Chapter 37: Malicious Words from Elder Du

When Tian Yang appeared in front of his people, Elder Du realised that this little place hidden a lot of dangers, because with his experience, he could feel a terrifying energy coming out from the youth down there.

He didn't move immediately, but waited to see if something new would happen.

It was impossible for him to save the first victim of Tian Yang, because the speed of the youth was too fast and when he started moving towards his people, a woman appeared in front of him.

The ethereal beauty was so enchanting that his breath stopped for a while and he even forgot to save his men from that young beast.

He took a while to recover, because the woman in front of him was more beautiful than even his wife or any other beauty he met in the past.

The shouts coming from the distance woke him from his trance and after looking at her for one last time he tried to run towards them.

The silent beauty in front of him lifted her delicate arm and stopped his movements with a wave of his sleeves.

Elder Du felt his body hitting something similar to an energy wall made of qi.

He punched it a few times, but it was too resistant.

He knew that the one who created this powerful restriction was the beauty a few steps from him.

Looking around, he saw a black mist forming a sphere of one hundred feet in his surroundings.

"Miss, what are you doing?" Elder Du asked carefully, after taking a deep breath.

He wasn't like one of those youths, but an old man with rich experience.

If someone could create something like this in front of him with only a slight movement, he was sure that the woman stopping him was a terrible enemy.

The woman ignored Elder Du' question and instead looked at her thin fingers and said: "Husband, are you sure that we can leave all those people to Little Yang?"

Elder Du found her words a bit strange, after all he was certain that there was no one else here, but after a breath from behind him a deep voice came out, scaring him.

"Huli, don't worry about him. He definitely has his plan, otherwise he would have asked us for help." Bai Lang said, while moving towards Elder Du.

"We can't let anything happen to him, otherwise our little daughter will blame us… She is so happy now. I don't want to make her sad." She spoke with a wide smile on her face, but after a second an expression of anger replaced that enchanting smile, and she shouted darkly to Elder Du: "You bunch of dogs made my precious little daughter cry… tell, which part of your body, do you find useless? Should we start with your little thing between your legs or something else?"

Elder Du could understand what he did to make to two monsters join hands against him, but realised that he was in a terrible situation.

He ignored her and instead took a few steps towards his left to increase the distance between them.

Bai Lang and Zhu Huli didn't follow him, since they were sure that it was impossible to escape from here, but they met to the centre of the sphere.

They stood side by side and looked at him with a smirk.

Elder Du still acted calm at the start, but after he searched for a bit he found out the origin of the energy and his expression turned to one of despair, because it was an energy barrier made of space qi.

He looked at them and said with in a threatening tone: "You can't kill me otherwise my clan would destroy your entire family. If you let me leave, I will take my men and go away…"

But the duo only smiled at his stupid words.

Seeing that they had no reaction, he spoke again with a tone even darker: "Stupid… I am from the Ancient Lang Clan. If they found you, they will first enslave you and your family members. They will ravage every single woman in your family… They will let you watch it, while they do it… Do you want all of this to happen to them?"

But they still kept looking at him with a smirk. They naturally knew the Lang clan from the God Realm, but it wasn't so scary for them, since their level of power was like the Zhu clan.

They were a bit confused, because the strange form of those youths was something new even for them, because they never saw a member of the Lang clan transform part of their body like this.

Elder Du became even more agitated, looking at their calm face and in a moment of madness, he shouted aloud: "You have daughter, right? She should be a beauty like her mother… Do you want to see her become the slave sex of some lurid beast? Because this is what will happ…"

He couldn't finish his words, because the smiling Zhu Huli finally got angry and punched his stomach with all her power.

Elder Du felt a powerful pressure on his belly.

The attack was so fast that he couldn't even react in time and sent his body flying towards the barrier while dark red blood came out from his mouth.

"Damn Bastards, how dare you say something so disgusting about my daughter… I finally knew which part I should remove first. Your damn tongue." Zhu Huli roared like an angry lioness and began moving toward him with rapid footsteps.

He was still recuperating from that terrifying punch when a new wave of punch and kick hit his body.

Even if her attacks were fast, after that punch, he finally realised that it was impossible for him to escape without a fight, so when the angry beauty began her assault, he began his counterattack.

From the space ring on his left hand, he took out a thin, long black sword.

One could see that it was an excellent weapon, but its conditions showed that it was an ancient weapon.

There were even small parts on the blade from which dark blue flames of glacial qi came out.

The surrounding temperature was really low, but the handle was the warmest part of it, so Elder Du didn't have any problem to hold it in his hands.

Zhu Huli stopped her attacks and jumped back when the weapon appeared in front of her. Because in just an instant the skin on her hands, the closest part of her body to the blade, was already changing colour.

She felt alarmed by it and retreated to Bai Lang's side.

"Slut, where are you running?" Elder Du shouted in an arrogant tone, with his weapon finally out, he wasn't worry anymore, because it was an extremely ancient sword handed down from his ancestor and even, he wasn't sure how much old it was.

Bai Lang and Zhu Huli looked carefully at the weapon, because they found it really interesting since they never saw a sword with those strange patterns and inscription.

Bai Lang was trembling from excitement, because what he loved most after his family were the swords and he already decided to take that wonderful weapon for himself.

"Little Zhu, let me take care of him." Bai Huli said walking towards the still joyful Elder Du.

"Do you think I don't know that you only want that weapon for yourself?" She pouted, crossing her arms in front of her.

"Of course, not… It just that I found his ugly face annoying…" He couched and when he was only a few steps from his target, a normal silver sword appeared in his right hand.

Elder Du kept looking at each movement of this new enemy, but after the weapon on Bai Lang's hand appeared, he saw the body in front of him vanish like smoke and only saw him again after a breath, closer to his right side.

Bai Lang used his movement technique to send his first rapid slash against his enemy.

He fought a lot in the past.

Even with his body still injured, he found it easy to battle against a peak Saint Emperor.

Elder Du reacted still in time and stopped the blade coming down towards his neck with his weapon.

Unfortunately, he couldn't imagine that his enemy fast, but normal attack, contained so much strength.

The impact sent his body flying again against the barrier, but this time when his body hit the wall, the sphere shook a bit.

With still blood coming out from his mouth and nose, the old man looked scared towards Bai Lang, which was approaching him with a kind smile.

"Old fart, drop that weapon otherwise if you ruin the blade even a bit more, I will chop your arms and legs…" Bai Lang said with bright eyes, looking at the particular blade.

"Idiot…" Zhu Huli shouted and slapped the back of Bai Lang's head with strength.

"Little Zhu, what are you doing??" He asked confused.

"You should punish this bastard for what he said about our daughter and not for his weapon…" She snorted, placing her hands on her soft hips.

"Oh?" Bai Lang thought for a moment, but then his face darkened and shouted towards the old man: "… Damn animal, how dare you…"

The appearance of the weapon made him forgot for a moment about it, but now the anger condensing inside of him before, came out again.

Zhu Huli shocked her head and sighed.

She knew that he really loved them with all his heart and would sacrifice even his life to save them, but after all he was still the sword maniac of the past.