
Fixer groaned as he came to, blinking at the sight of the bubble free of ice, snow, and rock. Nearby, six other clone commandos and the two Jedi were being treated for wounds.

"Careful sir," said Sharp, gently applying splits and bandages to the Kel Dor jedi's right arm. "Need any pain killers, General?"

"No, they will merely hinder me and cloud my mind," said Plo Koon softly, nodding in thanks to the Clone Commander. "That storm was obviously not natural."

"You don't say?" Muttered Fixer as he gingerly got to his feet. His entire body felt sore and beaten, that is more than usual, since that was always how he felt nowadays. Picking himself up, the clone examined the nigh smooth walls curving around to form the bubble that protected them. He didn't pretend to know a lot about the 'Force' that the Jedi used, but it seemed damn useful, especially against a hurricane level storm thrown at them.

"How do we get out?" He asked, looking up at the ceiling. "There's gotta be a tons of snow and ice on top of us."

"With a lightsaber," Fisto answered with a grin. With a snap-hiss, the plasma sword activated from the hilt of the cylinder in his hand as he thrust it into the ceiling, the ice and snow instantly evaporating. Within seconds, Plo Koon was joining him as they systematically carved their way through the mass of ice and snow, to the general amazement of the Devil Dogs.

Sharp was the first one out and he surveyed the devastated area with a critical eye. The entire mountain range was covered in a smooth layer of snow, level enough to easily traverse the terrain, but there was a noticeable tilt that told of the recent avalanche. There were no enemies in sight and the still smothering remains of the cruiser sat in a fresh and newly made valley between two mountains nearby.

"Looks like we're clear," he said, nodding to the Jedi. "We're at half strength and most of our explosives are gone, our guide is gone, and I have no idea how to get to the weather control station. Orders, sir?"

"We must continue," Koon anwered grimly. "The Weather Control Station is at least a kilometer away, once we get there, we can figure out what to do."

Commander Sharp nodded, turning to what remained of his troops. "Alright, you heard the General! Lets go!"

They set off at a quick march, never noticing the puffs of steam seeping from the snow a dozen meters away from them.