Message (2)

My mother calmed and then she even say sorry to me. She promise to me that we date when the time come.

I know she busy, but before that i just want to know my father. Father is hard to attach and makes me awkward.

Whenever i started to talk my father it's completely blank. When I starting to conversation to my father ending up failure.

My brother too, but whenever i started to conversation to him end up fighting. Atleast not previous one but we just verbal fight.

I have progress in my brother but to my father is just make awkward. While my thoughts keep on my father it's already midnight and i have to find another book tommorrow.


In the morning, Awyn go to the bookstore and he be back in noon. That's child its makes me terrified.

When he child i don't understand about him, He just silent. When I out of sight he already pick up another book.

When I birth to him he didn't cried just a silent. I thought my child is dead but when she slapped by the midwife he open his eye and starting to cry.

At first, I didn't care but in the 1 year old it's make me starting to doubt. He always sleeping he not care to feed.

In 5 years old he starting to read book. We... his parent starting to joy because that boy is genius... But, when he starting to talk fluently as if he not 5 years old...

In the next day after that he starting to talk about forbidden langauge. We afraid we don't know to do. At the time we learn that he love books so we have no choice to find a permit in the Respentia Library.

While my thought, My husband calling me.

"Evelyn? Are you there?" (Frank)

"Oh, I'm sorry" (Evelyn)

"It's about Awyn." (Frank)

Even now we afraid our son and the same time we feel guilty. We know that we make totally mistake of that we abandoned our son to the place that he just alone in 8 years.