For New Readers

Hey! I'm the author of the novel Reaching for The Stars, murdsguy.

Well, I'll keep it quick.

Like all novels, this will be a wish-fulfillment albeit with a few bumps and rocks in the journey.

I like to think these bumps are what will add spice to the story and more importantly, keep it from being bland.

The first 4 chapters will explain Charlie's feelings towards coming into this world and being so suddenly pushed into it while his body is still adjusting to the new changes.

He will at first struggle a little bit since his two personalities are merging. That's one of the bad sides, and good sides of transmigration and coming into contact with new memories and sides of himself.

I like to think that since Charlie will be gaining so much and have a very good life, it wouldn't do to have him cruise through the entire journey with no ups and downs. It's just mental jacking off by that point.

Everyone will at some point go through struggles and Charlie is definitely no exception.

Worry not, for after every struggle is a reward!

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, after all.

The story will be a single pairing, and I will not yet disclose who the soulmate will be! Of course, since I'm writing this after 34 chapters people will probably have already deduced who it will be.

The story's tags will expand as I too expand on the things Charlie will do later. Romance will be a big factor, though. School life will take up a nice portion of the novel because I just love school life novels and it'll have pretty fluffy scenes.

There'll be lots of slang, if you don't understand it then you can just comment on that paragraph and I'll try to explain it.

If there's a scene you don't understand or an error, don't be afraid to call it out!

There will be some profanity, especially at the beginning of the book as that's when Charlie's freaking out the most.

Moving on,

I like to think I'm someone who you can easily talk to. If you have anything in the comments, feel free to say so! Don't shy away from that comment section and just say whatever you want to. I'll probably either respond or like the comment. I read all of my comments because I really enjoy communication with you guys.

Well, we'll probably be talking for as long as I continue this novel, and I want to think it'll be a pretty long time.

You'll be reading my thoughts for quite some time, that is if you don't drop early on which I'll try to write correctly to avoid.

Now then, since we'll be talking from now on pretty often, I'll give you a secret.

I actually began writing this novel after heartbreak with my ex. I know, it sounds like I'm a loser but hey, I'm now already over her, and writing this and talking with you guys has been slowly healing my soul.

I'll often be dropping my favorite songs to chill and relax to in the Author Notes. If you have music you want to listen to, read the author notes and there will be some nice songs.

You too can recommend your songs in the paragraph comments! I want to keep the section open with people just saying whatever they want to, almost like a chat group of friends.

Please enjoy the book and I will see you in the comments! :)

Thank you, and please take care of me.