Chapter 274 - Farewell, we shall meet again

Sadness held within her, unable to easily let go of the embrace of the man that made her heartbeat. Though this man was not the same man that she had met being nothing more than an echo of his former self.

However, it did not change who he truly was, and gambled in everything meeting him that made her soil a beat. He was naive the time she met him lacking ambition and acting immaturely but time goes by and his journey continues to learn to transcend his past self growing stronger than she initially expected.

The gift-giving to him was nothing more than mere tools and only when refined does it truly show potential. 

She feared the day would come but knew it was needed to hide him from the enemy that lurks beyond comprehension.

Today, he had gotten closer to achieving the power needed to reach her world where everything is far too complicated to be understood. 

"Forgive me Caelum that I have to go. It has been a journey spending my time with you but unfortunately, the Higher-dimensional plane is in a complicated situation."

She could not help apologize to him for leaving but only received a shook. 

"No need to apologize, I understand. I'll be fine and this is needed for me to grow stronger."

Caelum was saddened by her parting yet understood the reason behind it and he is currently weak to change it. Despite how strong he appears to be, his strength is only visible in the third-dimensional plane.

He is unable to compete with someone in a higher plane of existence where the laws are far different from what he used to. 

"Caelum, remember that once you've regained your memory, never try going straight to find me if you're not confident of surviving alright?"

Sapphire Nawa spoke in a strict tone that Caelum felt that she used a bit of her Divinity and power to convince him. It was working as he wasn't trying to resist.

"I promised."

Giving one last smile went closer then passionately kissed him as it would be a long time to gain another. As their lips departed Sapphire tenderly smile then walked away slowly.

"Though it is long and beautiful, parting is not the end for it is only the beginning. I am incomplete without your embrace."

Caelum last parted poetry for his fading form that shimmered in the darkness witnessing the final light before everything was gone leaving only the two women with him.

"Cereza, are you going with them?"

"No, I only wanted to be here to comfort you and also help stabilize the system if somehow it goes haywire."

Caelum nodded turning his head to a mischievous woman who went up closer giving a more erotic kiss turning into make session until their lips depart the woman still had a teasing smile.

"I feel saddened but I do find it annoying for those pests and if I had my real body then I'll probably be slaughtered into chaos."

"Hahaha then I was stronger I'll send them into oblivion."

"Well, I'll be waiting along with my aunt and sister."

"What do you mean aunt and sister?"

"Fufufufu you'll find out soon enough, farewell!"

Nyarlathotep's body disintegrates, turning into hexadecimal and fractal classes that are still able to show here indescribable figures. It was her partial form that defied the dimensional form before vanishing into thin air. 

Now the only one left was Caelum and Cereza. The latter turned to look at her lover who remained calm yet sadness filled his heart that only burned his determination.

"We'll Cereza, can you integrate my reward?"

"Alright also be prepared as this would cause a big change in your overall strength. It likely compresses and weakens you for a small duration but not big enough."

Caelum is already aware of this using his Extra-Dimensional awareness and the risk of having an Origin fragment become his energy. He only nodded in response, preparing for the upcoming integration.

["Integrating reward in 3...2….1. Done!"]

["Be ready, Caelum."]

It was then Caelum felt the scripture buried into his Ocean of Memory acquiring an abundance of interesting information that would greatly help him.

The Painting Scripture helped increase his insight in any art form from calligraphy to painting that allowed him to clearly illustrate anything turning it into reality.  

Unexpectedly, It had further strengthened his Inscription patterns to near perfection producing powerful lines that were capable of invoking laws.  

Every line and pattern with nearly countless formations could cooperate into a painting capable of producing a Myriad Miles River and Mountains painting with more power. 

Organizing the knowledge that expanded his Ocean of Memory and Knowledge expanded until reaching a hundred times its original size yet it did not stop as the Entertainment Scripture came in.

It did not increase his strength but the Scripture gave way to his natural charisma and ways in entertainment which includes business and manipulations. Caelum understood that even in Entertainment it is a place where only the famous and best survive with enemies at every corner. 

'Quite the terrifying manipulation'

It gave him tactics capable of making your most trusted friend to your worst enemy with a matter of a few words. The scripture encompasses all entertainment including sadistic 'entertainments' that include torture. 

Surprisingly, this scripture is misleading as it includes everything that has entertainment and not just a modern one.

After organizing the scripture, turned to the other scripture which was Gaming Scripture. Like the Entertainment Scripture, it was misleading as this included strategy on wars, sports, swordplay, guns, etc. 

Every probably and calculation was second nature to him, similar to a certain anime that had no season two. Though he was able to see the future, this nearly precise planning and intellect was not something to scoff at. 

'Life is like a game where you don't know who will win or lose.'

Surprisingly it heightened his insight over Life and Death along with the Cause and Effect. The ancient game of Go greatly enhances decisions and control over his insights. 

The lines forming the whole verse were more clear seeing the lines in the vast void of a rift between verses. It was more complicated than he initially thought witnessing the endless motion of creation.

Similar to String theory where every particle was moving in an endless and different motion simultaneously that formed a dimensional plane. Surprisingly they were truly misleading and greatly enhanced his ability. 

Afterward, he absorbed the Shinto knowledge that correlates with the soul-expanding his awareness over the soul and ways in growing stronger than before.

It holds an interesting technique called 72 transformations that came from the journey to the west that Son Wukong used to turn into anything. Though it is called that name it is actually able to take the form of anything be it a tree or a demon. 

Moments later, he absorbed the True Magic of Heaven that further made the Magic Cube react and assimilate into his being, coating his Astral Soul with complex lines.

This allowed Caelum to manipulate the core of every soul sensing from their root. He was akin to someone who perfectly controls a soul from the magic and knowledge over it. 

He was able to completely destroy his root of soul then revived himself back without issue. This is the power of Heaven's feel that is sovereign over the soul.

'Interesting so everything truly has a soul'

The sound of the verses containing a soul made it apparent that a Soul is the Will and that we're the case then Heaven has a will wherever that is.

[Connecting to Wisdom Lord Raphael. The host had a severed connection to the system. Host shall begin to absorb the system and change into Wisdom Lord Raphael. The host is integrating with Memory fragments.]

[Warning! Does the host wish to continue?]

Caelum noticed it was different this time rather than just Cereza who looked at him worried and gave a reassuring smile before accepting.

A brief moment of silence came before the whole verse was shaking violently along with his Inner world of Great Zenith Expand were destroyed and could feel his energy change remove the unnecessary while improving the weaker energy. 


Returning his Inner world in a state of stagnant where nothing occupied the space before witnessing a small burning flame that had a multicolored hue appeared. 


For the times in country years, Caelum fainted from the pain despite it being nothing more than a wisp. Thankfully Cereza was close by and changed form akin to the strength of Sapphire.

"Thankfully no one was able to notice who I truly was. That little girl seems to become far too careless. Now then let me help you, how unfortunate that this is also our final meeting but worry I shall also wait."

Cereza appearances had completely changed from Bayonetta look-alike to motherly gorgeous woman whose air could be described as all that is necessary.

She wore a deep blue form-fitting outfit that hugged tightly to her body with headpieces that hid her eyes similar to a blindfold. 

"I, Ananke, the True Primordial God of Necessity, Inevitability, and Compulsion shall give this man the necessity to surpass his tribulation."

Above the verse, a divine command had been heard where a symbol formed on the back of Caelum who was face down hovering in the void.  

It shimmers that cause everything to quake from the density that his body is absorbed in his third Dantian. 

The multicolor flame continuously burns within his once Inner world losing his ability to use Potential but the power of his new energy is far more precious once it forms a world. 

"I wonder what you are dreaming right now?"

[You have acquired Myriad Origin(True origin)]