Chapter 8

The High School Cafeteria gave free decent food with enough calories to get through the day. We could also go to a restaurant but no one went to them during lunch breaks since the food from the cafeteria was nice enough.

I wonder if there are any achievement points I can obtain from here?

I looked around but nothing came through. Is there anything?

The group gets some food from the cafeteria and sits down at a large table which seems oddly reserved. Why wouldn't anyone sit in this spot? This doesn't make any sense.

Is it somehow the cliche that only the popular guys and girls can sit here? If it is that's stupid and makes no sense.

I tapped Natsumi, and contrary to me she didn't freak out at all.

"Why's no one sitting here?"

"Oh, I don't know. But it's always empty." She smiled.

Well, whatever, it's a successful conversation starter. I asked her a few questions about herself and we had a lighthearted discussion going.

"So are you a Japanese born in the USA or did you come from Japan?"



[A point of luck has just been consumed! Recharge time: 2:00:00 hours]

A point of luck..? Luck as in the luck in my stats?

Achievement System, how does the luck work?

[For every point of luck you have in your stats, is a lucky encounter you will experience which recharges every 2 hours.]

Holy shit. Every 2 hours? Isn't this thing extremely overpowered? Like, really overpowered? A lucky encounter every 2 hours sounds very beneficial. I am delighted I invested that point into luck.

What would happen if I had even more points in luck? Would I have many lucky encounters available, or would it use many points up for a single really lucky thing?

I can't wait to find out.

System please bring the stats up.


Luck: 1(0, 1:59:45)

Intelligence: 13(12 + 1)

Charm: 9]

Hmm, I still don't see what I got from the luck point.

A raucous is made as people move in a grand piano right outside the cafeteria.

Huh a grand piano, I did take piano lessons for four years…

Hmm. This could help me get a few achievement points.

I find it weird how it was scheduled for a grand piano to be introduced, and right in the cafeteria? Wouldn't it make more sense for it to be in the music room? Or is there already one in the music room? Maybe they're planning on having people perform here while others eat? Well, people don't have much to do while they're eating…

It probably was my luck that it was introduced right here and even the movers assembled the grand piano quickly…

I stand up and my new group of friends merely stare at me in puzzlement while I head towards the grand piano.

I watch the movers peg the legs and pedals back in and in front of me is a black Yamaha beauty.

The movers look at me,

"Hey, you know how to play the piano?"

I grin at them and nod.

"We need to see if the piano's still accurately tuned, mind helping us a little bit?"


[Quest has been issued to the Host! Play the piano to the cafeteria audience!

Rewards: Depending on the people moved by the playing!

Description: Do your best ;).]

My smile grew wider.


Well, there are many options to choose from… I wish I'd practice some pieces beforehand, but alas, we can't have everything as we'd like.

So an impromptu performance…

Fantaisie-Impromptu by Chopin sounds good.

The movers give me a thumbs up and bring me the piano stool.

Stretching my fingers I perform a few light warmups.

Some people's heads perk up at the noise and start paying attention to me.

Feeling blood circulating in my hands, my intelligence stat peaked, and the most refreshed I've ever been I delved into the piano.

The sonorous keys begin resounding as I elegantly lay my fingers on the piano.

The tone continues for a while into silence, until suddenly—

The right hand comes in and an entirely new world arises from the playing of my fingers.

Hmm, I don't have enough finger dexterity yet nor strength in my arms to perform this as elegantly as I'd like. This is good enough, however.

Quickly, some people begin applauding at the beautiful resounding and reverberating sonances.

A little distracted from the clapping, my tempo slows down perfectly right into the calm part of this beautiful piece.

Continuing the piece, the cafeteria quiets down considerately to listen.

I start sweating and my fingers begin to feel a little sore.

Well, maybe I should've tried something milder?

I relax a little bit to the slow tempo but no sooner does the fast section come in.

My fingers are feeling tired right now but I slam in the fortissimo as according to the piece and thunder the essence of the song into the room.

Slowly, the piece delves into its finale and my fingers finally elegantly end the piece.

I glance around and the piano movers give me a thumbs up.

"Hey kid, what's the name of that song?"

Hmm, from guys whose work centers around pianos I would've at least expected them to know it.

"Fantaisie-Impromptu Op. 66 by Chopin."

"Huh, never heard of him. Good job kid. Thanks for the free performance."


I waved at them and walked back to my friends while smiling at some compliments.

Reed patted my back and complimented me.

"Hey, good job dude. I didn't know you could play the piano like that."

His pats began to get stronger.

"Well, I practice."

The others began to join in on the pats and soon my skinny back began trembling from their blows.

I coughed in pain, "Hey guys?"

They merely smiled and I weaved my way out to dodge their incoming blows.



They chased me around the table with their hands threatening to blow my life out.

"Damned show off! Get back here," Reed yelled at me.

"I'm good guys, I think you've patted me enough."

"Come here! We just want to congratulate you on your amazing performance with some love!"

Nearby, some girls face-palmed, and the others merely looked at us in amusement.

One of the girls named Lizbeth yelled and cheered on Reed.

"Get him, Reed!"

"Why are you cheering him on?!"


[The Achievement System joyously congratulates the Host on such an amazing performance!]

I heard confetti and fireworks popping in my head.

[Quest completed:

Play the piano…

Rewards: 5 Achievement Points for completion!

7 Achievement Points for the grade of difficulty!

20 Achievement Points for the impression on the Audience! (100 people impressed!)]

Holy! 32 achievements points!

[Total Achievement Points: 45]

I couldn't hide my excitement and a happy childish smile appeared on my face.

The boys saw my smile and they too began laughing and tackling me.

"They're just like little children," Natsumi noted while the friend group too began laughing at us.

I childishly pouted at her and she began laughing even harder.


The day passed very quickly and to my fortune, it seemed many of the people in the friend circle were also in the same classes. I got to know many of the guys and girls and it was a good time, though them asking frequently what made me change got a little bothersome.

The past me hated that all the classes were noisy, but now that I'm friendly with them it makes the class much easier to get by.

The social circle was pretty small in comparison to the grade size. There were around 22 people from the hundreds in the grade. I found out many of them were friends since childhood and have grown up until now to be best friends.

I feel a little weird suddenly intruding upon their many years of friendship but it just means I clicked extremely well with them judging by the ease at how friendly I got with them.

I messaged my little sister, and scrolling through our conversations it's been a good few months since we've last talked. I felt a little pit in my stomach, but it's a new start and I'll make sure to keep cherishing my family.

After hanging out with them for 30 minutes after school at the tables outside, I saw my sister waving at me.

My friends whistled at me and I swore I saw Natsumi frowning a little until I told them it was just my sister.

Natsumi was probably wondering if I'm a playboy who's planning to toy with her. Fortunately, the misunderstanding was cleared before she reached any conclusion.

As I was walking to my sister, Arlo– one of the guys I got along with pretty well, barks at me.

"Hey, you asshole give us your contact number!"

I waved my hand, "I'll give it to you tomorrow."

Reed got up and started running to me probably wanting to tackle me.

"Don't be a douche!"

Since my sister was behind me and I did not want Reed to bump into her, I raised my hands in surrender and we exchanged contact info.

I flashed them one last smile and wave and joined my sister.

She smiled at me and we walked to the metro in comfortable silence.

[Author Note: The story was just verified and can now receive power stones! Please support me! Thank you very much.