16 August 2020

Kept pushing the bad thoughts away. Finally got my ITE Higher Nitec Certificate. I did Electronics Engineering but landed a job in FnB. Many have questioned why. But I don't really bother.

I had rice with mayo and a fried egg at work. The chef was nice enough to cook. He gave an apple pie to me and truffle fries to share. Got some sausages as well. Didn't speak to Leo much at all. Mari closed super-fast today. Ash's schedule was changed.

The new chef refused to give the dockets. This tilted me slightly. The Safe-distancing Ambassadors complained that our staff was not wearing masks. But we were having lunch. We can't eat through the masks, can we?

Apparently, my landlord thinks that placing the aircon remote in the fridge would fix its problem of not turning on the aircon. Not gonna judge. I'm probably going to write a few more chapters in my book, 'The Arks'.

Gonna focus on Ash's story. Meanwhile, I will be doing laundry at around midnight. I swear I'm not nocturnal.

