
The Penalty Of Sin

"{Ability Boost}" with this enhancement active Xerxes' has faster movement, more sharp senses, and greater reflexes. What was once days of walking was now only a few hours at a leisurely walk. Most manipulators who could use this ability would run, however Xerxes really didn't need to. With each step he would move roughly one hundred yards. Of course he thought that this was normal as he has never saw another person use this ability. He had heard rumors as a child that a hero in a guild named Divinity could move at a very fast pace with this enhancement.

"Leave me alone!"... "Who was that?" Xerxes thought to himself as he continued to walk with an ungodly stride. "There is nobody in sight but I know I heard a cry for help". After just a few more steps Xerxes saw a young woman just off of the road. She was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. Even more so than the sights he had seen that fateful day with his parents. Her hair was as white as the winter snow, and her eyes were the same color blue as the sky. There was also a man with her. He seemed to be bothering the young lady. Xerxes considered moving on and continuing his teleporting speed to Destra. Until he noticed something familiar about the man. After a flash back to his mother's death he remembered just who this man was. He was one of the men who had slipped away into the forest, and was also the same man that had plunged the sword into his mother's heart.

"There you are" Xerxes said in a sinister tone as he flashed to the back side of the man. "Where did you come from?" the man asked as he turned in fright. After a brief pause the man asks " is this woman with you"? "No she is not the one I have been looking for. You are! I am here to execute the penalty for a sin against me". "Sin... against you?" The man says with a chuckle. "Who gives a shit about a sin against you punk". The man says as he swings his sword at the ominous looking boy that is carrying a blank stare. Xerxes simply moved his foot ever so slightly and was once again behind the man. "Where the hell did you go boy? Don't be a coward. Fight me". {Steel skin}! The man turns back around. Seeing the boy in between himself and the young woman. "Die boy"! The man yells as he begins a volley of attacks. "Hahahaha this is all you've got? Come on you must be kidding me". Xerxes said as he block each attack with nothing but his left index finger. "A man such as yourself should not have an issue killing a boy like me". Seeing that he was fighting a manipulator the man slightly backed away and asked, "what is this? Why are you fighting me in the first place? What sin have I committed against you? I have never seen you before". "You may not remember me, but I could never forget the face of the man that killed my mother. Even if it was ten years ago". Xerxes said as he lifted his finger, pointing it directly at the mans face. "The boy! You are that boy?". Now with complete fear in his eyes the man remembers the onslaught that this young man had brought upon them as a mere child. "I am sorry. It was not personal. I was only doing what my duty that my boss required of me. Please forgive me". The man begged now knowing that this young man could easily erase him. "Only as your duty required you. That is why you killed an innocent woman". Xerxes paused for a moment and then said this to the man, "you who have committed a great sin against me will now receive my judgement". Xerxes teleported to the man, grabbed his face and screamed out {internal combustion}. In the blink of an eye the man exploded into a million pieces with dark black flames engulfing each tiny piece, and his blood fell from the sky as if it were raining. "With your death your debt to me is paid". Xerxes said with a sinister smile across his face.