BX-C373 and his team of Special Commando Units set the charges with a calm efficiency that was the trademark of his advanced battledroid line. As the Captain, he had advanced software capable of effectively directing the forces under his command. Right now, two dozen Commandos were busy setting charges on the starboard bridge windows.
Armored shutters had closed down, preventing entry into what would otherwise be hardened transparasteel rated for starship to starship combat.
But the special breaching charges would be more than enough to blow the windows out and allow his entire team to jetpack in before the containment fields go up.
So when he pressed the button to the detonator for every single breaching charge, he felt a thrill of satisfaction as the armored shutters simply melted away and the transparasteel windows blew apart. Vacuum sucked several unfortunate clone naval officers as he and his fellow battledroids activated their jetpacks and jumped through, their metal soles clamping down onto the metal floor securely as they pulled the trigger of their blaster rifles.
With the vacuum forcing the clones and other personnel to hold onto something, this left them critically vulnerable for valuable moments.
Blue stun blasts filled the bridge as dozens were incapacitated before the window forcefields came on. As the vacuum died out, what clone troopers were present began laying down return fire, forcing the Commando droids to seek cover; either in the pit where the clone naval officers worked or using hostages as living shields.
"We need reinforcements!" Shouted a Clone naval officer as he pulled a disorientated Admiral Himler from the ground.
Captain BX-C373 shot him with a carefully aimed stunner and proceeded to do to same for the Admiral when the blast doors opened and concussive grenades started exploding, knocking his aim off.
"The calvary has arrived!" Shouted the Marauder Troopers, sending an unfortunate Commando flying into the wall in smoking pieces. "Watch out for friendlies!"
Squads of Clone Trooper ran in, suddenly turning the tables against the droids with sheer numbers.
The concussive blasts were quickly becoming an annoyance, as each explosive buffeted C373's aim. Not that it's blaster rifle had any noticeable effect on the giants, the battledroid idly noted. As another Commando was cut down by the concentrated fire, it decided reinforcements were needed.
A signal was sent and the ceiling started to rain sparks. The clones had only a moment to look up in confusion before the hastily blocked vents were torn apart and a veritable swarm of buzz droids descended down upon them.
C373 felt some satisfaction of hearing the clones scream as drills and cutting tools were unsheathed. The Marauders had the worst of it. With their immense bulk and limited arm movement, buzz droids were having a merry time cutting through the ablative armor.
But buzz droids were designed to take out fighters and even small warships. Heavy infantry armor was nothing.
More clones, however, were still assembling near the blast doors, cutting down buzz droids while covering those who could escape. Moments later, the blast doors slammed shut, ending the battle.
Soon blood was running in small rivers as buzz droids cut, sawed, and drilled messily into the hapless clone troopers. Nearby, the hulk of a Marauder sat, twitching as a buzz droid nestled in the cranial cavity of it's victim. It chittered happily at a job well done.
BX Commando Captain C373 took stock of his forces. Only seven Commandos remained and quite a few Buzz Droids. There were many clone officers available for questioning, but...
The Admiral wasn't present. The Battledroid wasn't the kind to use expletives, but it personally felt it should use one now.
"Commander," it said into it's internal comlink. "We have secured the bridge. Admiral Himler has gotten away."
"How many of your Commandos remain, Captain?" Asked the Commander testily. There were sounds of fighting over the comlink.
"Half of my forces remain, along with a sizable number of buzz droids," said C373, glancing towards the fallen forms of it' fellow Commandoes. "With field repairs, we can bring our numbers to three-fourths strength."
"Reinforcements are coming, but I can spare very little," it's commander said as the comlink hissed and sputtered. "Hold that bridge for as long as possible."
C373 nodded. "By your command."
As it turned it's comlink off, it knelt over the nearest BX Commando droid and pried it's torso open to inspect the damage. Irreparable, but it had intact parts. "Cannibalize parts to repair those that can be revived. We hold this bridge for as long as possible."
"Roger, roger," chorused the other Commandoes.
Himler grimaced as he allowed a medic to carefully cover a nasty head wound with a bacta patch. He had been utterly blindsided by the attack. He also cursed himself for not putting up emergency forcefields over the transparasteel windows as a precautionary measure.
"I'm getting senile in my old age," the admiral said softly. Next to him, his clone XO stared at him with one eye, the other covered with bandages. "Stop beating yourself up, sir. That's an order."
The admiral looked up sharply and stared at the clone. "Did you just order your own superior to stop moping around?"
His XO raised an eyebrow with his lone eye.
"Hmph," grunted Himler dejectedly. "What has this come down to. Even my own subordinates are turning against me. Heh, oh well, it looks a final stand to me."
"Yes, it does sir," said the clone, nodding. "What are your orders?"
"Recall everyone. We're going to retake the bridge and make sure this victory is as hollow for the Separatists as possible."