Chapter 319 - Thrust!

Heading their way down the apartment, Caelum found a car parked waiting for them and saw an old man who looked at him slightly surprised. 

He guessed that this person was the personal driver of the Nakado family seeing how closely he observed him. The old man seemed to be a person who treated the Nakado sisters as his own daughter.

"Who are you, Young man?"

"I'm Caelum Mercer, a new resident of the apartment."

"Oh, I see."

"Ebata-san, we invited him to ride with us since we're heading to the same school."

"Is that so? Then come inside, young man."

"Thank you and sorry for the intrusion


Caelum was about to take the seat in front but was pulled by Yotsuba much to Ebata's surprise. 

"What are you doing, Yotsuba-san?"

"No, you're going to sit with us. I still want to know more about the things you'll teach me."

He only sighed, turning to the old man who gave a nod heading inside the car that caused Caelum to be in the middle of Yotsuba and Ichika while in front of them were Nino, Itsuka, and Miku.

Along the way, Yotsuba pestered him about what he was going to teach her in martial arts, in which he happily shared his knowledge with her and enjoyed their time along the way.

He promptly surprised the old man who rarely saw them this active, especially to a boy who they had met a few days ago. 

The old man had an eye for judging people and the boy did not have any malicious intentions. He treated them quite well, telling stories and lessons. 

After a while, they arrived at the school finally heading to the teacher's office to acquire their rooms and schedules. Caelum looking at the school made both annoyed and happy.

It was a place where the lies about the future lingers. He doubts that this is a place where only one correct answer is accepted when there are many methods to be used yet people dismiss it because society says so.

Caelum only re-enrolled back then out of boredom. He finished in arts and design and promptly forgot his achievement. 

Walking their way to the teacher's office, He caught quite a bit of people's attention since his appearance was eye-catching and the quintuplet made him moth to a flame. He easily ignored them and after meeting the teacher finally acquired his room and schedule. 

"What room did ya get? Mine is class xx xxx"

"Wait, I also got that room."

"Did we all get the same homeroom?"

They promptly showed their schedule finding out they all share the same classroom with Caelum. 

"Hahaha, it seems we can get to know more about each other then."

Caelum chuckled since it was all thanks to his luck allowing him to be linked to their fate. Yotsuba became excited while the rest quietly thought of getting closer to Caelum. 

They wanted to know more about him as he had a veil of mystery that drew their hearts to him. Caelum and Nakado's sisters head their way to their homeroom class where the teacher saw them, quickly quieting his student. 

Every man in the room was whispering seeing how they looked the same and would likely make it difficult to differentiate them. Meanwhile, every girl was in a daze looking at Caelum wondering if his hair color was real or not.

One by one they introduced themselves and acquired a few questions from the students. Their introduction was quick allowing Caelum to introduce himself.

"My name is Caelum Mercer and yes, I'm a foreigner. My hobbies are...too many to count but it's mainly Martial art, Illustrations, and cooking. That's about it."

Caelum boredly said before the teacher assigned a seat unsurprisingly there were five chairs where Caelum was front middle between Itsuka and Nino while behind was Ichika, Miku, and Yotsuba.

The teacher began his lesson while Caelum tried splitting his mind where one focused on mental training. He did not notice until the end of the class as Caelum headed his way to the cafeteria with the Nakado sisters. 

Caelum a large variety of food surprising the onlooker as they headed his way to the table where the others were waiting for him.

"Did you get the lessons? It was really hard to understand!"

"If you stop doodling then you'll understand it."

"But it was boooooring, Nino."

"Even if you're bored, at least try listening."(Miku)

"Here to make it simple to understand."

Caelum wrote the simple to remember to guide the lessons that it was easy enough. He broke it down, giving only the essentials like a trigger to their mind to remember the lesson. 

"Wow, it's so much easier now! I think you're better off being the teacher than that guy."(Yotsuba)

"I agree, this is easy to understand." (Nino)

"You were not kidding that you're great at teaching." (Itsuka)

"From now on, we will be relying on you, Masa-kun." (Ichika)

"It's so easy now." (Miku)

"Sure sure, leave it to Sensei!" 

After their day at school and returning home, Caelum did his daily routine of training and connecting to his Jade Pagoda for the next few days while constantly hearing the faint art beat.

He wondered how their blades would feel once they clashed with each other. It took him constantly training every style, understanding the depths of their way until reaching a bottleneck.

Caelum gained a phone call from Doppo about his friend and was prompted to cancel his school that day. He apologies to Nakado Sister who was slightly disappointed, unable to spend another day with him.

They went to school without him but did not want to fail him when he was always teaching them during breaks. 

Meanwhile, after some time Caelum arrived where Doppo was, he was accompanied by a middle-aged man with a faded beard. Upon laying his gaze into Caelum, shock filled his face witnessing unbelievable sight.

He could not process what he witnessed despite standing without anything in his hand yet his eyes did not deceive him seeing the clear image of the boundless weapon wielded by this young man. 

It was the same impurity as Firmament Paragon Art as he had focused on it instead of his Myriad Blade style. 

Nevertheless, it made the middle-age man take a step back, overwhelmed by the weapon mastery baffling Doppo. He anticipated a reaction but it went beyond what he expected.

"Motobe, what do you think?"

"...A weapon."

Doppo heard his words slightly confused by what he meant by that simple phrase yet the tone and weight made it apparent. 

"This kid is a living weapon with the way he emits this terrifying sharpness of a nearly endless amount of weapon. Young man, tell me what kind of weapon style you are developing."

In terms of mastery of weapons, the young man had surpassed him in every way. He stood weaponless yet still wielded the bad in his hands. 

"Myriad Blade Style."

The name itself explained everything that made the two grandmasters nod to themselves. A martial art with the intent of every known bladed weapon even how small or big it is. His the essence of the weapon itself.

"I forgot to introduce myself, Motobe Izou."

"Caelum Mercer, it is a pleasure to meet you, Motobe-Dono."

"If you don't mind, can you demonstrate your weapon skill?"

"Sure but should I do it bladeless or do you have any weapon I can use?"

"Here, I use this."

Moto is handed him a short katana that Caelum intently stared at the weapon, slightly frowning, then nodded. 

"This thing is far from a real weapon but it is enough."

He may not have the scripture of a Blacksmith instead had the Essence of a Craftsman that made him capable of making any kind of weapon but the only thing that remains currently is his knowledge about weapons. 

After commenting on the weapon gesture for them to step back before the sound of silence entered the room. He gently held the sword with his right slowly blending into the background.

The grandmaster was dumbfounded when a flaring ominous power exploded around Caelum telling them to flee that only certain if they didn't but their pride did not let them stand firmly and continued to observe. 

That malicious proceeded to concentrate in a single point at the blade only then did he take a stance with a gaze sharper than the blade itself. 

Caelum performed his Myriad Blade style, Singularity striking the sword forward producing the sound of breaking the sound barrier and violently shaking the whole building. 

The Grandmaster hardly keeps up with the speed of his hand vanishing and appearing in blinding speed.