
It was really happening, thought Fives, the Seps were finally going to hit Kamino with everything they've got. He couldn't believe it, but inside, the clone knew it was a long time coming. Sure, there were raids and other attacks, but then those were only probing attacks to test their defenses.

The last time they attacked in force, they caught the defense fleet off guard, landed troops and nearly destroyed the place. Since then, though, Tipoca City had been reinforced and their defense fleet expanded with star destroyers.

But this was serious – Ow!

Fives winced at the punch on his arm and turned to glare at Echo next to him, but his brother jerked his head towards the podium. "General's here. Stop daydreaming, Fives."

Scowling, the clone turned towards the podium. Just as hundreds of other Clone Troopers did the same around the small stage inset into the middle of the immense room.

General Skywalker was standing at the podium, Generals Kenobi and Shaak'ti flanking him. Behind him, stood a beautiful woman in a bodysuit and cloak. Just behind them, was an immense holoprojector that came to life. It showed Kamino, and in high orbit above it, the Kamino defense fleet.

Ten Venator-Class Star Destroyers, over two dozen Arquitens-Class Light Cruisers, twenty Acclamator-Class Frigates, and over a hundred Consular-Class and CR70 Corvettes.

Forces had been filtering into the system less than an hour after the Senator came in on her shiny expensive shuttle.

"Soldiers," said Skywalker, his voice booming over them. "Kamino will come under attack in an estimated two hours time. A Separatist force will emerge just outside the range of our defense force's guns. It is likely we will be outnumbered by a large margin."

He paused, as clones shifted uneasily. Fives felt Echo shift, muttering softly, "We're always outnumbered. Can't be that bad."

Clones chuckled quietly. Wasn't that the truth, thought Fives, feeling a little better.

"We will be fighting a holding defensive action," General Skywalker continued, his voice firm. "Kamino is a vital world in the Republic war machine, and above all else, it is your home. We will fight, until reinforcements arrive."

General Kenobi stepped forward. "When the attack begins, the Separatists will undoubtedly launch assault transports in an attempt to land troops on Tipoca City, General Skywalker will lead the fleet and destroy any transports that attempt to penetrate our defensive screen."

The projector changed, forming a sea of red triangles pointing at the defensive fleet. Slivers of red shot forward, where the vast majority of them were destroyed. Some, however, slipped past.

"The Seventieth and Eighty-Ninth Airborne Division will take their gunships to form a secondary perimeter to destroy these transports before they can get into range of the city," Kenobi continued.

He tapped his wrist and the hologram focused on Tipoca City, with dozens of blue dots moving around it in patterns. "General Shaak'ti and I will coordinate our efforts into defending the city from attack. Additional gunships will form a tertiary defensive perimeter to defend against any attacking forces that manage to evade the secondary perimeter."

A number of green blocks appeared around the city, sitting on the water. The designations were in Naboo. Whispered filled the stadium as the clones wondered what they were.

"Senator Amidala is the sole reason our defenses have been strengthened significantly," said the Togruta Jedi, letting the Nabooian Senator step forward. "She alone is to thank for the reinforcements that will come to aid us and repel the Separatist assault. She has pledged the use of several Nabooian fighter squadrons and naval craft in the defense of Kamino."

Fives blinked in surprise. The Senator responsible for all those damn restrictions was helping them? His jaw dropped as an unexpected rumble of approval and applause came from the assembled clones, some even standing up and giving a standing ovation to the Senator.

Fives scowled as Echo, true to his name, joined the clapping.

"They say history is written by the victors," said Skywalker. "I don't know about any of you, but I fully intend to win this battle. And we will, won't we?!"

"Yes sir, we will sir!" Chorused over a thousand clone troopers in unison instantly as they saluted him.

"That's right," muttered Fives, clenching his fist. Echo put a comforting hand on his shoulder as he listened to the cheers of his clone-brothers around him. "We'll win this. We have to."

"We will," echoed Echo, grinning.