2 months later, 19 November 2034
It's been 2 months since Nicole's death and the atmosphere has only just started mellowing out. Leo started eating and talking again, but the nightmares have gotten worse and worse. I, on the other hand, still had to look for a hiding spot every now and then, just to get some alone time away from my, now three since Leo joined the other two, permanent bodyguards. Now I can't even breathe without them rushing to see what happened, ok maybe it's not THAT bad, but that's how it FEELS!! Jayden saunters into "our" room. And please, O, please note the quotation marks, as I was forced into this room by no other than my lovely, overprotective boyfriend, Jayden.
"Alice..." Jayden seemed nervous, which was extremely out of character for the wittiness that's always there.
"Yes?" I say looking up from my book.
"I-I... uhm..." He scratched the back of his head sheepishly. "Would you like to go on a date with me?" He rambled quickly, making it almost impossible for me to understand him.
I smile and nod. "Sure, I'd like that." Jayden grinned and walked out, closing the door behind him.
"D'you do it?" I hear Alaric's voice on the other side.
"I asked her on a date but..." I suspect they walked away due to Jayden's voice fading away completely.
About a minute later Jayden pops his head back in. "Uhm, the date is tonight in about 7 or so hours, at 8 pm." He disappears again, making me chuckle.
'Something is definitely up with him today, and what was that conversation about before? What is he planning?' I sigh softly and sink back into my pillows. Leo and Alaric's birthdays were 2 days ago, on the 18th, yet no one felt like doing anything. Nicole was planning on it since she found out when their birthdays were... After what happened... I wiped away the tears that tried to slip down my cheeks. Maybe I should plan something, I mean I got them presents, for Leo a chain with a small cross at the end which he could wear around his neck, and or Alaric a couple of leather bracelets which he officially refuses to take off now, but we still need to make it a special thing that's what Nicole would have wanted. I slowly feel myself drifting away into a deep slumber, dreaming about anything and everything, until the scenery shifted to Nicole, her eyes glowing and her skin like ash, she snarled at me. "I'm coming for you Alice, you and everyone you hold dear, I'll wipe you out one by one." Her voice was that of multiple people, her nails long and blade-like, I could feel myself backing up till I hit something that blocked my way, she swiped at me with her long clawed hands, I scream. I woke up screaming to a panicked Jayden shouting my name and shaking me.
"Alice!!" He continued trying to make me focus. I was completely bewildered for a second trying to figure out where I was.
"Jayden..." I cried hiding my face in his chest.
"You ok my one and only?" His voice was soft and gentle.
"Nightmare, but I am ok." I continued as I shook the dream.
Jayden nods, stroking my hair softly. "It's ok Alice, I'm here now." His voice calmed and soothed me, lulling me to calmness.
"I'm sorry for scaring you." I said sheepishly.
"Don't worry I am just glad you're ok Alice."Jayden hugs me tighter.
I smile at him as he gives me a soft kiss on my head. "I'm ok now, I should go make food for you guys." I check the time, 3 pm, wow I slept 2 whole hours. "Definitely time to make something for you guys before..."
"Alice!? I'm hungry!" Alaric knocked on the door.
"Well, too late."Jayden laughed and let me go. "I am coming Alaric!" We head out the door holdings hands.
"Well now, had I known you guys were busy I'd have made ..." Before Alaric could answer he was punched by both me and Jayden simultaneously.
"Shut up!" We shouted in unison before heading to the kitchen. Leo laughed watching us three before heading over to help his brother.
I busied myself with the food deciding on fries and sausages. Jayden sat at the table reading. It took a while, but finally, it was finished, and just in time since I am 100% convinced they would've eaten me had it taken any longer, like a bunch of trained, hungry wolves if you ask me, even Leo was acing part of the pack today. I quickly placed their places in front of them.
"Eat up, and don't eat too fast or you'll get sick and I ain't your mom so I refuse to clean it, got that?" I issued a warning to them.
They nodded and dug in, I had no appetite, I haven't had one since ... I shook my head and put my portion in a bowl in the fridge.
"You're not eating, Alice?" Alaric asked mid-bite.
"Nah, maybe later." I smiled. Alaric nodded and continued eating. I quickly start on the dishes, drying and packing away as I wait for their plates.
Leo glared at me. "I could have done that."
I give him my most innocent smile. "Too late now don't you think?"
Leo huffed. "As stubborn as always, if you faint from exhaustion again don't say I didn't warn you."
I pouted, Really you had to bring that up? About 2 weeks ago I fainted while doing dishes, and mister doctor over there, booked me off a day for exhaustion, that's how it came out that I very rarely slept and was eventually not allowed to sleep in my room alone anymore. "That's not playing fair."
"Alice, you're the one who fainted on us, not the other way around." Alaric grinned.
"Damn near gave me a heart attack too! That knife could've killed you!"Jayden hissed frowning
I sighed. "I'm never gonna live this down am I?"
"Nope." All three stated in unison.
I sighed and went to sit down on the couch. "Fine! Do your own damned dishes!"
They laughed at me, making me sink lower and lower into the couch. 'DAMN MEN!!'
Once they finished one by one they washed, dried and packed away their plates and eating utensils. Jayden sat next to me on the couch pulling me onto his lap, I nuzzled into his chest almost instantly falling asleep.
I hold Alice tightly as she sleeps. "Do you think she's as ok as she says she is?" Leo asked, staring at her.
"No, I don't think so, I've heard her, she hides in the bathroom and cries." I reply thoughtfully.
"Same, I've seen the red puffiness of her crying and heard her cry." Alaric nodded.
"Jayden, you need to take good care of her, if you don't I'll make you regret it." Leo warned, receiving an agreeing nod from Alaric.
"Guys, guys, I love this girl more than I could ever describe the last thing I'd do is hurt her or break her heart, and if someone tries I'll rip them to shreds." I narrowed my eyes slightly.
"Good to know."Alaric commented.
Alice stirred slightly and everyone freezes making sure not to wake her up. "I'm going to take her to bed guys. I'm afraid we'll wake her up." I whisper, receiving understanding nods.
I slowly rose cuddling Alice to me as much as humanly possible, heading into our room and closing the door.
"Let's hope she makes it past, at least 2 hours." I whispered to no one in particular.
I checked the time ... 3:15 pm... I still have time to plan everything for tonight...
3 Hours later.
"Alice." Jayden gently shakes me awake.
I slowly open my eyes, yawning. Jayden kisses my forehead. "Come sleepy head time to get ready, our date is in two hours." I get up slowly. Wait... "Did you say two hours?"
"SHIT!" I jumped up and ran upstairs grabbing the black dress I wore to the cinemas and a pair of black pumps and underwear, then jumped into the shower. 'Why didn't he wake me up sooner!? DAMN IT!!'
Once finished I quickly got dressed before doing a little bit of make up the way Nicole taught me. I combed my hair letting it hang in soft red and black curls down my back onto my bottom. I really need a haircut. I add a pair of ruby earrings, a Black leather choker with small ruby gems running across it, my thin chain bracelet with a piece of ruby on it and a small ring on my pinky which also had its ruby gem. I pulled on my shoes grabbing my small black clutch bag with its ruby-gemmed chain and head back downstairs.
"Wow..."Alaric froze, staring at me. "Alice... You look amazing!"
I blush. My feelings for Alaric still lingered even though I last saw him when we were both children, but I love Jayden so much more. "Thank you, Alaric. If you would excuse me I have a date to get to."
Alaric smiled and nodded. "Be my guest."
I smiled and passed him heading towards Jayden, dressed in a dark blue button up shirt, loosened at the top and black pants and shoes. "I'm finished." Wow, he looks amazing!
"Wow . . . Geez, you look amazing babe!" Jayden gaped, giving me a kiss on my head.
"So do you, my love." I stare at the 1.97m male.
"Shall we go? We are only left with about 20 minutes." Jayden asked, checking his watch.
"Sure, let's go." I smiled excitedly. Once outside we headed to Alaric's sleek black car and got in.
"Buckle up." Jayden said, putting on his seatbelt. I copied him and we headed out.
We stopped in front of a huge fancy restaurant. Jayden checked his watch. "Great! Exactly on time!" He got out and came to open my door for me before giving the keys to the valet, he took the ticket and headed inside.
"Jayden." A tall black haired guy called. "Your seats are prepared and the starters are already at the table you may go through."
Jayden thanked him and we headed to our table, decorated with white and blue tablecloths along with red roses. "Who's that?"
"One of my friends who graduated about a year before you joined." Jayden explained pulling out my chair for me.
"O." I said, taking my seat. "YAY! SALAD!" I squealed, receiving a bunch of dirty looks. I sulk. "Geez, what's wrong with these people."
Jayden Chuckled. "Well sexy, you see it's like this... This is a place where people all have sticks up their asses and don't know how to be friendly or nice to people."
I giggle softly. "Shall we dig in?"
"Does this have mushrooms?" I ask picking at one of the leaves.
"Mushrooms, Green peppers, olives, cucumber and chicken strips, all of your favorites my love." Jayden stated proudly.
I giggle. "Well, aren't you boyfriend of the year."
Jayden scratched the back of his head again... "A-Actually, Alaric told me."
I chuckled. "I thought so."
Jayden blushed sweetly and pouted... "That's not fair, why'd you ask even though you knew?"
"Because it's cute seeing you blush."
Jayden pouted and huffed. "I am not cute!"
I started eating. "Yummy!" I exclaimed softly.
"I know right? This place's food is amazing." Jayden smiled.
I smile and finish my salad. "That was much better than any of my salads." I noted.
"And yet, I still prefer your food." Jayden smiled holding my hand.
The waiter comes and brings us each a plate of sushi, taking away our salad bowls. "Sushi....." I drool looking at my plate. My appetite suddenly came back, with a hunger beyond all hunger.
Jayden smiled. "Go ahead. This, of course, I picked for you."
I giggled and dug in. Jayden watched me nervously. I ignore him and continue eating. Something shiny catches my eye. I tilt my head slightly picking it up. "J-Jayden?" I stare at the gold ring with it's soft pink diamond grinning at me.
"Alice, I know we haven't been together for very long and that we are still in school, but I can't live without you and definitely not without your cooking. You are amazing and you are my One and Only, the only one I wanna be with for the rest of my life. You are my present and my future. I promise I'll be a good husband and if we ever have children I'll be an amazing father. So please Alice, Will you do me the greatest honor ever, and marry me?" Jayden was on one knee next to me holding the ring up to me.
My heart sang I didn't care about how old we were, or that the school year only finishes next month, every inch of me screamed yes. My eyes welled up with tears. "Yes! I will always say yes to you!" Jayden jumped up and hugged me.
"Thank you." Jayden whispered softly.
Everyone clapped and cheered. I blushed, when did they get here?? Jayden slipped the ring onto my finger and kissed me. I quickly sat down stuffing my face with sushi. Jayden smiled at me as he sat down and kept on eating. I couldn't help staring at the ring. It made my heart race and sing. I was so happy...