Kim Seokjin 1



Jin absentmindedly poked at the red bell peppers as he stood inside the kitchen with a frustrated expression.

... Know what he's making?.

It's radish kimchi, japchae and black bean noodles. It was always a favorite food when we were kids and ones that he always loved to make. Who are the we?

It's Jin and his childhood friend You.

Back then, he had nicknamed you Tomato 🍅 because anytime you blushed, your chubby cheeks would turn red like a tomato. He could also call you his childhood crush.

He had been so crazy over you then as he is over you now.

But he never had the courage to confess to you.

And you'd left for America some 8 years back but today, is your arrival back home.

This radish kimchi is a welcome dish he was specially making for you,hopefully he'll finally say everything he'd bottled up for 8 long years.

He smiled as he thought of you.

How much you had grown over the years and how prettier you looked now. He wondered if you still blushed beet red in the face.

The one good thing was that You and Jin had stayed in touch.

He'd call you every single day after school. You'd send him pictures on every occasion :

Halloween, Easter, Christmas and even on your birthdays.

And he'd sent videos every Christmas .

Jin is a person who could celebrate all these festivities without missing you.

In the end, even the distance had not been able to tame your love for him either. You plan to take a bold step this afternoon. If that man still lacked the courage to confess to you, you'd do it yourself.

Everything will either skyrocket or fall into the Mariana trench. It's all or nothing today.

You will be back in Korea permanently as you'd decided to set up your own law firm and work in Seoul.

Jin turns off the fire and makes his way towards the bathroom. You could arrive anytime soon and he wanted to look his best for today. Like the get- the- girl kinda look which makes men irresistible.

Hopefully he won't crack any bad daddy jokes with you since he rambles a lot when he's anxious.

He hurriedly walked out of the bathroom, towel hanging low on his v-line and shoulders wide like ...

He stops in his tracks as his eyes darted to the pair of pink heels by the door.

You arrived a few minutes ago to see a small gathering of your family. Greeting everyone you hugged your Mom and Dad.

"It's great to be finally home Mom"

" welcome home baby, it's been 6 long years", Dad said. You rolled your eyes "it was 8 years dad" and then laughed at his shocked expression.

The one person who were eager to see. Your Jin.

"Mom I'll go see a few friends and say hi", you blurted out at the mere thought of him, "I'll be back soon. Just in time for dinner, i promise"

"OK baby ", she said.

You walked out in my pink body hugging tank top and black jean shorts. It was mid -thigh and very comfortable to wear especially on hot days.

Although the last you wanted to be is modest at the moment, you thanked God for a country like Korea where wearing shorts was still considered as modest.

In some countries, shorts were considered as a form of indecent dressing but here, you could rock anything as long as the chest area wasn't too exposed. Surprising isn't it?

You've stayed in the states for a long time and it was completely normal to have plunging necklines.

You stopped in your tracks as a sudden thought hit you in the face. You run back into the house because you'd forgotten to ask where He lives at currently.

"Are you back already ",Mom asked.

"No, I forgot one important detail. I just wanted to ask you where Jin lives now"

Her eyes softened as she looked at me with a smile in her eyes. Mom had always suspected that you felt something more other than friendship for Jin. Although she had never questioned you about it, you had a nagging feeling that she knew more than she let on.

"Oh the apartment building 🏢 two blocks from here, room 1234 🔢 ", with a grin plastered on her face.

"Thanks Mom"

"oh and don't forget to be back on time for dinner"

You nodded somehow finding her words to have a double meaning.

either way, you headed over to his apartment like giddy as a little girl.

It wasn't far and you made it on foot.

One more problem as you arrived at his apartment.

You didn't know his pass code.

Thinking hard, you decided to go with your gut feeling. If he was predictable like he used to be, then you'd crack the code in 2 tries. If he wasn't, you'd have to ring his doorbell which would be bad for 2 reasons.

One it would ruin the fact that you wanted to surprise him and two, might affect the other plans you had in mind.

Punching in the numbers, you held your breath and smiled when the light flashed green.

He was predictable as before. He hadn't changed much all these years,you thought wondering if radish kimchi was still his favourite dish.

Yes! you made a fist in the air, his password is 1234 and you got it after the first try. With a smug expression which you tried so desperately to hide, you straightened your outfit.

You quickly took your pink heels off and walked barefooted into the room.

However, what you saw next had your jaw on the floor in a second.

Your eyes met with a scene, a very delicious scene. Something you couldn't take your eyes off even though you were internally screaming at yourself to look away.

Water dripping off his skin, towel low on the waist, Jin looked back at you and dangerous it, he looked like a dessert.
