Chapter 31: Ancient Inscriptions? °°




That aura assaulted them with a powerful strength, enough to distort the surrounding space.

Liang'er finally realized their dangerous situation and held his waist even tighter.

She wasn't scared, because at her side there was the man that protected her life countless time in the past, and naturally she was no longer the little Liang who spent her days playing inside that small village, but the woman, who followed him, even against the Overlord of the God Realm.

Tian Yang got even more nervous, because that overwhelming aura caused the Space qi, that was forming around them, to slow down a bit.

He was ready to bring both of them inside the Heavenly World Pearl, but Old Tian stopped him: "Don't do it. It's already a miracle for you, to have enough Elemental Space to bring her inside. If you do it… we will be blocked inside this cave for, who knows, how many years…"

"I will do it, if you don't find a better solution… I will not let her die again." Tian Yang shouted, with a resolute face.

"Fine… fine… anyway, we are lucky, that thing don't want to kill you. It only wants to stop the space power around you… Hmm… It quite strange." Old Tian mumbled, looking at the shadow inside the pool.

"I can feel that too, but it is too unsafe. We will come back later and find out the truth… but for now don't have any ridiculous idea." Tian Yang snorted, trying to calm down his crazy thought.

"It's a pity…" Old Tian sighed.

Tian Yang was speechless again by that old fart, he always wanted to find the truth about everything.

Unfortunately, it was his body that needed to face the consequences of the after match all the time.

"You promise, don't forget… I will use the space qi, I stored before to open the Jade Hall again, so we can run away easily." Old Tian said and formed a strange inscription in front of him, moving his hand particularly.

A massive flow of black energy came out from the small portal that opened in front of him and the space qi around Tian Yang and YueLiang circulated faster.

It took only a breath for the new wave of power to cover their bodies and finally disappeared from the warm cave, leaving the area in a moment of complete silence.

But then from the small pool, an angry roar came out booming inside the small cave.

The sound waves of that powerful cry, almost blasted the old walls of the cavern, covered in the years by strange crystals.

Multiple layers of rocks started falling down front the walls, filling the smooth ground with large and small fragments.

It seems as if that power wanted to excavate a way out of there.

Unfortunately, after a few seconds of tremors, something stopped his rampage.

From all sides of the already destroyed walls, a strange golden pattern appeared, blocking the sound wave.

If Old Tian was there to swiftness these events, would surely be shocked, because those patterns contained ancient language, the same type they found in their adventure.

The patterns accumulated the energy from the powerful upsurge and condensed in a blue sphere.

The shadow inside the water was scared by the events happening outside and without wasting anymore time, it disappeared in a flash to the depth of the small pool, leaving behind only a soft snort.

The smooth ground, the crystal to the walls and the warm temperature inside the cave were gone. The thing that didn't change was the little pond in the middle of the room.

It still emitted a warm temperature and a soft bright light, but the beast inside of it was now awake and ready to escape from those ancient chains that constrained its freedom.

Unfortunately, no one beside the two little birds knew that something terrifying awoke from its deep sleep, because those ancient inscriptions blocked any single noise inside that small space.


In the outside world, very closer to the small village, two bodies appeared from a black portal, just formed in the middle of the air.

They were naturally Tian Yang and YueLiang.

The two were falling at high speed, almost a mile from the ground.

With their level of cultivation, it was impossible for them to fly, but fortunately, with YueLiang's space power, it only took them a breath of time to reappear safely to the ground.

They took a deep breath and looked at each other carefully, checking their actual conditions and searching if they got wounded in any way before.

After a moment, Tian Yang hugged her tightly into his embrace, scared that she would leave him again.

He was really worried before, because he just fond her and already encountered such a dangerous situation.

He won't let anything happen to her in this life. He made this promise when he saw her, two days ago, after waking up from his long slumber.

"Cough… Cough…"

The sound woke up them from their intimate and long embrace.

They didn't notice that, a moment before two people appeared a few steps from their position.

They kept looking at them with a bizarre face, after all the young man in front was completely naked and the woman in his embrace had her clothes all in a mess.

Liang'er lifted her head a little and looked at the middle-age couple with her face all red: "Daddy, Mommy. What… What are you doing out here in the wilderness?"

"Humph… You two scoundrels are really bold. At least find a better place to do these kinds of stuffs." Bai Lang snorted and added, shouting angrily: "Little bastard… Do you think my little daughter is a beast… Damn you, you should, treat her well and not bring her here, in the middle of the forest…"

"As if we never did it. Humph, I remember you were quite wild at that time and kept sho… Ahh…" Zhu Huli smirked, but at some point she felt a strong pain came from her rear.

"You naughty fox. What are you teaching to our little daughter?" Bai Lang rebuked, pinching her perky buttock.

"Idiot… little Liang, you need to know that your daddy is…" She pouted and began speaking again, but this time the duo disappeared from the area, just a few seconds later, leaving behind the shocked Tian Yang and YueLiang.

YueLiang was even more embarrassed now, because she knew what they were going to do. Her mother loved to tease her father like this, she was a bizarre little devil.

She found it strange that there was still no little sister or little brother in her family, with how many times they did it.

When the couple disappeared, Tian Yang felt relieved, after all he didn't want to expose his little brother down there, still at his peak, in front of them.

Thanks to Old Tian, he knew that the creature inside the cave didn't follow them and could naturally see the tranquil mountains in the distance.

It found it strange, but since they were safe, he calmed down and relaxed his tense nerve.

His little friend was still poking at YueLiang's belly, struggling for a warm place to rest.

They were stopped at their most important time and the desire that slowly reduced before surged again, even more violently.

But YueLiang found it a little difficult to do it now, since she was still worried about that creature inside the cave, so asked to Tian Yang: "Yang, shouldn't we be a little more worried about that monster?"

"Probably, but not now… Old Tian felt a strong fluctuation come from that mountain and warned me that a powerful restriction array activated there, holding the beast back. For now, we are safe, but we must warn, your parent to leave the village after a month." Tian Yang said in a serious face.

"Mmm… I trust Grandpa." She nodded, but she still a bit worried that her parents were somewhere around here, so she used again her space power and brought them to another place.


This was naturally her room.

She spent a lot of time painting the wooden walls with particular design and fixing every single detail of this place, making it look like a princess' room.

Tian Yang gave a quick look at the room, but he didn't bother too much looking around and halted his head when he found what it was looking for.

In the middle of the room, there was a big beg covered by a black and golden blanket, he held her by the waist and jumped to the soft and comfortable bed.


When their bodies touched the mattress, Liang'er let out a small cry, because Tian Yang pressed her under his body and the lively dragon almost entered inside her cave in that instant.

But since she was still wearing her black long gown, its head was stopped at the entrance.

Tian Yang felt the dragon head entering inside a warm and tight place, but he found that annoying piece of cloth blocking his way, so he moved his hips back and held the edge of the dress moving them up all the way to the top of her head.

Liang'er naked body was finally in front of him, revealing her enchanting beauty to his eyes.

Looking at her alluring curves, the dragon trembled with even more fervor and with a strong push from his hips, he let the angry beast enter the cave again��