"What now, sir? What is your plan?" A fuming Alfred barged into my room and started nagging at me. I just woke up and realized how incorrigible I am. The thumping pain in my head worsened at the thought of his possible negative remarks against me... but none of those crossed my ears. I unconsciously cancelled out everything he said except for this one question - 'Tell me what is happening?'

"Why.. why are you not getting mad at me?"


"Alfred... are you really the same Alfred I know? Are you my secretary?"

"Yes I am..."

"Then.. why are you too kind with your words?" My chest started to tighten.


"No.. don't say it Alfred. I don't need that right now. Just... just give me a minute and I'll compose myself. You can wait outside."

I covered my face with both of my hands. I feel like if I won't, he will see the pathetic side of me.

"Sir Nick... no.. Nick.. I.."

"I SAID STOP! GET OUT! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE... please." I whispered the last word. Tears started to well up. I never looked him in the eyes. I did not dare to, as I'm afraid to see his expression.

"I am just a secretary to you now but before that, I am your bestfriend, Nick. I know what I'm going to do now will break my promise to you but.. you broke yours first."

I choked and froze on my seat.

"Nick.. My sister.. I don't want you to end up like her. I don't want to go back to that day... you promised.. and yet here you are - being swallowed by your own darkness." I heard a loud thud and when I uncovered my eyes, a kneeling and weeping Alfred is now in front of me. He sobbed with his body arched towards the cold floor.

I have never seen Alfred like this except for that day - six years ago. I guess our cups were both full.

"I'm sorry. I apologize for my outburst. I lost my composure for a second there. I'll... I'll get out."

"No... I lied. I need it now. Let's talk. Not as a writer and a secretary but as men and as bestfriends." I finally glanced properly and our teary eyes met.

"Oh my. You look like a scrawny cat as always." I commented.

"Well, thank you lecherous dog."

"Oops.. you really know the best words to describe me, can't deny that." I smiled and then we both started laughing.

"Let's go now, while the sun is still out." I inserted.

"Yes. That's a good idea." Alfred grabbed my extended hand.

"I will wait for you in the car."

"Alright. I'll just change my clothes and wash my face." I replied.

I hastily did what I had to do and grabbed whatever clothes available in my closet.

Spending my days holed up in my house after that unspeakable night - feigning sickness to excuse myself from meeting Emily and the assistant director was the best course of action I could think of. I thought that removing myself from the production team will lift the burden all at once but I was wrong. Instead, Ms. Brown decided to hold off all the planned sessions and gave me a week to recover and think things through. Now, there is only two days left and I am nowhere sure on what to do. I hope I can come to a resolution now that I have Alfred to help me overcome this problem.

"Thanks for doing this." I blurted as soon as I opened the door of the front seat.

"Thank me once we have successfully jumped over this hurdle, but once we do... words of appreciation won't be enough I'm telling you!" Alfred responded full of vigor and I laughed with his remarks.

"Ofcourse! At times like this, you do know how to negotiate and use your witty tricks against me."

"Well, I wouldn't have survived as your secretary in all these years if it weren't for my tenacity." We both laughed this time.

"The usual place?"

"Yes. The usual place." I agreed.

The drive was smooth and fast. We soon arrived at our destination after one quick stop. Then, we unloaded some personal stuff we brought for an overnight stay and the things we bought at the local mall.

"Nick!? Alfred!? Are my eyes tricking me?"

"We are here. We missed you." Alfred was fast to respond to this special person who greeted us at the door.

"How are you... Sister Margaret? It's been awhile." I smiled as I Iook at her well - aged face.

"Everyone, including myself are doing good, thanks to the both of you. You saved our once small and struggling home."

"We are both very happy to be able to do so, specially that we were once in your care, Sister. " I explained.

"Now, look at you talking big. Come in both of you. The children will surely be happy with your visit."

The strong scent of lemon juice brushed through my nose and I instinctively turned my head towards Alfred whose also smiling. We definitely know where to find the kids and so we ran off to the backyard bringing all the toys they can enjoy.

"W... wait. You too! Where are you headed?!" Sister Margaret called out to us.

"Sorry Sister. We'll catch up with you later." and she disappeared from our sight. The closer we get, the louder the noise became.

Alfred opened the door and there - the eyes of the surprised kiddos entertained us.

"Nick! Alfred! You're here?!" Melissa exclaimed.

"Yes we are and we missed everyone." I replied.

"You know you can't hide anything from me. What's wrong this time?"

"Hey.. don't make it sound like I'm troublesome. You really think and talk alike - You and Alfred!" I retaliated. Melissa - a doctor is four years younger than me. She extends her medical expertise twice a month to this place. It was refreshing to see a familiar place.

"W.. What are you talking about? Alfred has nothing to do with it."

"What? Don't be shy. You and Alfred are a perfect fit." I teased her even more.

"Stop it Nick. Don't jump to conclusions. Surely enough, Melissa already has somebody special right now."

"What the hell? You're the one whose jumping to conclusions! Such an idiot!"

"Watch your words Nick. There are too many innocent minds here. Plus, stop making me your topic. What do you have in your hands?"

"Toys, for these kids."

"Both of you went all out in buying those, huh?"

"Well, this hits home to me... to the three of us."