Chapter 51: Old Tian’s Shocking Words

"Damn… What the hell is going on???"

Tian Yang kept looking at the flame with hope, but there was still no change even after a few minutes and no traces of Fire qi inside his body.

The old man was the expert about all this stuff, but now he was alone and didn't know what to do with this terrible problem.

So he waited, hoping for a miracle.

Luckily after a few hours, the flames turned lively again.

Powerful waves of Fire qi flowed out from its center and began warming the internal space at an incredible speed.

Tian Yang finally felt Fire qi flowing inside his body again.

The power emanated from it was intense and vigorous, precisely like the one he remembered.

He was born with the Heavenly Vein of Fire qi in one of his reincarnations, so he clearly knew what that feeling was.

The flames kept enlarging and becoming more violent, to the point that that immense pressure almost suppressed the other eight Elemental Veins.

Luckily the nine elements inside his belly reached harmonious stability a long time ago, so it didn't take long for them to find a new status of tranquility.

Tian Yang was excited and relieved because not only did he feel much safer now with this new power, but it will be much easier for him to create useful things for this new martial journey.

He already spent tens of years with the Heavenly Vein of Fire qi, so it will be easy for him to adapt to this new power and bring out his best potential.

He couldn't go back because his body was still adapting to the new power, so he kept meditating there for a few more hours.


The internal space of the Heavenly World Pearl changed a lot in the last few hours.

But it wasn't the only thing that transformed.

Inside the Queen Hall, two enchanting young girls were growing more and more powerful.

Purple, the young girl with long violet hair, felt her strength recover at least one-tenth of her past splendor.

Her cultivation reached the same level as a Martial King cultivator.

It wasn't a lot but growing so much in just a few hours was truly incredible.

For Red, instead, this moment was completely different from the other times because not only was she getting a lot stronger than before, but she was also changing into a completely different being.

The nine flaming snakes absorbed by the treasure before were now moving around her like nine guardians.

When the Heavenly Vein of Fire qi started making trouble inside Tian Yang's belly, that nine existence started to release a monstrous quantity of Fire qi directly in Red's figure.

For the first time in thousands of years, Red felt something that only a real creature could feel… pain.

There was so much pain that she started laughing madly…

Right… she wasn't screaming but laughing joyfully… because she could finally sense something…

The other girls and Old Tian looked at Red's fantastic transformation with a shocked face in the distance.

"Dad… will Red be fine??…" Blue asked worriedly, hearing Red's screams.

Old Tian looked at her and smiled: "Silly girl… don't worry, she will be fine… Your most cherished dream will finally become a reality… It's a pity that little Yang can't witness this miracle."

When the seven Maidens heard him mention their nasty situation again, they started shouting angrily, like enrage tigers.

"Humph… we will surely kill that old bastard, who ruined our first-time…"

"Right… we should skin alive that old dog…"

"Not only him but also his entire clan of stray dogs…"

They truly hated that shadow to the bone and were already planning his terrible fate.

"We are too weak now… it will take years for our revenge…" Old Tian shook his head, looking at their angry but beautiful little faces, but then added with a vicious look: "…but you are right… ruined not only your happiness but also my plans… so they will surely pay for their bold actions…"

The girls were naturally happy by his words, but they still looked at him with anger.

After all, it was he, the one who brought that old monster inside their home.

Sky was the first one to scold the old man: "Humph… Daddy… you too are to blame for all this mess, so you have to pay a small price…"

"Sky is right… we already decided… you will clean our little house, each day for the next thirty days."

Sky didn't let the poor old man complain and shouted again: "Don't try to find any excuse… you have nothing to do, so for the next month you will only do that…"

Old Tian was truly exasperated not only for this stupid punishment but also because she was right.

The Heavenly World Pearl was still a blank world, and he couldn't even do his research because his tools had been destroyed after the last reincarnation.

He could only nod under those seven pairs of angry eyes and accept his punishment.

After all, they could still make his life worse.

Purple was the first one to wake up and started jumping joyfully, feeling the new power in her body.

Instead, Red still took a few more hours and only wake up in the morning.

Her body didn't change externally, but when she opened her eyes, they were of a red so brilliant that they illuminated all the room like two burning suns.

She stood up and started walking towards them with a broad smile on her thin lips.

When she was finally in front of them, Blue asked a little worried: "Big Sister, is everything fine?"

Red patted her head and said: "It's all fine, don't worry… but prepare yourself. It's time…"

They clearly knew what her words mean, but they weren't so happy as their first time, because they couldn't fulfill their cherished dream…

The nine maidens put their hands on top of each other, while Red turned around and snorted, looking at the old man's stupid face: "We should have a few seconds… so don't waste this opportunity…"

"Great… we must warn Tian Yang…"

Red was the last one to put her hands on the pile, and right when she touched them, an intense and powerful aura surrounded the nine girls.

Inside the Queen Hall, an extraordinary scene was happening, but Old Tian was the only one to witness this miracle…

There was something that even a group of old monstres, like them, didn't notice.

Hidden in the vast starry sky of the treasure, tiny particles made of strange energy kept appearing everywhere.

That was naturally the same energy that was slowly appearing in every part of Tian Yang's body.


It was already morning outside, and finally, all the energies inside his belly were calm again.

The Heavenly Vein of Thunder qi was a bit brighter than before.

He could feel that he recovered at least two-tenths of his max power.

It was almost as good as a session of Dual Cultivation with his partners.

The Fire qi, instead, looked like a living being.

It kept moving all around the space, like a mad bull and kept changing non-stop its form, sometimes was larger and sometimes thinner like a needle.

The strange thing that made Tian Yang dumbfound was that when it was closer enough to the other Elemental Heavenly Veins, it started jumping around them and poking at their surface like a naughty child.

He really couldn't understand what the hell is going on with his elemental vein.

Unfortunately, the old fart wasn't there at his side, and he felt a bit lost.

They spent so many years together that he found it a bit hard now, wandering to this different world alone.

Tian Yang sighed with a bit of sadness and then called out, lifting his two hands in front of his chest: "Fire…"

The Little flame stopped for a while as if confused by that voice, but then it darted out of his body and landed on his palms.

Tian Yang almost shouted out loud, seeing that strange thing coming out from his belly.

Usually, when someone with a Heavenly Vein of Fire qi wanted to generate some flames, only some of the qi would condense outside, but now not only was the fire qi on his hands but the whole Heavenly Vein.

Tian Yang didn't know why something like this happened and didn't know what to do.

He tried to control it a little, but the lively flame began moving around his body at an incredible speed.

Its intensity and the high temperature kept growing so much that the tattered cloths covering his body were almost burned, and Tian Yang was forced to send back that savage flame.

"Damn… It will be hard to control it…" Tian Yang lamented, looking at that demonic flame inside his belly.

Suddenly, he felt an intense explosion coming from his head, and few joyful shouts almost made him faint.


"Little Bastards…"

He clearly knew those voices.

The old and angry shout naturally came from the old fart…

And the others from Red and her sisters.

The pain coming from his head was extreme, but he didn't bother about it and shouted in his mind: "Girls… Are you fine?… What the hell is going on?"

"YangYang… we miss you so much, but we don't have much time…"

Tian Yang understood that they were still trapped there, not only because of her words but also from the tone of Red's voice.

It was not arrogant like her usual self, but a bit exhausted and melancholic.

He wanted to ask more, but Old Tian interrupted him, with a severe tone: "Little Bastard… Listen to me… We were right… That group of people had the same particular bloodline of that savage beast. Actually, it comes from their own world…"

Tian Yang narrowed his eyebrows, hearing the old man's words.

So the beast that killed YueLaing's parents was from the same world as those people.

After hundreds of years, they finally found out the true origin of that terrifying beast.

Still, he wasn't so happy hearing this because, to kill that monster, it was necessary the cooperation of him, the Nine Celestial Maidens, and a few of his wives.

That damned beast was too terrifying, and It would be a nightmare if two or more monsters with the same destructive power began to roam freely through the Mortal Realm.

"…You must be careful about them. Because their real power is much stronger than most of the major families in the God Realm… and there is more… those people are from the Lang Clan…"

"The Lang clan… those bunch of dogs?? It's impossible…" Tian Yang shouted, shocked.

The Lang Clan in the God Realm was strong, but they couldn't transform their body like them.

"… Naturally, it is not that Lang Clan… idiot… but an even more ancient family… they are the Lang Clan from hundred thousand of years ago…"