Chapter 19: Half-Beast Form??

She swam out of the pond, enjoying the warm water that washed away any dirty substance that still covered her lovely curves.

When she finally reached the shore, she went out exposing her naked figure again.

Unfortunately, there was no one who could see that wonderful view.

YueLiang wiped away the few drops of warm water still above her skin and found out it was even smoother and softer than before.

She was delighted.

Which girl didn't want a body like her, after all?

She took out some new clothes from her space ring and after looking one last time at her image reflected from the water surface.

She gets dressed, covering that enchanting body.

"That bastard, he run away so fast. Hmm… He probably doesn't have any clothes beside these, so…" She thought about something and with a wave of her hand the clothes of Tian Yang that were all around the floor, disappeared inside her space ring.

"You don't need them, after all we didn't finish yet…"

After that, she closed her eyes and black energy began covering her. When that energy disappeared Liang'er was no more there, leaving the cave in complete silence.

The cave was finally in a tranquil again, after that turbulent day.

But at some point, strange events happened inside the water, unfortunately Tian Yang and Liang'er knew nothing about that.


After leaving the cave, Liang'er got teleported to a faraway distance.

The sun was already down and the moon was starting to bright, the black sky full of starts.

After that intense day of activity, it was still difficult for her to walk easily, so she kept using her Space qi to move, but when she was starting her third teleportation, she heard few people talk, at some distance from her.

With her special ability even Tian Yang and Old Tian couldn't find her, if she used it to hide her presence, so she started moving closer, covering her body in black mist and finally she saw that group of people, a hundred of feet from her.


Covered in the night's shadow.

A group of humans were walking towards the mountains in the distance while talking about something, but they didn't realize that there was someone overhearing from afar.

"Elder Yun, it was our first mission, but we completed it easily. Those stupid humans are really weak, tearing their flesh with my hands. It was great and their screams… Oh, their screams, full of terror and pleading, made my body tremble form the ecstasy." One youth said.

His upper body was exposed, revealing his big muscle, while his lower part was covered by only a piece of tattered cloth.

"Senior brother, you are really a beast. I can't understand why they let you out. If you keep doing those nefarious things, the local powers will discover us." Another youth, younger than the muscular man, sighed.

"Humph… Bastard, you are no better than me. Who knows, how many girls have you raped today? Their screams were even louder than my preys." The muscular youth snorted, looking at the young man with disdain.

"Hmm… At least they enjoyed some pleasure before they died. You, on the other hand, skinned them alive with your nails. I'm still disgusted by it." The young man spoke with a disgusted expression.

"You should try too. In our half-beast form, the nails can cut them perfectly. Look, I even collect some of them, maybe some of those perverted bastards from the clan, will like them." The muscular man took out a piece of human skin from his space ring that was still dripping blood and moved it closer to the young man's face.

The young man jumped back and screamed, seeing that disgusting thing approach his face: "Bastard… take that damned thing back. You, savage beast, didn't even wash it."

The muscular man laughed and began moving towards the young man, but it was stopped by another youth, that with just a wave form his hand made him flow back a few steps.

"You two… stop it. In these lands, there are a lot of strong humans that can kill you with just a fart. Senior brother, if you continue to be so arrogant, you will die a miserable death." The youth spoke and moved his hands behind his back again.

The muscular man narrowed his eyes and looked at him. He was a bit displeased. There weren't so many people younger than him that could move his body so easily.

When they came out from the sacred mountain.

The only one that he didn't know was him.

But he was sure that his status was quite high inside the clan, because the young man's clothes were really refined and of high quality.

Usually only the noble people from their clan could use them.

And his aura was strange. It gave him a suppressing feeling.

He didn't want to have many contacts with that kind of man, so he simply snorted, putting that human skin back in his space ring.

Seeing that they finally calmed down, the middle-age man nodded satisfied and started talking: "He's right. You shouldn't be too arrogant. Even I, with my cultivation level, have to be careful. Hidden expert could be everywhere. If one of them hears you boasting of skinning innocent people alive, you will surely be tortured to death."

"Elder Yun, it's possible for that kind of expert to be around here. And if we encounter one of them, we are not completely hopeless." The muscular man boasted again, but he didn't know that one of those powerful enemies was listening to them.


'Damned Animals.'

YueLiang heard clearly what they were talking about and her body trembled in rage, thinking about the fate of those poor women.

She really wanted to kill those bastards, but her instincts told her that the old man and the young man, dressed with refined clothes, were dangerous characters.

With her current strength, she could run away, but killing all those people was impossible.

So, she just kept listening to their dialogue and what she discovered made her even more shocked.


"You are really an idiot. Next time you will stay at the new base with all the others. I don't want to die because of your stupid mouth." The elder sighed.

"Elder, please… we finally came back to this world and there are so many toys out here. I will keep quiet, okay? Just don't let me stay to that place." The muscular man pleaded.

He really like this new place.

At their home was difficult for him to play with his prey, after all the other races there were too rare and only the nobility could have some of them.

"Humph, then just shut up and don't bring out again that disgusting skin. When we reach home, you can do what you want, but not here." The Elder snorted.

"Thank you, Elder." The muscular man laughed heartily.


'finally came back to this world'

'… What did they mean? Could they be people from the God Realm?… No, that bastard, talked about a so-called Half-Beast form, but I never her about it.' YueLiang was a bit confused, she lived for so long and naturally she learned a lot of thing thanks to Old Tian.

Old Tian could easily see which category was the best for them, some of her sisters were genius in different arts, as alchemy, formation and crafting and naturally in the past with their level of power, it was easy to memorize thing, but she never heard about a Half-Beast form.

'I should ask grandpa Tian. Maybe he knows something about it.'


"Hmm… Elder. It will be possible even for us to have one of those slaves?" One youth asked, but when he spoke all the people in his group look towards the middle-age man, with desire in their eyes.

"They asked me to use this treasure and capture some humans from the village. It came from some people of the nobility clan, so I'm not stupid enough to take what belongs to them. Do you still want them?"

Hearing that that special treasure came from the higher up, they sighed and gave up any idea about those slaves.

The only one that didn't care about that treasure was naturally the youth with refined clothes.

He stopped walking and kept moving his head to all directions as if looking for something.

When the Elder noticed his strange behavior, he also began looking around but not finding anything suspicious, he asked to him, in a serious tone: "Did you fell anything?"

"Hmm… yes, I felt strong murderous aura coming from some point in the distance, but it disappeared just when I started searching for it. I think there was an expert listening to that idiot and he naturally got angry about it."

"Damn, we need to pray that he didn't hear something that will expose our plans. Can't we follow his track?"

"No… there are residuals powers of the Space qi, he could be everywhere, now." The youth sighed.

"Oh? A human with a Heavenly Vein of Space is really rare. It's a pity that we couldn't capture him. We didn't find any human with an inborn Heavenly Vein. After so many years, something happened to this world. Let's hope that some people we captured, have excellent information."

"Yes, our History books are really too outdated. First of all, we have to find what happened in the last tens of thousands of years and find out where that bastard the Mortal Emperor is hiding. Even if he went in the Immortal Land, we need to make him pay for what he did to us." The youth snorted and a strong murderous desire kept flowing out of his body, making the surrounding people almost coughed blood.