Chapter 241 - Burn!

After hearing Caelum's words, Yu Yan did not know why her heart wished for him to stay longer but felt relieved being invited yet recalled her inability to roam freely without the demon beast to try to capture her.

She felt disheartened to be left alone once again in the isolated cave. Yu Yan was unaware that her cultivation far surpasses any demon beast in the divine continent as her rank had reached the 9th Heavenly Fate gaining nine fate souls who after being destroyed can instantly reformed them.

Caelum only chuckled, gaining the Spiritual goddess' attention. He already knew that her emotion would return after rebuilding the new body. 

"No need to worry I have countless ways to hide you from those demon beasts even if they did come and would likely die seeing you stronger than them."

From his vast knowledge could easily prepare many methods of hiding her from anyone and if he added the skills he accumulated then it was as easy as breathing. 

Yu Yan appeared unconvinced knowing that the demon beast had taken their job in eliminating human spiritual god seriously.

"How would you get me out without alerting them? Even if I am more powerful than them I can't risk the human tribe to be in the middle of our battle."

"I can use my Yin law to envelop you in a veil of darkness where your presence and law would be hidden. I'll also leave some residual of your aura to make them believe."

Caelum reassured Yu Yan who felt relieved from what he said. She did not want to cause a long battle with the Demon beast this early and would face them when the day came.  

"I see then I'll go with you. It would let me see with my own eyes how the world is."

He only nodded in response before stretching his hand out, producing a profound darkness that had ancient inscriptions appearing in his palm. Caelum was able to compare them with divine tattoos from a Friend God Body refining method.

The [Law of Yin] envelope itself into Yu Yan who remained calm despite the menacing appearances of the Yin law. It was far too pure to be called a Yin law rather more appropriate to be called [Profound Yin law]. 

Covering her like a dress instantly disappeared once he did some few strokes with his finger to write an inscription pattern using his law to ensure it won't disappear.

"Done. I'm certain none would be able to know where you are. Also I added an illusion to let you go around without being recognize."

Yu Yan had seen far too many things to be shocked yet could have helped but compliment how the young man was able to manipulate the Law energy despite only being exposed to the law for a few hours.

The level of mastery that he displayed could be compared to any Spiritual god that handled the same law. 

"I could not thank you enough, Tian Zun.  One day I'll make sure to repay the debt I owned."

"Hahaha well I'll be waiting for that day. Now then let's create a fake to let them think you're still here."

She nodded, producing some fire law that looked exactly like her while a circle appeared on Caelum's hand that then folded to form an Infinity symbol placing his [Law of Endlessness and Infinity]. 

It would allow the fake body to continuously produce law as long as the [Law of Endlessness and Infinity] is not disturbed. Everything is endless, the only reason why it ends is due to outside forces.

This law only removes the outside forces that cause it to be an endless state. Afterwards, Caelum turned to Yu Yan who took the opportunity to pay respect to her dead servant who had helped her be sealed in the cave. He took the time to silently admire their loyalty to her. 

"Are you ready? You'll be stuck with me for the time being? Hope you don't mind."

"It's alright, I owe you my gratitude and there isn't anything left for me besides helping the human tribe."

He only nodded heading their way out of the cave letting Yu Yan experience the outside world after countless years trapped in the cave. She took a long deep breath then ascended from the ravine arriving back to the surface and let her see the setting sun.

Yu Yan reminisces of her past having a burden lifted from her seeing that the demon beast had yet to try to attack her. It showed his yin law had worked. 

"The human settlement is close by. I'll be spending the next few months here before heading to other places."

"Where are you headed to?"

"To many to say but first would be Glory City the one I've mention."

"I thought you were a resident of that place?"

"No, I'm merely a traveller or a vagabond going places. I am person who see the opportunity where the wind blew."

Yu Yan became more intrigue his background that able to produce a monstrous talent. It didn't take them a few minutes to arrive back where Yun ling saw him quickly went closer. She then noticed Yu Yan behind Caelum made her curious who she was.

"Welcome back, Tian! Who is this if you don't mind me asking. "

"Hello there I am Yu Yan, an acquaintance of Tian Zun."

"It's nice to meet you miss Yu. Come sit down, I'll send some porridge to your table."

The two of them sat down where Yu Yan was in front of Caelum. As spiritual Goddess her need of mortal consumption had long been gone and solely rely in soul force and law. 

However, she did miss the taste of human delicacy and wanted to try the porridge. Yu Yan was observing the human only to frown at what her eyes is seeing.

"This people are doom to die….there isn't a single demigod rank or even a legend rank among them."

Yu Yan felt distressed seeing how the human tribe had fallen to their prowess due to the lack of knowledge that had long been forgotten form the old era. She expected that a human tribe could produce a Demigod rank or a person who able to comprehend the law while reaching the peak of legend rank.

"Those Demon Beast had destroyed most of the information regarding the proper way of cultivation which why this how low their strength had become."

"Are you planning to helped them? Is that why your staying for few months here?"

"Yes and no, if I told you a hard truth I'm not one to help without reason."

Caelum was kind individual yet cold at the same time. His one who do not take action without reason and everything was in his benifit.

He was selfish and selfless, a person of hero complex is not one of his trait as it is selfish to have it.  

Yu Yan wanted to scold him for being selfish but he continued silencing her.

"Though, it does mean I won't help them? I am not willing to provide them free things and only help them with necessity. An old saying goes 'give a man a fish he'll be full for a day, teach a man to fish then he'll never starve.'"

"...I understand."

She was taken aback by his wisdom regarding the way of life seeing a profound image rather than the young man before her causing a blush. Yun Ling arrived placing the hot porridge before sitting down next to caelum.

"Here, Tian I already told my father and he had agreed to give you a spare room."

"Then give my gratitude to him. Also do you want me to continue about the stories of the outside world?"

Yun ling smiled brightly nodding in response while Yu Yan hear perked up curious to know more about the world that she had left. 

"How do I begin…?"

He rubbed his chin pretending to think before telling everything his capable of knowing using his Omniscient. Caelum was able to find interesting places to explore namely the dark forest where previous timeline Xiao Ning'er explored.

She had spoken about this place had being stronger than expert from the Draconic Ruin Realm. It had remain a mystery even now and caelum unable to see beyond the veil gaining his interest.