
Clash Of Gods

With Xerxes power now higher than the God of Light the two were ready to fight until the bitter end. One of the Gods would fall this day. Xerxes knew he that he could fall in this battle. {Meteor Strike}. Xerxes begins to attack, but the God met it with equal force. {Blazing Sun}, the two spells crashed into each other, creating a huge explosion blowing the roof off of the catacombs. {Beam of Light}. From the Gods eyes came large beams that hit the ground with tremendous force, but Xerxes was to fast to be hit by it. {God Sword}, the two begin a close quarters battle between scythes and sword. {Speed Of Light} the two were battling so fast that their bodies couldn't be seen by the human eye. Only the clashing of the weapons could be seen. {Hell Fire}, Xerxes finally got a hit in, but the God purged the fire quickly and began an assault once more.

The God of Light brought down his sword for an attack. Xerxes hit the sword with the tip of his left scythe. {Death Penalty}, the Sword was swallowed into the black hole that this spell creates. With his right weapon he swung for his opponents head. The God pulled up his arm to block the scythe before it met his head. Blood spewed from the wound, falling all into the catacombs. Then the God retaliated knocking Xerxes into the ground. Xerxes hit the ground so hard that it caused an earthquake. The God pulled out Xerxes scythe from his arm and hurled it at him. With intense speed Xerxes intercepted the weapon in mid air, and began to fight again. {Exploding Sun}, a massive explosion filled the air around the God. {Dark Fire Bomb}, once more the spells clashed and negated each other. Beams of light and darkness filled the sky as the battle continued on, both Gods mana running low. "Prepare yourself God of Light". As Xerxes prepared for another attack. The flashed over toward the God with his weapons above him, he brought his right scythe down onto the God while throwing his left scythe in the opposite direction, back towards the demon seal. "This battle will not go quite like you plan Xerxes. I will emerge victorious". The God said in a serious tone. Xerxes began to laugh and said, "it is going just as I predicted it would. See to kill a God like you would take days of battle. You are indeed formidable, however...you donated the blood for the seal to break and that's enough". "You fool you need a Gods body as well, and that will not be happening today". "It won't be", Xerxes laughing again. "Then look at the seal". To the Gods disbelief, next to the seal laid the Reaper. Xerxes scythe was imbedded into his head. As the blood and the Reaper were being absorbed into the gate. The chains that ran across the gate began to break and the portal became to beam darkness all around it. "You may have your way this time Xerxes, God of Destruction, but your downfall is coming. The other Gods will not let this happen". The God said as he disappeared into the sky. The Iron Maiden returned to his cloak and Xerxes fell to the ground. He did not go uninjured in the battle and his low mana was making him feel fatigue. Sarah ran over to him, "Xerxes are you ok?". "I'm fine just a little tired that's all". "Look Xerxes you've done it. Our people will be free". Xerxes rose to his feet, his strength growing more and more as the demon race began to come from the portal.

After all the demons were out the gate shattered. "My people I have freed you with the help of your God of Death. Serve me and live in this kingdom of ours in peace. The humans here are also servants of mine". Hearing Xerxes words each and every demon dropped to a knee before Xerxes and Sarah proclaiming them the demon king and queen, and Xerxes as their new God. "Believe me my people we will have our revenge on the Gods who played any part in this. Now rise and settle peacefully in this land".