Chapter 4 - Attack in Beacon Part 1

Today was the day. Jaune was going to attack the school that he always wished to join as a kid. The school he always walked past and thought, 'I will be there... saving the world alongside my team'. Yeah, a team which very much betrayed him.

All you could hear, was the Cling and the swishing of a sword that Jaune was getting prepared for the battle. The Hell Knight looked into his reflection through the blade. Since now having a mask, it was hard to tell what his eyes were, but to Jaune that mattered the least.

Suddenly someone walked into his and Noki's tent, letting some moonlight inside. Jaune looked towards the person and saw no one else than Adam, who seemed to be quite irritated with something.

"Get ready, a ship is about to land, we need everyone on board" the Taurus Faunus commanded as he nearly seemed to look through Jaune's eyes. The blond boy nodded as he stood up, and walked past his leader towards the airship which was just about to land. Jaune took a glance at his companion and just asked,

"Are you coming or what?" Jaune's voice sounded more like a chuckle. Adam shook his head and followed Jaune's lead. As the airship landed, Jaune glance over at his female friend which was fidgeting with her hands, biting her cheeks and looking at her weapons ever so often. He could work out that she was quite stressed, after all, she hated that school with all her might. As the wolf Faunus entered the airship, Jaune followed his friend and sat next to her. She smiled at him, but the Hell knight could still see that she wasn't happy to go. "Are you alright?" Asked the blond boy as his hand touched the female's shoulder. She shook her head, looking down.

"Let's just say that I had a past involving Beacon and some people." Answered Noki, deep inside hoping that Jaune won't be asking her details.

"Really? What happened? You're one of the most cheerful people I know" The hell's knight pushed onto the topic and the girl worked out that she had no choice but to tell him what really happened.

"Jaune, the brightest smiles are the longest and the most shattered ones. I used to be a student in Beacon too. My parents never really payed attention to what I was doing, as my younger siblings were better than me. I didn't really care though. I joined the school, passed the test, got into a team. Like any other person. However... one thing was always on my mind, and that was my teammate... Ashen. He was the first person to talk to me, he was kind, strong, and very supportive. We started going out by the end of the first month in the semester. We would do a lot of things together, however one day he had to go on a mission but with someone else not in our team. He texted me a lot, and asked for something... at first, I thought that it was stupid and silly... but I took a photo or two, of myself. I send it to him, and he... shared it around the whole school. Next day, I was called dirty names, people touched me in places I didn't find it comfortable, and some boys even tried to... rape me near the lockers. I decided to not go to lessons for a week, stayed in my dorm. My team tried to cheer me up, but gave up after few tries. My boyfriend however kept on asking me to do it, but the way I hated. It was horrible. I went to a lesson after some time, but a teacher that is now in jail told me to get out of the class and wait for his call. When the class ended, he called me in and told me these words,

"You have two choices. I can help you gain back the reputation and finish the school or get out of here and don't you even dare to come back"

I didn't know what he wanted, but I worked it out as soon as his hand touched his belt and began unbuckling it. I refused... so he kicked me out...

When I came home, my father began beating me up everyday. Hitting me with his belt twelve times everyday, in the morning, afternoon and evening. One day, I grabbed my stuff and ran forward, not looking back. Collapsed about seven times, but after a while Adam found me and I joined the White Fang. That's when I realised that I belong here." Noki told her story, it rolled off her tongue so easily. Jaune's eyes were closed with tears, and the mask couldn't fold his emotions. Suddenly the boy felt a tug and turned to face the wolf Faunus only to be hugged. Hell Knight hugged his friend back as she rubbed his back.

"How can you smile after all the cruelty you faced?" Jaune sobbed out. Noki just shrugged her shoulders.

"I just learned to do so. Frowning and depression won't do me any good, would it?" She stated calmly whilst still holding Jaune in her arms.

Adam saw the whole scene, and his heart felt like it has sunk. He wanted to be the one in Noki's place, he wanted to hold Jaune in his arms and he wanted to... be with him...

The airship was now above Beacon Academy which was being attacked by the Grimm. Jaune looked around, deep inside hoping that he would see someone that would easily get out of this situation... however no sign of her. Noki touched Jaune's shoulder.

"Looking for Ruby Rose?" Asked the ginger girl. Jaune didn't look up at her, just tried to see where the Red Riding Hood was. Where could she be?

The ship landed, and Adam smirked thinking of the ways the White Fang was just about to take revenge. Jaune looked at Adam who told him to follow. The Hell Knight suddenly felt a lot more confidence in himself.

Today was the day that Jaune will show everyone how much he suffered... and he didn't regret anything.