Chapter 02 : Subject Assigned

Auditorium—First Floor      08.12.20      5:26AM


Perhaps it shouldn't, but her stomach still seems intent on practicing acrobatics in her chest when it comes time to meet with the principal. The retreat has been a resounding success, so far.


 But each person who moves forward through the line and leaves her one step closer to a conversation with the principal leaves her that much closer to a breakdown as well.

Yeonjun is at her side, at least. She's reminded of the older man's presence when an arm is slung around her shoulders, tugging her close to her friend's chest.

Yeonjun : "What's with the long face, y/n?" 

Yeonjun laughs in her ear and ruffles y/n hair where he can reach it, which makes y/n's tense expression melt into a scowl. Underneath, she feels a small twinge of gratitude for her friend's constant optimism and never-ending positivity. Always a rock in her life, Yeonjun has been.



Still that swoop of anxiety remains, and she finds herself stumbling forward a few steps as Yeonjun tugs her along, eagerly following the movement of the line before them.


Yeonjun : "Oh, come on y/n don't be like that. You were so excited for this just, like, an hour ago. What changed?"

She gulps, glancing up at the principal sitting only a few feet in front of her, her stomach replaying the same nervous dance it had performed when she had last been in this room, facing down an entire panel of school administrators.

Y/n : "I-I guess.... It was different, over lunch. Now it's real , I'm-I'm about to meet him, I'm about to know what class-"

Yeonjun : "Hey, hey…"

Yeonjun stops their progress forward, circling around to face her with hands on each of y/n's shoulders, his body blocking y/n's entire view of the line beyond.

Yeonjun : "What did I tell you, huh?

Y/n : "I—"

Yeonjun : "Minhyun —Principal Kim, he's amazing. I wouldn't have brought you here if I didn't believe that ....You don't have anything to worry about, okay?"

Y/n gives him a small nod, and Yeonjun squeezes her shoulders for good measure.

Yeonjun :  "If it wasn't for Principal Kim, I wouldn't be here, and neither would you, I want you to meet him! Don't worry, he's amazing."


And y/n believes him, of course she does. Yeonjun would never steer her wrong. And her friend is right, if it wasn't for Yeonjun's recommendation to the board, Y/n may never have been invited for an interview, may not be standing here right now, ready to take on the last step towards securing her first! teaching job! Oh, and there it is again the excitement, the anxiety.


Y/n : "C'mon, y/n, let's go -"


And they both look around to find that the line has disappeared without them, all of the other new hires milling about the room, presumably discussing their new class assignments with each other. Y/n's gut clenches with a different feeling now, a more familiar one, embarrassment.

Only a few feet away, the principal sits, leaned back in his chair, dark eyes aimed straight at the two of them where they are dawdling behind. Beside him, an older woman is waving her hand at them, gesturing them forward—y/n recognises her from her last visit, one of the staff from the administration who has always been kind to her, though she looks a little exasperated now.

Y/n : "Oh, shit—"

Yeonjun releases y/n at last and steps away, calling over her shoulder.

Y/n : "I'll be right back, wish me luck!"

Y/n stuffs her hands to her sides, eyes focused on her friend's retreating back.

Yeonjun : "...luck."

He whispers, more to himself than anything.

It helps, somehow, to watch Yeonjun interact with the older man, extending a hand to shake the when he is greeted. The principal gives Yeonjun a broad smile, the first that y/n has seen him make, and it's hard not to be a little proud—yeonjun has always had that effect on people. Still, the familiarity between them is obvious, the way they stand close together, leaning forward as both men slip into deep discussion, and y/n is distinctly reminded that Yeonjun has know Mr. Kim for months or much longer than y/n has even known of the school's existence.

It's hard to decide, then, whether that should make her feel more worried or more at ease, and her chest can't seem to decide either, her breath catching even as she feels her stomach unclench at last.

No, this should be a good thing

 'this is a good thing' 

She forces herself to think. If Yeonjun says there's nothing to be afraid of, then there's nothing to be afraid of.

'I'm so lucky.'

 She reminds herself.

Her eyes catch sight of Yeonjun shaking the principal's hand again seconds before she realizes what it means , her thoughts delayed even as Yeonjun turns and starts moving back towards her with the broadest of grins on his heart-shaped face.

Y/n : "How—uh, how did it go?"

She chokes out, and Yeonjun shakes his head in fond understanding.

Yeonjun : "Nothing to worry about."

He claps a hand against y/n's shoulder.

Yeonjun : "I got P.E. This is going to be great!"

Those words are just what she needs to hear.

Y/n : "That's—that's awesome, Jun, I knew you'd be picked for something like that—how could they not?"

The grin that y/n offers her friend is as genuine as the one she receives in return, some of her worry easing away at the sight.



Yeonjun's head swings around and he turns his grin back on the woman calling y/n up to the front of the room. The hand on her shoulder steers her around to take Yeonjun's place, giving her a little shove forward for good measure.

Yeonjun : "You're up! Knock 'em dead, y/n."

It's with a renewed sense of confidence that y/n breaks away from her friend's touch, taking the ten or so steps that it takes to face the principal at last, hand automatically outstretched in greeting. No matter now nervous she is, her mother raised her with manners. The older man looks her over carefully for a long moment before taking y/n's hand in his much larger one and shaking it firmly.

Minhyun : "I'm Principal Kim Minhyun, it's a pleasure to finally meet you."

Y/n : "Likewise!"

She huffs out, and again her excitement is genuine as though it was there all along, buried under the haze of anxiety that seems to have dissipated. Minhyun's face is handsome, disarmingly so, and he exudes such a calm, controlled presence that y/n finds herself feeling less frazzled just by being exposed to it. Yeonjun had been onto something with his admiration of this man.

Y/n : "I'm Rin Y/n, and the pleasure is all mine."

She tries to give her most charming smile.

But then y/n waits and waits and waits for the questions to start, for the conversation to begin. Is she supposed to say something? She wonders, when the silence between her and the older man stretches on uncomfortably.

On the other hand, Principal Kim seems utterly unbothered by the awkwardness or perhaps he doesn't see it as awkward at all as he stares y/n down, his gaze taking in every inch of y/n's small body, focusing almost uncomfortably long on y/n's mouth before he finally lets y/n's hand go. Y/n tries not to think too much of it, assures herself that she's just reading into things.

Minhyun : "I see."

Minhyun says, the words barely a murmur.

Y/n's hands are released, and the principal turns toward the woman standing just off to the side, who hurries to hand him a packet of paperwork in a plain folder. Minhyun brings it up to his face, thumbs through it thoughtfully, then hands it out to y/n without another word. Y/n takes the offered folder from the principal with shaky fingers, not even looking at it as she clutches it to her chest.

Y/n : "Is—is that it?"

She can't help but ask, though she wants to kick herself for the insecurity that leaks into her tone.

Minhyun : "I don't need to ask you any questions, Ms. Rin."

Minhyun informs her, curtly.

Minhyun : "I know exactly what do to with you."

Y/n : "O-Oh…?"

She can't help the wavering in her voice, nerves breaking through for another appearance.

Y/n : "And what's that—?"

Minhyun : "Sex Education."