War pt. 1

Today was the day things would all become fucked up, we've prepared the best we can, and we are still preparing even as the end comes knocking. Sighing, I headed to the cosmodrome with my ever present canine shadow tailing me as we kept our guards up to extreme paranoia levels. We eventually arrived at Rasputin's room getting to work to do as much as we can while free, like, so hours passed before the afternoon sky started darkening. Looking at the sky from Rasputin's monitors, I pull Midnight Coup and Traveler's Judgment 5 from my leg holsters and take cover at the entrance to the room.

Once I hear staff rushing this way, I open the doors and quickly switch the cover to the other side of the door. As I switch cover, I fire my guns at the lurking heat signatures skulking above the staff of the Cosmodrome, my bullets landing square between the eyes of six Fallen. Seeing the bodies fall from the ceiling and walls out of nowhere, some security guards look at me as I peek out of the door and fire again. Right as a chieftain comes barreling through a wall. One guard stops and fires back at the Fallen Chieftain before she is slammed into the left wall by a war hammer the chieftain was wielding.

She was dead upon contact with the wall, her right side missing chunks from her body.

As the last of the personnel running here enters, Myriad stands in the doorway, her mouth opening wide as the barrel of Silicon Neuroma expands out from it. The next thing anyone hears is the sound of a skull bursting and a body hitting the floor, followed by a second one. Then, pressing the close switch, the doors shut before locking themselves through Rasputin's interference. Looking towards Rasputin's mainframe, I scream an order at him, to the surprise of everyone present.


"Orders received Second Lieutenant Biazar, initiating defensive and offensive subroutines. Warmind Rasputin all subroutines are primed, Warmind Athena all subroutines are primed, Warmind Leo all subroutines are primed, Warmind Trinity all subroutines are primed, Warmind Grave all subroutines are primed. Additionally, Submind Charlemagne all subroutines primed, Submind Malahayati all subroutines primed, Submind Voluspa all subroutines primed."

Hearing all the warminds and the few subminds I could get here responding to me, I grinned as turrets appeared around the room. All primed if something gets in or breaks through somewhere, that means everywhere else things suddenly kicked up a notch as all the military Warminds and Subminds cooperate regardless of directives. Even those I couldn't get copied here must be following their Warmind's orders and carrying out an all for nothing war. The Cosmodrome staff seemed surprised to find out most of the warminds were here and that they followed my orders.

A female Exo in a black and red Cosmodrome security outfit steps out of the crowd towards me with a questioning gaze as she lifts her standard issued pistol at me.

"Who are you? Why are the warminds listening to you just when this all happens? Why are most of them even here without us knowing?"

"Names Biazar, I'm a Dragoon Mercenary miss whatever your name is. The Warminds are here because I asked Rasputin to convince them to copy themselves into this location, as it's the best location for defense. Why they'd be listening to me and not you or most of the militaries is primarily because I have earned their respect and cooperation. Since then, I was the one to bring up the strangeness going on to Rasputin on a gut feeling, even though they've informed others. Rasputin has for some reason convinced them to make me their highest commanding officer, though for reasons unknown to me."

She didn't seem to like my answers as she shot me in my head, killing me, only for me to revive via ghost. Looking at the woman, I tapped my head as multiple turret barrels aimed for her, as the Warminds didn't like that. She was surprised, though, that I just revived after being shot in the head. She shot me again and again until her clip emptied. I just kept reviving every time and smiled at her warmly before it seemed Warmind Trinity couldn't accept it anymore and blew the woman's head off.

Watching her body plop onto the ground, I looked at everyone else, asking if anyone else wanted to try the Warminds. Seeing no one wants to, I shrug my shoulders and speak up to everyone present as I see some security guards have extra weapons on them.

"You know this is war right now, so everyone's a soldier, you security guards may want to pass out your sidearms. As don't you agree that if everyone could fire back at the enemy, you may live longer?"

Hearing me, the guards debated it before following my suggestion as something's fist made a dent into the main door. The size of the fist imprint suggests it may be an abnormally large Fallen since it is not bulky like a Cabal fist.