She sat in the car and turned on the engine.
She drove off and waited in front of the gate. The gate of the area was not opened. Then slowly he opened it automatically and she came out of the gate. While driving she was feeling bored so she switched on her car screen connected her phone through Bluetooth and then made some changes after connecting it.
After it was done she switched on the song on her phone.
The song started playing::::::
No se no se como fue
Si solo lo hicimos una vez
Y ya nos enredamos
No lo planeamos.....
I don't know I don't know how it was
If we only did it once
And we already got tangled up
we didn't plan it...
She didn't notice the song until she stopped on the highway because of the red light. The song plays with the aesthetic background which makes some unusual changes in her mind that are noticed by the body.
No se no se como fue
Yo solo quería sexo, alcohol
Hasta que te probé
Y ahora quiero otra vez
I don't know I don't know how it was
I just wanted sex, alcohol
until I tasted you
And now I want again
Slowly she started recognizing the song but was not confirmed what it was the one which one she was thinking about. The background music was very beautiful, she was enjoying it, vibing on it and to be honest this was connecting her inner soul with something that was leading her to bring back some old memories that she didn't want to recall.
No han pasado ni dos horas
De haberte comido toda
Y ya quiero volverte a ver
It hasn't even been two hours
having eaten all of you
And I want to see you again
The lyrics started connecting her mind with her heart and then after hearing the car which is behind her blowing horn she quickly wore her seat belt and drove off. Though her mind got a little disturbed but still the vibes for the song didn't break that inner connection that made a strong attachment to the memories
The song was playing with her body, she knows what she wants yet she is denying that she doesn't want it.
No han pasado ni dos horas
De que me comieras toda
Y ya quiero volverlo a hacer
It hasn't even been two hours
that you ate me all.
And I want to do it again
She couldn't stop but allow the tears to flow from her eyes because the lyrics reminded her of her painful past the time which was hard to accept but she was forced to.
Those moments were like a treasure but now they have been stolen by the incident she cannot blame anyone because her mind is not letting her blame him.
She wanted to feel that moment again but now she couldn't because everything had vanished like thin air.
Though the song is in Spanish this was her favourite and she has learned the lyrics of this song so clearly she was able to understand the words.
"I WISH YOU WERE HERE!" These words came out of her mouth because while speeding the car and going deep into her thoughts.