Chapter 46: Even If the Distance Between Us Is the Entire Starry Sky… We Will Meet Again…

Inside a black room, a tall and gorgeous woman, with long red hair, kept hitting the walls with powerful waves of energy.

The woman was surrounded by raging flames and at each movement of her smooth palm, part of those flames, as if commanded by her, darted towards the walls.

There was also a beautiful and deadly red sword on one of her hands and each time the young woman moved it, the illusory figure of a phoenix appeared behind her, uttering an angry cry.



This wasn't the only noise coming from the room… No… there were also the angry shouts of her.

"Tian Yang, damn bastard, it's been two years and you're not back yet..."


Those loud explosions could also be heard from outside and the two young maids, waiting at each side of the entrance door, looked at each other with a helpless expression.

"Xue… It seems, that the young mistress uses this poor room to vent her anger..." One of them said.

"Yue, let her do it or she will beat to death another young bastard from the other noble families…" Xue smiled with a troubled smile.

"Well… at least now, they don't keep coming like mad dogs every day like before."

"Yes, but not all of them…"

"Right… what an Idiot…" Both laughed.

After a few minutes, a lovely shout came from inside the room and stunned the two laughing girls.

"Xue, Yue come inside… NOW."

The two ran inside the room and what they saw made them speechless: "Young mistress, Old Master will get mad again."

"That old fart can't even find a person… Useless pig… I am going to keep breaking things inside this damned room until he brings me great news… BOOOM." The young woman snorted.

The two maids smile bitterly and Xue said: "Young mistress… you should understand that he could be anywhere in the Mortal Realm… or… who knows even the God Realm, so…"

"SO, WHAT??… BOOM… Damn you, Tian Yang. Where the hell are you?" The young woman punched and slashed with even more strength.

"Young mistress, we didn't find him, but we have located that place."

"Really? It's good we will go there next week. And what about the other people?" The young woman stopped for a moment.

"… nothing."



After a while a mild voice came from the distance, stopping the young woman's crazy attacks: "Little darling… calm down… calm down… or all the city will think that you have gone mad…"

"Oh!?... BOOM… BOOM… What did you say? I can't hear you well… BOOM… " The young woman continued hitting the wall until the room gave way finally.

"YOU… YOU… did again. At least let me finish first, I got some information this morning…" The middle-aged man smiled helplessly, looking to the destroyed room, and approached them.

"WHAT?? Did you find him?" The young woman appeared in front of him, with her body shaking, and held his big hand.

When the young woman took the hand of the middle-aged man, his body tensed and all the hairs on his arms stood up.

He tried to free his hands, but there was no way his daughter would let him, so he smiled bitterly and said in a shaky voice: "Huh… Little sweety…"

She intensified the strength in her hands and narrowed her eyes: "WHAT?"

The two maids looked at them with a strange face and giggled.

"Hmm… we… we didn't find him… BUT… BUT… maybe, we found one of those people on the list." He said with a contorted face.

"Oh!? Old fart, which one?" she asked with a dangerous smile as her hand ignited with flame.

"That girl named Ruolan, but she has a high status and we can't be so sure." He said taking a long breath.

"Little sister Ruolan? Where?"

"Don't have any stupid idea, with all disaster happening right now around the world, I will not let you move from here." The middle-aged man said in a firm tone.

A strong wind appeared and the flames surrounding her body moved to the sky, forming an angry phoenix.

Its two flaming angry eyes looked at him with arrogance, like a majestic empress.

"I will not tell you. You will wait for your mother to return, obediently at home." He said in a stern voice and without giving her any chance of discussion, he disappeared from the place.

His voice was infused with a strange power that destroyed the illusory figure in the sky.

"YOU… YOU… COME BACK NOW." She screamed, but seeing no change in front of her, this time she asked again, but with a pitiful face: "Daddy, please at least tell me who is she."

But there was still no answer, so she looked at her two maids and snorted: "Humph!! Xue, Yue find me all the information about her, I need to at least to know if she is in danger."

The two maids look at each other with a restless expression, but luckily the middle-aged man's voice rang out again, saving them from that nasty duty: "Don't worry, she is safe and sound… she is surrounded by experts at the God Realm cultivation…"


"Yao'er… Yao'er…"

"Mother…" A young woman, with a peerless appearance and long blue hair, turned around and looked at the middle-aged woman a few steps from her.

"What are you doing?"

"Hmm… nothing…" She sighed with a desolate look.

"Little Yao, have you had any other nightmares?"

"No… thanks to Ancestors, they disappeared…" She said with a kind smile, but a strange light of ruthlessness flashed in her eyes.

"Hmm… good, you need to tell us if they reappeared, okay?"

"Mmm, I promise…" She turned around and, on her face, a dangerous smile appeared.


In a far place, a young woman with long black hair and a stunning figure enough to enchant every man in the world, sat in the soft grass, looking up to the starry sky lost in thought.

After a few minutes, a woman in her thirties appeared next to her and asked: "Little sweetie, are you still thinking about that boy?"

Words came out immediately from the small mouth of the young woman: "Mmm… but not only about him…"

"Oh!? And who else could be this important for my little daughter other than that little boy?"

"Hehe… This is a surprise… but you will surely like her…"


"Of course… she a naughty little girl, but also the kindest…"

The woman was silent for a while and then asked: "Are you sure that they are already in this world?"

"Mmm… they are here… I'm sure… these events of the last few days are like a sign for us sisters… he's telling us… he is back…"

"What are you talking about?" The old woman asked with a doubtful expression.

"Mom, you will understand…" She smiled at her.

The young woman looked back at the vast world in front of her and whispered: "Yang, Liang'er… Where are you… Qiang'er misses you so much."




"AHH!!... bastard… die… die…" A young woman with light blue hair kept sending powerful attacks against a group of strange inscriptions in front of here…

At each collision, from the wall flows of energy condensed from the residual qi, in front of it, and transformed into long and terrifying swords that darted towards the beautiful body of her.

The power contained in them was a lot, but it wasn't enough to cause any damage to her fragile body, because in this place she was indestructible…

"Sky… stop it… it's useless… we are too weak…" Black sighed, looking at her sister's face full of anger and despair.

"We tried for so long… we should stop for now… let's rest a bit…" Green lamented with a broken heart.

"STOP???... we can't stop… you should know… It's today our best opportunity… we can't miss it…" Sky fell to her knees and screamed.

"We know… But…"

Red kept silent for a while and finally spoke, with a calm tone: "Sky… YangYang will grow stronger soon… At that time, we will try again together…"

Sky lifted her head, but there were no tears on her face… because it was impossible for her… but her expression clearly stated… how much she was suffering…

"Red… are you sure??"

Red looked at her eyes full of hope and longing, before saying: "… Maybe…"


The tower was destroyed by the shadow, even Elder Du and the still alive young man on the torture table were killed by it.

But he didn't regret what he did… after all, old monsters like that shadow would never let someone ruin their plans.

Old Tian could feel from the shadow calm tone, even in front of a powerful spirit like him, that their destiny was already doomed.

He knew the truth, it wasn't his arrogant tone, that condemned them, but the shadow's fear towards him...and the Heavenly World Pearl.

At least, all the information he obtained was worth it…

Old Tian wasn't worried about the seal, because they only needed to wait that Tian Yang cultivation increased a few steps.

He trusted his companion… he trusted… Tian Yang…


Somewhere in the God Realm…

"Big Sister Rong, we can't stay here anymore… they are back… They probably need our help…"

"I know… I miss them too…"