Chapter: 19... Lilith

Alice P.O.V

21 February 3035

It was nearly sunrise. 'They have probably realized something was strange by now. Knowing them they probably decided to come after me as well. I don't want that, I just want to be alone. That way I can ensure no one will get hurt, especially not Alaric. I anything happened to Alaric I'd never be able to forgive myself.' This way I can guarantee I won't go into a blind rampage for some or other useless reason. I headed deeper into the forest, not looking back, not even once.

22 February 3035

I caught a glimmer of what seemed to be some kind of cabin. Voices have drifted to me from the direction of the cabin. 'Maybe it's scouts from the Lab?' I decide to slink closer. If it were, I'd get rid of them…

23 February 3035

I opened my eyes from the feeling of small fingers poking at my face. "Hey Lady!? Are you dead?"

"No, obviously not… I was just sleeping." I stared at her confused. 'Where did this pipsqueak come from?'