Along our way to the Last City a blast hit the shields of Odysseus. Holding the railing of the bridge I issue an order as another one rocks our transport.
"Rasputin! Fucking nuke the bastards! Use the ionic rail cannon ammo thirty-five!"
"Cannon primed! Necro round loaded! Requesting a targeting path to the main warship!"
"Trinity and Voluspa! Get him a shot NOW!"
"Let the music of war be heard! Firing ammo type sixteen!"
"All lights of opposition must be extinguished. Ammo type nine firing."
Saying those lines Voluspa fires a blinding shot of pure fucking light energy from the Traveler. It ripped through a few of the opposing ships heading towards the Last City. Following her, Trinity primed and fired a main cannon. What came from that was a shot of pitch-black dark stasis lightning. Upon contact the lightning both detonated and froze ships solid, ships dropping and exploding stasis ice into the surroundings. It did, however, clear a path to the main ship and Rasputin took it.
From his canon a charged shot of dark necrotic flames surrounding a bolt of lightning rocketed forth. When it did fire my internal lights dimmed a considerable bit before revamping with a brighter glow. When the main ship was hit a black portal opened and a giant skeletal hand grabbed the ship, crushing it into scrap. The Vanguard looked startled at the sight, but I just smirked.
"Let's hope my super gives them some fun."
As I said this the portal expanded and a massive skeletal figure as tall as the Statue of Liberty emerged. As it made its presence known I could hear Ikora cough blood at the sight. Can't blame her, what my super summoned is a fucking massive undead Hive Eliksin hybrid. It looked at the surrounding ships, next we saw everything went up in flames. Dark green fire erupted spontaneously from the air consuming the ships as the thing spoke.
"Delaforth, as per my king's orders, sentence you heretics to death."
With a flick of two wrists she created an attack that shattered buildings, and caused undead Hive Knights along with undead Eliksin Kells. To be brought forth to siege ground forces as a tide of undead swarmed somewhere. Looking at this all I said one simple sentence.
"Big guns make my super fascinating."
At that I heard Malahayati I guess just snort at me, but they didn't say anything. With that part of the travel covered we flew into and over the Last City. The anti-air defenses honestly… kind of pathetic they aren't even draining a decimal of power from the shields. Maybe a nanosecond before the Light Reactor, Nuclear Reactor, Void Reactor, Thermodynamics Reactor, and the Black Matter Reactor just refill the nanosecond drain. Honestly, I think our little war council of Warminds, giant orb, and two war criminals created a fucking monster of a mobile fortress that could act as a city.
This whole flying ship was an under-the-table project, but we finished it like four years ago. Just why deploy our pride after a hundred years to leave it to the chuckle fucks? Even the Traveler honestly couldn't trust the guardians with their various factions and rogues to be allowed to touch it. Which made the giant orb sad, but humans are shit, yet we're also bound and determined not to die easy without mauling shit. As we hovered above the city the Vanguard team transmated to the tower. While we just watched the defenses just flea bite the shields.
Looking at my undead generals essentially, I give a small order.
"Can one of you NOT break the anti-air but shut them down?"
The one to move was my skeletal Cabal who typed something on a console. Next the city sees EMP shots shut down their anti-air defenses temporarily. This caused a few guardian ships to bug the shields but besides nova bombs and golden guns. Nothing really touched 1% of the shields, so honestly we just decided to play UNO. How the Fallen hit the shields hard was because they actually worked together with charged shots and small cannon fire. Then they got undeaded.
Now playing UNO with fucking undead, Warminds, and Myriad is a headache. Everyone literally plays like it's a game of chess! IT JUST SUPPOSED TO BE FUCKING WITH EACH OTHER NOT A THOUGHT OUT BATTLE!