Chapter 3: The Terrifying Bai Family

Inside the biggest house of the village, two people were talking to YueLiang.

"Dad, mom… hurry Tian Yang is awake." Liang'er said with a cheerful face.

"Tian Yang? Oh, do you mean your little lover inside the hut? How are you so sure that he is the same Tian Yang of your memories?" The mother said with a smile.

The young girl's face turned completely red and answered, with a soft voice: "Mom, what are you talking about. It's just that every time I look at him, my heart beats faster and I have always this strange feeling of longing when I'm close to him. I want to know why."

"We already talked about that. First, we need to understand more about the strange power inside your soul. If it's really him, maybe he can help you." The father said.

"And why was your face completely red, did he catch you playing again with his little brother?" Her mother chuckled.

"Mom…." Liang'er ran outside of the room with the hands over her face.

"What, did you really think we didn't know what you were doing inside there all this time?" She smirked at her daughter, who was running away.

"You really enjoy teasing your daughter, little fox." the middle age man said while slapping her butt.

"Hehe, let's go." The woman laughed.


When Liang'er left the house, Tian Yang sent his consciousness inside the Heavenly World Pearl, the treasure connected with his soul in the last thousands of years and started talking with the old man: "Old Tian, thank you for what you did. Being able to see her again is already enough and I would make the same choice even if I had to suffer more."

"You almost died 2 years ago… I consumed all my new reserve of space qi to save your ass." Old Tian shouted, almost crying.

"Oh? What happened?" Tian Yang asked.

"DAMN, I don't know. When I woke up, you were sealed inside this black pearl and were falling into a lake of lava… It's a wonderful treasure, unfortunately it's a little damaged now. But with your knowledge, you just need to find the right materials and repair it. You can check it later." Old Tian answered.

"Well, the memories of this life are still a little blurred, but we'll find out the truth, somehow. In the last half a year, you gave me back all my memories, but they were too much, so I sealed some of them. I'll need some time to recover all of them." Tian Yang said with a smile.

"Yes, that's the best way. Anyway, I'll always be by your side. How do you feel with this new body?" Old Tian asked.

"It's the first time in the last thousands of years that my body is so strong from the start. I can fight with early stage Martial Lord cultivators easily." Tian Yang laughed.

"To think you can skip two stage just with your physical strength, absurd. The Heavenly Jade Dragon bloodline is really powerful, and you still have to cultivate the Supreme Dragon Body Art. Now your body can be considered at the Infant Dragon stage, but it will be a little hard to reach the next step." Old Tian said.

"That's true, in the Mortal Realm there aren't many places with heavenly herbs, but we can still use the Dragon and Phoenix Dancing in the Nine Heaven Martial Arts the Ancient Dual Cultivation Martial Art that we found in that terrible place forgotten even by the Gods." Tian Yang said with a smile.

"Anyway, I noticed that the Heavenly Vein of Time qi is a bit damaged. It seems that, we need some excellent medicine from the God Realm to repair it. For now, we can only try to study it, and unfortunately my memories of this life are still a bit blurred." Tian Yang said with a regretful expression.

"Humph, what a waste of our time. However, I have a good and a bad news, which one do you want to know before?" Old Tian shook his head and asked.

"Go ahead with the bad one first."

"Like I thought, the last reincarnation used all the energy reserve from the nine elements inside the Heavenly World Pearl. So, we need to fast replenish it, otherwise we can't use the full power of the treasure. Unfortunately, we are in the Mortal Realm and the places with rich elements qi are really few. Especially for the space qi, it'll be practically impossible here."

"As for the good news, the orb with the Heavenly Vein of Fire qi is almost full. In a week you should be able to use its power. This two year here a quarter of the orb with the Heavenly Vein of Wood qi has been filled, that means that there is a powerful source of Wood qi very close, probably it's the Forest of Life, we should ask them later. As for the others six orbs, only a tenth has been filled." Old Tian Said.

"You can enter the Heavenly World Pearl with your body only after midnight. Now, talk with your little sweetheart and let's see if you can make her fall in love for you again without her memories." Old Tian said with a smirk.

"This should not be too difficult. Now I am even more beautiful than the last reincarnation. HAHAHA." Tian Yang laughed.

"They are coming! Oh? Young master, you should be careful… They seem quite strong. Let me check their power… damn they are two old monsters almost overlord in the Mortal Realms. The man is a Saint Emperor late stage and the woman a Saint emperor peak stage." Old Tian said, surprised in his mind.


Walking inside the room, the first thing her parents noticed was the powerful pressure emanated by the young man.

They were a little shocked, because in these two years he really changed a lot.

They almost couldn't believe it.

After a moment, they finally halted a few steps from the bed and Bai Lang snorted, looking at smiling young man in front of him: "You are finally awake young man, I am Bai Lang, the village chief of this place, and this is Zhu Huli, my wife. If you are still here and not inside a pit, it's all thanks to our daughter. She wasted a lot of time in the last years to take care of you."

"Right, right, our daughter cleaned your body every week everywhe…" Zhu Huli tried to say something, but at YueLiang screamed again with a bit of anger.

Tian Yang looked at the duo arguing with a shocked face while the middle age man kept staring at him with a profound look.

"Ok, ok. Seems that your little boyfriend is completely fine. Go take some food. He's probably hungry after not eating for two years." Zhu Huli said after teasing her daughter for a little more.

The girl left the room with a helpless expression.

"Thank you for saving my life, senior." Tian Yang said with a grateful face.

"We did absolutely nothing and you are perfectly clear about that. When you appeared near the river your body's condition was beyond salvation and look at you now." Bai Lang said while looking at his eyes as if to find out something.

Tian Yang thought for a moment but didn't know what to say.

Luckily, he was interrupted by Bai Lang again: "Do you think I'm stupid, you don't want to tell me the truth… that's okay, I don't care. But before you shoot bullshit, you need to know something… Tian Yang."