

Taehyung pushed his square rimmed glasses higher onto his nose but it quickly slipped back down.

Everyone was excited about the new gym teacher. It had been all they'd talked about the whole week.

But when the teacher arrived, everything was shocked to see she was just a year older.

A few students had refused to address the teacher as Miss and just called her by name.

You refused to condone such disrespect, therefore in the course of your first week in the school, you had sent a record-breaking 62 students to detention.

The school has absolutely no care for teachers like yourself because no one took gym classes serious.

You walked into the gym class to see 4 students.

The class was dismissed and you found yourself on your way to the music class. Standing in your mom's stead was tiring and you hoped she'll come soon and take charge of her responsibility,afterall,she was the one getting paid.

You rolled your eyes and sat down. Just then, a lovely slow tune began to play from somewhere inside the room. Glancing around, there was no one else in the room with you. You rubbed your neck and picked up a flute.

The lovely tune continued to play again and you played along. How knows, maybe you'd found your soulmate : a ghost who plays the piano.

The room suddenly became quiet and you stretched your neck hoping you really hadn't been listening to the tune of a ghost.

Where you come from it meant death?

Scratch that, Kim Taehyung appeared from the corner of the room, glasses perched on his strong nose.

How do you know him?. If only it was that easy to ignore his existence... He was the smartest student in the school and even though you were a temporary replacement for your mom, his name is the only one that is whispered among the female students.

His eyes met yours and for a moment you panicked.

Get it together, you're not some eighteen year old, you're a senior.

He pushed the glasses higher onto his nose and licked his lips.... Probably out of nervousness... But why should he be nervous?. You had no idea.

He walked over to you and pulled the flute from your hands while you continued to stare. He began to play again, this time right in front of you. He smiled after he ended and you couldn't help but notice how his eyes sparkled.

"my mom is actually a pianist"

"cool, your Mom is cool "

"you play the flute quite well"

"I took lessons for 3 months"

Kim Taehyung was looking at you as you examined the guitar beside you.

"I've been wanting to talk to you since lastvweek"

"oh really, ??"

" it's not anything gym related so before you start talking about exercising and... "

"I wasn't gonna talk about exercising... "

"oh.. Ok"

You walked out with him behind you.

" I was wondering if you'll be here till... "

" actually no, I have to go back to school, my mom would be taking over sometime next week"

"oh... "

"so what did you want to talk about? "

"never mind, it's not a big deal"

Your phone beeped. It was a message from Mom.

Hey sweetie. Mom is really sorry about putting you through all that. I hope your not having half as hard I was. Anyway, I'll be back in 2days so you can start rejoicing.

Remember mom loves you.

You shook your head at her message. Mom was strange in her own way, who refers to themselves in 3rd person.

You looked up to find Taehyung's curious eyes.

"oh that was my mom, she said she'll be back in two days"

"wow, that's really soon"

"no, I would like it if she could arrive this instant "

"wow you really must hate this school "

"no, no it's not the school"

"the students? "

"no... "

He smiled at you as the bell rang. The 30 minute break was over. " So you'll be in the gym room after school? ", he asked

'yeah", you smiled back.

The rest of the day went by so slowly, you wanted nothing more than to hear the bell ring.

And when it finally did, you found yourself not as excited as you wished.

You were just about to exist the room when the door opened and Kim Taehyung stepped inside looking like the Nerd King.

"you weren't planning on leaving me hanging right? "

"I totally forgot... Sorry"

"so are you free this weekend? "

You squinted your eyes at him and smiled "actually.....", you saw him bite his nail nervously "yes"

"great, wanna go to the arcade with me? "


"I'll pick you up"


You watched as he effortlessly slipped in the basketball.

Then he played car racing game which he won... 5 solid times.

Watching him, you realized how gleeful he looked. He must love games a lot.

Later on, he bought some snacks and you watched him trash some jerk who had earlier asked you out.

When you'd refused, he'd angrily challenged Taehyung to a game of snooker 🎱 probably assuming Taehyung was your boyfriend.

You hadn't corrected him because you felt he needed to be thought a lesson. Besides no one else needed to know about your little act.

The dude lost by a wide gap and you sent a false smile at him.

"next time buddy... Don't covet other people's property"

Taehyung grapped your hand and interlaced his fingers with yours as you both made your way out of the arcade.

"so tell me.... Why did you say nothing when he assumed we were dating? "

You pulled your hand immediately from his as his question had taken you off-guard.

"h-he wanted to believe whatever he wanted, you shouldn't waste time with people like that"

He bit his lip and then smiled revealing those heart shaped lips as you awed at his perfect smile.

"so all week I've been wanting to ask you something".


"do you have a b-boyfriend? "

You laughed shortly, "isn't that a little too personal? "

"errr... ", he scratched his neck as his face flushed red.

"anyways, no, "

Great, he whispered under his breath, not that you didn't catch it.

You looked up at him and smiled.

"what?, are you hoping to apply for that position? "

He turned to look at you with a grin that resembled a 9 year old's.

"if only you like me too"

"I do like you.... "

"really? "

" nerd and all....maybe we could give it a shot.... See if it works "

"that's... Excellent "

"is it? "

"how about you escort me to school on Monday dear boyfriend of mine"

"am I your boyfriend? "

"well technically no but.... "

"I like that... Call me Oppa from now onwards.... "

You rolled your eyes.

"are you gonna be like that? "

"well isn't a boyfriend an Oppa?"

"well then.... How about you start calling me Noona? "

He joked around with you as he escorted you back home and you smiled all the way as you stared at your adorable boyfriend-to-be.