Chapter: 15... The War Begins

6 Days later, 26 January 2035.


I could have sworn I saw Nicole's eyes peering down at me a few days ago. I had woken up and seen her eyes, but when I switched the light on she was gone. A dream? Trick of the mind maybe? I don't know but I was almost 100% sure those glowing eyes belonged to none other than Nicole.

"Alice?" Alaric's voice came from behind my door.

I sighed softly. "Yes?"

"May I come in please?" He seemed worried.

"Sure, you may come in babe." I replied pulling my blanket over my head.

"Thank you." I hear the door opening. "Now... Where could you be hiding?"

I Hold my breath as I hear his footsteps get closer... This is so childish, but I love it every bit the same as I did when I was a child. I sense his presence next to me before he jumps. "Hey sexy."

I giggle as he pulls the covers from over my head. "Heyy sexier."

Alaric smiled, giving me a swift gentle kiss. "Sleep well?" He purred as he held me.