind and body must become one with their martial art yet forgot that soul. The soul is connected to the heart. Caelum had [Blade Force] and [Heartforce] which is why he had not noticed the difference until now. 

He began to pour his soul into his movement, finding more flaws and fixing them along the way. Caelum heart pump feeling exhilarated from the sensation of finding something to improve.  

After a while, Caelum finished his training seemingly taking deep breaths out of instinct despite not needing to. His face opted for a grin from the exciting discovery.

'Intent! Martial intent! This is what I lack!'

Martial intent was a broad topic as there were many concepts and meanings that most of them complicated to understand but from what Caelum studied from different Xianxia series.

In the Peerless Martial God verse, Intents are the "will" of the forces that conform the "10000 things of creation", which a Cultivator can control. Is like borrowing the strength of those "will" for the Cultivator to be fused with and use it at wish.

For cultivators to learn Martial Intent, they need to know the very source of the respective energy, the very cause of things, is essential. If someone doesn't understand those essential sources and reasons, one cannot understand intent. Understanding those things will help a cultivator in it's studies and will help them use those energies more efficiently. Because of this, it is necessary to have previously studied and earned a certain knowledge and mastery of the corresponding force of the Intent intended to learn.

Cultivators can achieve martial intent by using their Qi to expand the body's senses ("The Third Eye") and study areas where particular elements are abundant and surround themselves with them (i.e. to obtain fire intent one would obviously train in a hot area such as a desert).

Other ways to learn Martial Intent are the use of supplementaries such as intent crystal, abstruse crystals and abstruse tablets to increase the strength.

Each intent has many variations and each one is learned differently depending on the way it is studied and the focus given.

Caelum already knew ways to acquire the abstruse energy however from what it defined as he would be able to replicate and gain access to it.

It was due to the fact that Abstruse energies, also known as the "realm of perception" by some, are the "soul" of the energies in nature and are obtained after completely mastering a Martial Intent, also known as the "will" of the energies. When obtaining abstruse energies they once again begin at level one and rise to level nine.

The difference in quality and power between martial intent and abstruse energies is massive, with level one abstruse energies easily overpowering level nine martial Intent. The difference between one level between abstruse energies is enormous compared to the difference present between intents of several levels in the gap.

One of the characteristics of the Abstruse Energies is the abilities of the cultivators' bodies to become one with their energies and behave like those.

Another characteristic is the difficulty in the manipulation of several types of Abstruse energies. Cultivators may be able to master several Martial Intents during their lives, but only some (if not only one) of those energies will reach the category of Astruse energies. People with grand talent and understanding are able to learn more than 2 Abstruse energies.

A way to determine if an Abstruse energy is suitable to a cultivator, is to match that energy to their personalities, been this a direct influence in the process of learning (i. e. Thunder Abstruse energies have been suited for tyrannical and over-confident cultivators).

The more energies learned, the bigger the talent. People who learn 3 types are considered very talented, people with 4 types are considered geniuses, people with 5 types are categorized as monstrous talents, and above that, are just considered monsters in-disguise. There have been people able to wield up to 6, to 7, even 8 types, but these cases range from being astronomically improbable to almost myth than reality.

Legends says that perfect cultivators are able to learn 10 or more types of energies, but most believed this to be impossible, until the name of the Demon Emperor (Due to his unique Restriction Body) was made known, making everyone realize that it is possible. Even if someone doesn't possess a Restriction Body, there are still other Physiques that allow a cultivator to learn up to 10 types of energies.

Caelum did not have this unique physique but his [Adaptability] would prove useful in this regard. Furthermore, he had the [Essence of Compatible and Blank] giving him no limits.

He knew that his martial intent was yet mature and could be considered level one but if he added his own Dao then it is higher. However, Caelum doesn't plan on relying on the power of Dao to acquire Martial intent.

To reach Abstruse Energy Caelum needed to master his intent before reaching that stage. Of course there higher level but caelum main focus was to improve his soul and the best way was with Martial intent.