Chapter 75: The Shameless Creature

The creature, partly panther and partly fox, didn't react to those two deadly arrows for some strange reason.

It was as if she already knew that nothing would happen to her.

Indeed, no more arrows followed after them, but a weak noise sounded from the same direction of two arrows after a while.


Hearing that noise, the creature moved her two savage eyes from Tian Yang's body and looked towards that direction.



The rustle became louder and louder until someone finally came out from one of those gigantic bushes a few steps away from them.

The appearance of the stranger didn't alarm the creature at all.

Instead, her two savage eyes became more gentle, and that brutal aura disappeared the instant she saw the outsider.

The beast approached the young woman, who just appeared, and sighed discouraged: "Sister Mei!! You killed once again one of my prey... You are so bad!!"

The young woman rubbed the beast's head and said: "Little Bao... That bastard was slamming your delicate body so savagely... you can't blame me!!"

"Who was beating who??" Little Bao shouted, annoyed, and placed one of her big paws on top of her nose, not willing to let her see those few scratches.

But the young woman already noticed them and patted away her paw: "Silly thing... look what a mess... Let me put some medicine on those horrible marks..."

A small bottle, with a bright substance inside, appeared on the palm of the young woman.

With the tip of her thin index finger, she took out a small portion of that green past, which was inside, and then started moving it gently right on those wounds.

Her movements were so delicate that strange noises, similar to a cat's purr, came out from her mouth.

The medicinal effect was pretty fast, but even if the healing paste was already gone, the young woman didn't stop her movements when she saw her little friend enjoying her touch so much and instead kept moving her finger.



When the creature's two big eyes finally closed, the young woman smirked and pulled with strength, the two large nostrils of Little Bao.

"Ouch! That hurts!! Big Sis... Stop it!!" Little Bao, scared by the sudden change, tried with all her power to free herself from those two fingers inside her nose, but without success.

Unfortunately, the young woman didn't release her, even after hearing her pleading screams, and instead pulled her even more.

"Big Sis... Big Sis... please... If you pull it more, my cute face will be ruined..."

This time, the young woman loosened her power a little and asked, with an angry tone: "Hehe... Little Bao... Do you still remember what I told you?"

"Of course... Big Sis's words are the most important thing for me... I would never allow myself to forget them." Little Bao replied sincerely and licked the soft hand, still with its two fingers in that dangerous position.

But, she ignored Little Bao's actions and pulled once again, but this time with even more power: "Really?? so why are you still here?? Damn... you were even fighting against that disgusting human!!"

"BIG SIS!!! Calm Down... Calm Down... It's all that bastard's fault!!!" Little Bao shouted, alarmed by the intense pain coming from the nose.

The girl narrowed her eyes and neared her face to the beast's head: "Really?!"

Little Bao lowered her eyes and said: "Yes!! I swear!! Just as I was about to reach our meeting point, that bastard popped out of nowhere, screaming like a madman. Damn... He wanted to take my beautiful fur... Absurd... My fur... How could I let him do it?"

The girl smiled strangely and spoke, with a gentle tone, but still with her two fingers lifted high: "Poor Little Bao... Those humans are really savage..."

Thinking that her story, which was plainly a lie, had worked, Little Bao screamed happily: "Right!! Big Sis... that little animal was truly ferocious... look at my fur... It was so clean and soft before... but now it's all messy and dirty. Luckily, you saved me..."

"Mmm... it's indeed a bit dirty... We can wash it away tonight with some cold water... you will surely like it."

"Thank you... Big Sis..." Little Bao thanked her excitedly, but then when she thought a bit more about her words, she pleaded: "WAIT!!! Cold water?? No... No... Big Sis... You k..."

But the young woman prevented her from begging more and asked, with a confused expression: "Well... if you don't like it. I can cut it away... or burn it... What do you think??"

Little Bao began to twist her body vigorously, ignoring the pain in its nose, and screamed: "NO!! Big Sis... Are you crazy??"

"Hehe... Maybe?!... I can reconsider it if you tell me the truth."

"I told you the truth... OUCH!!"

The young woman pulled her once again and asked: "Really?! Then why did you tell me that I killed once again one of your prey?? Little Bao... I'm not stupid!!"

Finally realizing that her lie actually didn't work so well, she apologized: "Big Sis... Please... I was wrong... Okay?? I was wrong!!"

"Mmm... Good girl."

The young woman finally released Little Bao and asked, in a severe tone: "Tell me... How the hell that human reached the depth of our sacred forest!!"

Little Bao rubbed her nose a few times and said, with tears still on the corners of her eyes: "I don't know... He truly appeared out of nowhere..."

She didn't like Little Bao's reply and threatened, nearing her hand once again: "Still lying?? Little thing, I can help you once again..."

"I swear!! I was slee... I mean walking around here when I heard that bastard speak with someone... so I approached him... but he was the only one around so..."

"Fine... Fine... you lazy pig... Damn, you always sleep in the most absurd places... I have already told you a thousand times. This territory is a dangerous place. My authority can protect you only from the creatures of this place, but not from the outsiders..."

The young woman kept rebuking Little Bao for a while, thinking that they were the only ones still around, but a few steps from them, inside Tian Yang's body, something was slowly regenerating those two mortal wounds.



The process was slow but effective.

That brief moment was more than enough to heal at least half of his wounds.

Unfortunately, Tian Yang couldn't move his body yet, but he still felt the stupid creature blame him unfairly and was furious.

Damn, he was almost dead because of her, and now, he was even the one in the wrong?!




A strange light green energy, which amazed even Tian Yang, was slowly recreating his internal and external body parts.

Even his bones were magically materializing.

He was so fascinated that he began searching for the origin of it.

Naturally, he didn't take long because that power was flowing out, right from his heart position.

Right there in place of his heart was a strange thin root, only an inch long.

That thing was tiny, but Tian Yang could feel an immense power inside.

Now that his spirit was so close to it, he perceived a somewhat familiar power.

Even if it was only in parts, he could still feel wood qi's power, but it was somehow different.

He tried to send his spirit inside repeatedly to inspect it more accurately, but a strong repulsive power stopped him each time.

That tiny root was healing his body, so Tian Yang didn't waste any more time there and sent his consciousness into the space located in his belly.

But just when his consciousness advanced inside, an intense quantity of wood qi attached to his spirit.


Tian Yang felt his mind a lot more refreshed, and for some absurd reason, it began expanding, but its speed was languid.

He enjoyed for a moment that incredible sensation and then began looking around.

The place was still the same, but after counting the Celestial Veins, he realized that the two he was looking for were not present.

He already knew that his Fire qi was quite an eccentric thing, but he didn't expect that even the Wood qi was so weird.

The internal space was practically endless, and the only things around there were his Elementals Veins and those weird dots of energy that kept popping up inside his body continually.

Well... now that it looked at those dots more carefully, he finally realized that after the second Heavenly Tribulations, their quantity, inside the space, was almost double.

In the last few days, he tried to study them many times, but he still didn't find an answer even with all his vast knowledge.

He wasn't so worried about them because that stupid Old Fart already knew the truth, so Tian Yang moved his consciousness around the space for a while until something happened...



Strange explosions resounded from afar...




Tian Yang found it weird because as he approached the origin of those noises, they became even louder.

Damn... this place was part of his body... How could he hear them only now??



Alarmed by those thunderous noises, he approached them even more...



'What the hell??? The space is even shaking!! What the hell is going on??'





Space fractures began to appear along the way... it was as if the space was literally crumbling... well... it was better to say as if a part of his body was crumbling...



Finally, after moving in that strange space for a whole minute, something appeared in the distance...

Tian Yang was still very far from them, so he only noticed two tiny dots, clashing against each other, continually...

One was of an intense red color... as for the other, it was of green color but much brighter than the other...




The explosions became even more devastating... the space in front of him was practically all cracked, and it was almost impossible to proceed further.







Scared by the chaotic space in front of him, Tian Yang halted and looked towards the distance a bit more, noticing that the red and green orbs were colliding against each other like two crazy beasts.



Initially, he couldn't clearly see their forms, but then, when the red one halted for a while, he finally saw it...

But he was so angered by what he saw that his consciousness began shaking and flashing...

"What the fuck are you two doing???"