chapter three

Killers POV

The first muder

I don't know what went wrong.She was perfect in the beginning.She had the same smile as her,same hair,same height.I thought;this is it,my chance to have the sister I've always wanted but she isn't her.

How stupid could I be to think the universe would be on my side for once.We even met at her favorite coffee shop.They aren't identical,not like we are,but I almost...I can't believe it came to this.

I never meant to kill her.She was supposed to be the replacement,why couldn't she just be more like her?!

It's not my fault,she did this to herself.If she'd been more like my sister I wouldn't have had to do this.Thirteen stabs to the chest.That's her favorite number.

I bought her a red dress and she didn't like it.My sister would have loved it,its her favorite colour.And the rose,aah,she would have loved this.

I'll find another one.She'll be more like her.She has to be!or she'll suffer the same fate.