Chapter 22: The Latrine Pit

Chapter 22: The Latrine Pit

"So, you risked everything for them… thank you. Anyway, you shouldn't be so surprised about your relationship with them. It's normal. They love you a lot. Most of them lost their parents in their youth and others were even orphan. You always treated them so good and taught them everything they know. You are also the only reason why, they can follow my steps with their heads held high, giving me all the supports I need." Tian Yang said with a thankful expression, but then looked at him with a confused expression: "You are really stubborn. You should have told me everything that happened to you in the past."

"There was no reason for you to know about it." Old Tian sighed.

"We spent hundreds of years together and you thought this wasn't a relevant matter?" Tian Yang shouted.

"In the past, the only important thing for you to do, was to get the Heavenly Veins of Elements, so I didn't tell you about all the irrelevant matters." Old Tian said calmly.

"But they all knew about it right??"

Old Tian couched but didn't answer him, but it was naturally of no use, since Tian Yang was already mad.

"Old Fart… Who the hell knows, how many things you hid from me… Wait, so you have always known what that ancient language said, but why you didn't tell me anything?"

"Sigh… Tian Yang trust me, those matters are beyond you… actually they are beyond every single person living in this era."

"What do you mean?"

"They are related to the Immortal Land and the people of tens of thousands of years ago."

"So even that strange words left behind in these ruins are interconnected with that?"

"Hmm… they are not only connected… but they are the origin that brought the two realms to this pitiful condition. I will naturally tell you everything, but for now please don't bother about them." Old Tian said with a serious expression.

"Damn you, you better tell me everything you know later, otherwise I will let the Heavenly World Pearl bath inside a latrine pit next time we visit a city." Tian Yang said in a threatened tone.

"I will naturally tell you everything but about the latrine pit, it's impossible for that to happen. You were lucky in the past, but now you can forget about it." Old Tian smirked.

"What are you talking about?" Tian Yang asked with a confused expression.

In the past, he let that old bastard enjoy the warm and smelly waters of many latrine pits in the two realms.

It happened every time that bastard acted arrogantly, but seeing old Tian stay so calm, he knew something was wrong.

"It's simple, from now I will not be alone inside the latrine pit… since the Heavenly World Pearl is now a complete part of your body." Old Tian roared, looking at Tian Yang's gloomy face.

This bothered him a lot, because he lost one of his threatening cards against him, but was shocked hearing that it became one with his body so he asked excited: "A part of my body?? How is that possible?"

"Even I am confused about that. Something happened when you became a Nine-Elements body."

Old Tian was pretty sure that all of this was because of what he did in the last reincarnation process, but naturally he wouldn't say it out loud, he wanted to save some of his old face.

"It's a pity, I have to find a new way to make him calm down when necessary. It seems that the best way is to find Rong'er and Xifeng." Tian Yang thought.

"Idiot… I can hear your thought here." Old Tian scoffed, he was not worried of Tian Yang little torture anymore, but hearing little Xifeng and Little Rong name, his head hurts a bit because he made some research during their first intercourse with Tian Yang and naturally made them mad at it for a long time.

To calm them down, he promised them something that he still was paying.

They made him regret badly for peeping at them in their private matters, even if for him was only related to his research and nothing more.

Old Tian didn't want to talk to him about those things for now so he asked with a strange smile: "Look likes that dual cultivating with Little Liang brought you huge advantage, right?"

"Mmm… The essence qi was enough to let me reach the initial stage of Martial Lord cultivator and open the twenty-seventh Heavenly Vein." Tian Yang nodded as he examined his internal body with his sense.

"Only two realms… so I was right. The energy necessary to unlock one Vein is more than a normal cultivator." Old Tian sighed.

"Well, It's not completely true. You are right, the qi necessary is much more, but I noticed that not all the Heavenly Veins require more energy…" Tian Yang said thinking carefully to is previous cultivation state.

"Oh…What do you mean?"

Old Tian was naturally a bit confused, with is arrogant personality he couldn't easily accept that he made an error in his calculation, so he was in an urge to know everything that happened to Tian Yang before, after all in that moment, he was totally concentrate in the Heavenly Tribulation.

"You…" Tian Yang knew about Old Tian arrogance and that he could sometime be a bit obsessed in his research, but being interrupted like this made him speechless.

"I was trying to say that not all the Heavenly Veins require more energy, but only those inside my head…"

Old Tian interrupted again Tian Yang and began muttering: "Hmm… Only the one inside your head?"

Tian Yang looked at him with a helpless expression.

After all these years, Tian Yang understood him very well and knew that it was better to not disturb him at this moment otherwise he would have had to put up with his imprecation for some time, so he waited patiently in silence.

After ten long and boring minutes, Old Tian finally exclaimed excited and said: "Hmm… Probably I misjudge the importance of the Heavenly Veins inside the head a bit…"

"Oh? Really? So, you only misjudge a bit… naturally." Tian Yang smirked.

"Humph… Of course, only a bit. What else could it be?" Old Tian snorted as he looked at Tian Yang, narrowing his eyes."

"Of course…Of course…" Feeling his piercing gaze over his body, Tian Yang knew that Old Tian like an arrow ready to dart toward him, so he nodded and spoke in a serious tone.

"Mmm… Do you think I am stupid and I can't see what you are thinking?"

Tian Yang just stood there silently staring at his hands and rubbed them as if trying to clean away something.

Naturally he was trying to ignore Old Tian, but that old man was really stubborn and kept looking at him with a smile.

After a minute of silence Tian Yang was inwardly speechless for that old man stubbornness, so he rose his head and asked with a confused face: "Oh? Old Fart, why did you stop talking? I was listening to your speech, but then a noticed a strange mark in my hand. It bothered me a bit, so I tried to remove it."

"Look Its clean now…" He even lifted his hand showing it to Old Tian.

This time was Old Tian turn to be dumbstruck.

He really couldn't understand why, after all these years that idiot kept acting like that.

Those cheap tricks could sometime work with some of the girls but naturally couldn't work with him.

There was even a time when Tian Yang got badly beaten from Xifeng for his idiotic acting skill.

Thinking about that time Old Tian smirked and reminded Tian Yang: "You are really lucky that little Xifeng is not here… maybe I should tell her to fix you a bit, when we find her."

"Old Fart don't do, anything stupid. You know the reason for that, so there is no need for you to remind her…" Tian Yang said with a gloomy face.

Each time he reincarnated, he grew up for 10 years without his memories and naturally his character, in those years, was different each time.

They rarely had a powerful influence on him, but sometime they made him act strangely.

Old Tian shrugged his shoulders and said thinking to that domineering little girl: "I quite curious to know what Xifeng will do this time, when she finds you. Since her memories are back, she is probably madly cultivating right now and searching for you everywhere."

"She is probably making a lot of trouble around. Let's hope, she doesn't get hurt." Tian Yang laughed, thinking to that mad girl.

"Well… The only one in trouble are those that meet her." Old Tian roared.

They looked at each other for a while and since the joyful mood of both, Old Tian ignored his previous statement and explained his theory again: "As I was trying to say, there is only an explanation for that. Since the Heavenly veins in the head are strongly related to the soul of the cultivator, the energy necessary to open them, it's naturally more… a lot more."

"Hmm…I t could make sense." Tian Yang thought for a moment and nodded, but the asked: "… but why did we not notice any change in the past reincarnation?"

Naturally Old Tian already thought about it and said scoffing: "It's obvious… In this life you have 9 Heavenly Veins of Elements linked to your soul and not one like in the past."

Hearing that, Tian Yang was naturally convinced but then he thought to one of his reincarnation and asked: "Wait… What about that time?"

"That time?" Thinking carefully, Old Tian finally remembered what happened in the past, but he really didn't want to talk about that, so he shouted angrily with a gloomy face, changing the topic of their conversation: "Little Bastard… You should inspect what improvement had your Heavenly Veins of Elements."

Tian Yang knew that the old Man didn't want to think about those years, so he didn't ask further and said smiling: "They still didn't absorb all the elements qi, but the improvement so far, are great. Liang'er really gave me a tremendous surprise. Her body has three heavenly veins."

"Hmm… Little Liang was quite lucky, with her reincarnation she got two additional elements. She was already a little monster with only the Space qi, but know she will be able to keep up with the other girls… Which are the two additional elements?" Old Tian Was satisfied with Liang'er luck and he was naturally happy for her too.

Thinking about the two elements, Tian Yang said: "One of it is perfectly suited with her space power, the wind qi, as for the other is the wood qi."

"Hmm… The wind qi his perfects. I even have an ancient technique from the Ancient Roc clan. I can finally give that to her… Good lord, her speed will reach a monstrous level." Old Tian was excited hearing that one of the two was the wind qi.

He really wanted to give that terrifying technique to her, naturally even Tian Yang could use it in the future, but for now there was no need for him to have it.

"As for the wood qi, it not bad too. I will give her some good arts, we found in those ancient ruins in the past. It was better another type of elements… That naughty little girl will surely use it, to make some silly joke."

The wood qi was also quite useful, but the best side of it was to support other people but it lacked in the offensive side.

Old Tian was really impatient, after all they have to waste a lot of time to obtain the necessary Elements qi so he asked: "How Long will it take for them to complete the process?"

"Hmm… Probably an hour, but I can't be so sure." Tian Yang said thinking carefully, but Old Tian was mad hearing that he had to wait so long and shouted: "An hour? Why all this time?"

Seeing that the old man was starting to get mad again he explained: "It's related to the Heavenly Jade Dragon bloodline. That arrogant bloodline almost killed me."

"Oh? The dragons are naturally proud creature… I understand, there are naturally trace of little Liang bloodline mixed to the Elements qi and naturally your bloodline wouldn't let the Heavenly Fox Bloodline stay inside your body, but you don't need to worry in the next few day I will give Liang'er the Heavenly Jade Fox Bloodline and that problem would be resolved by a large amount."

"The Heavenly Jade Fox Bloodline??"